Girls Blazer Badge Boys Blazer Badge

"The Barbican"

No. 7 - December 1935

The Original Barbican cover This is the seventh issue of the Barbican appearing in late 1935 covering the events from April to October 1935. These extracts are from the copy that survived for 70+ years in Mr Bradshaw's private collection of School memorabilia. It has come into our hands from the Bradshaw family who have donated his collection of such material to the Old Lewesians.

Here we can see that the School is getting into a higher gear. Now completing its fifth year, many of Mr Bradshaw's ambitions are beginning to get established. Not only are there more pupils but the standards are rising. The first Oxford entrant, the swimming pool completed against all expectations, successful fetes that raise surprising amounts of money, summer camps in Germany where our boys meet the boys that they will be fighting within a few years. Little do they realise that the mutual goodwill will soon be fanned to hatred by the propaganda machines of the modern state. It seems to be the fate of the human race that this evil has to be revisited by each generation to taste the bitter fruit. We never learn.

But it has to be said that NRB is succeeding in his plan to produce a first class school where others, less ambitious and more cautious, would probably not. The secret of his success is, to this day, still something of a mystery. Perhaps, one day we may learn the secret ingredient that drove him.

Extracts from the Barbican



The Magazine Of
The Lewes County School
For Boys

December 1935


As we are quite sure that nobody in his right senses reads the editorial, it would not seem to matter what is said therein. Our ravings and grumblings in it are unknown to the masses. They see the notice and think that trespassers will be persecuted. Like the Levite, they see the wounded man, and pass by on the other side. Nevertheless we will cry with our still small voice on the off-chance that someone may be eavesdropping.

As the seventh number of "The Barbican" is filled with reports of the Summer Term's activities, we would urge contributors both of official and original matter to send in the results of their labours at the end of the term, and not half way through the next. This would enable each Magazine, containing a term's activities, to be published as soon as possible in the next term.

This time, too, there has been no glut of original contributions. The junior forms, in particular, made little effort. Nor has the call for humorous articles and short stories been answered. Yet there are many humorists about. There are many, too, capable of spinning a good yarn.

Having now proclaimed the troubles of an aggrieved editor - do not attempt to deny that the editor wrote this (but, be it whispered, only after the usual head-strain and pen-eating common to all that battered race) - we will proceed to say something about the events of the past term.

Cynics and unbelievers were confounded when the Swimming Bath was opened and a successful fete cleared off the debt on it. Some critics were also amazed when we camped in Germany and enjoyed ourselves more than we had ever done before. Other people, just incredulous this time, were astounded when the Examination results came out. They bought two papers to make sure.

We should like to take this opportunity of extending a hearty welcome to the new members of the Staff, Mr. Stripe, Mr. Smith, Mr. Swinbank and Mr. Gillam. We wish them every happiness in their work. We should also like to say here how sorry we are that Mr. Georges and Mr. Stevens have left us. We wish them both every happiness, the former in his retirement, the latter at his new post. We are glad to say that Mr. Dolden, who also left us last term, will be back next year.

Lastly, we will ourselves retire from our web, probably leaving the fly - dead.


Autumn 1935

Captain of the School: M. J. Gibbons.

School Prefects :
Lewes : E. C. C. Wynter (Capt.), R. W. Barnes.
Martlets : M. J. Gibbons (Capt.), H. G. Knight.
Seahaven :. F. W. Cosstick (Capt.), T. H. Hilton.
Uckfield : G. C. Hutton (Capt.).

Sub-Prefects :
Lewes : P. G. Hall.
Martlets : S. G. Aston.
Seahaven : F. L. G. McKimm.
Uckfield : D. C. Stone, T. G. M. Wickens.

Prefect Librarian : E. C. C. Wynter.

Captain of Rugger : M. J. Gibbons.

Vice-Captain and Secretary : E. C. C. Wynter.

Form Captains : Va, Stone; Vb, Paskins; Vc, Kirby; Remove, Tomkinson;
IVa, Hart; IVb, Cottis; IIIa, Thomas; IIIb, Howes; IIa, Lander; IIb, Marigold.

Form Librarians : Va, Renville; Vb, Hopkins; Vc, Kelley; Remove, Barnett;
IVa, Stevens; IVb, Simmons; IIIa, Peters; IIIb, Castle; IIa, Smart; IIb, Goodchild.

Magazine Committee : M. J. Gibbons, E. C. C. Wynter, F. W. Cosstick, H. G. Knight,
S. G. Aston, A. Evans, P. Noel, P. W. Ridley, P. Flint, I. A. Roberts, R. C. Blythe.

Editor : R. W. Barnes.


House Masters : Mr. Hoggins and Mr. Smith.
House Captain : E. C. Wynter.
House Prefect : R. W. Barnes.

Another School Year has ended, and we must once again look back and survey our triumphs and defeats. Altogether we have had a successful year, the most successful with regard to sport in the history of the House, for if we had won our last Cricket match, we should have won the Games Shield.

With regard to work, however, there are still several boys in the House who are not pulling their weight. These same boys are responsible every fortnight for marks lost in the competition for the Work Shield. I urge the boys concerned and everybody else to do their best during the coming year and to make Lewes House a really serious contestant for the shield, for as yet we have never been within challenging distance of the winners. However, all those Lewes boys who passed their School Certificate Examination must be congratulated upon their success.

When the Cricket season opened we anticipated that we should have an almost impregnable first eleven, while the second and third elevens would not be on an equal footing with the teams of the other Houses. By the end of the season we were pleasantly surprised by the fact that neither of the latter had lost a match ! whereas the first eleven had won only one and lost two matches. The variable form of our first team is shown by the fact that they defeated Seahaven, the actual winners of the Games Shield, who beat Martlets, who in their turn, contrary to expectation, defeated us. We were also defeated by Uckfield in the last match of the season. We commenced this game full of hope, for if we had won, we should have tied with Seahaven for the Games Shield. Unluckily our expectations were not fulfilled, for we lost by two runs. Congratulations to the third eleven for winning all their matches. The second eleven, too, did well in not losing a game, although they were lucky to have drawn against Martlets.

These results, which can be seen in a table at the end of the House Notes, although not excellent, are certainly very creditable, and indicate the growing team-spirit which must be present if we are to be successful in the future.

The House must be congratulated on retaining the Swimming Cup, for although in former years we undoubtedly had the advantage of the Lewes Town Baths for practice, this year, by the completion of our own School Baths, the other Houses had just the same facilities. By the resistance they offered us as compared or rather contrasted with other years, it can be seen that they have taken full advantage of the "place of Swimminge." The performance of the House was also more creditable, as it must be remembered that the boys who did most to win the Cup previously, have now left, and that all the junior and some of the senior swimmers are boys who have not competed for their House in former years.

However, we must not rest on our laurels. In the next summer season we must still strive to improve our swimming and diving, so that not only shall we retain the Cup, but also lower the present records.

Before us we have the Rugger season, and our prospects are as bright as they have ever been. A brief glance at the House List seems to suggest that we shall have a strong scrum, but our players would be spurred on to better efforts by a little more support.

However, we can do no more than play our hardest with a will to win and then, if we do fail, we shall at least have made a struggle worthy of our reputation.

E. C. W.

House Masters : Mr. O'Brien, Mr. Tayler, Mr. Auld.
House Captain : M. J. Gibbons.

Last year, I think, was an improvement on previous achievements, except perhaps in the Cross-Country Cup in which we finished last. The issue of the Games Competition was in doubt up to our last first eleven Cricket match against Seahaven. Unfortunately, they beat us comfortably and we had to be content with second place. This, however, must be reversed during the coming year, and although we shall miss Rutherford, our former captain, in every branch of our activities, I think our prospects are as bright as last year. Fortunately we have not had many senior members of the House leave, so that we are not weakened in our first team. A hearty welcome is given to all the new boys, and it is hoped that they will try hard both in work and play to do credit to the House.

As regards the Work Shield, last year we finished in the third place again. This is not nearly good enough, and this year we must try and overhaul the Houses in front of us and win the Competition, as we did in the first two years.

Since the time of writing, the lst XV has registered its first win against Uckfield by 40 points to 0. If this is any indication, we should win all our first XV games as we did last year. If so, it will give us a useful start towards the Games Shield. Last year our third XI did not win a single match, either at Soccer or Cricket. Perhaps this year there will be a change.

To all members of the House who have left, we wish good luck in their chosen careers, and especially to our captain, who is at Oxford. We hope they will always remember the House in later years.

M. J. Gibbons.

House Masters : Mr. Euston, Mr. Davies, Mr. Gosling.
House Captain : F. W. Cosstick.
Games Captain : T. H. Hilton.
House Secretary : F. L. G. McKimm.

With the end of the Summer Term comes the end of yet another successful School Year for Seahaven. We have won the Games Shield by holding the lead obtained in the Rugger and Soccer seasons, and have been close runners-up in the Work Shield and the Swimming Cup.

The three Cricket XIs seemed weaker than usual, but they enabled us to carry off the Games Shield. The lst XI was narrowly defeated by both Lewes and Uckfield, but gained an easy victory over Martlets. The 2nd XI was beaten by Lewes and Martlets, but managed to draw with Uckfield. Our 3rd XI was the most successful team, beating Martlets and Uckfield, after losing to Lewes. Thus in Cricket we gained seven points out of a possible eighteen.

In the Swimming Sports, Lewes once again proved too good for us, although the margin of defeat this year was much less than in former years. Ashburner was the outstanding swimmer in our House, winning the Sinfield Trophy, awarded to the swimmer who gains most points for his House. Turrell did well in the junior diving, while Tomley obtained thirteen points for the House in the Colt events.

During the Summer Term our greatest improvement was in work, the average number of points per boy rising by no less than twenty-four during the term. If everybody in the House does just a little more homework each night, I feel sure that our colours wiil go up on the Work Shield next year ! We offer congratulations to those members of the House who passed School Certificate.

Rugger Outlook.
The loss of Walder will weaken our lst XV somewhat, but both the 1st XV and the 2nd XV have registered a victory in their first match, and our hopes of again winning the Games Shield are high. Thus Seahaven expects that, in the coming year, every member of the House will do his duty, whether it be on the playing fields or in work.

F. W. C.
F. L. G. M.

House Masters : Mr. Jarvis, Mr. Bowman, Mr. Swinbank.
House Captain : G. C. Hutton.
House Secretary : D. C. Stone.

For the third consecutive year Uckfield House has won the competition for the Work Shield, a performance, of which we can be justly proud. Each fortnight during the Summer Term the individual scores of each Member of the House, together with the average per boy, was put on the House notice-board, and each time we had the best average.

I am sure we are all very sorry to lose one of our House Masters, Mr. Stevens, who has left the School to take up a new post at Liverpool. In his place we are glad to welcome Mr. Swinbank, who will be able to help us greatly with our Rugger and Soccer.

Although we again finished in the fourth position for the Games Shield, we may whisper among ourselves that we are improving. Against all expectations we won two of our lst XI Cricket matches. We beat both Seahaven and Lewes, the latter match being particularly thrilling, since the Games Championship depended upon the result. Although the 2nd and 3rd XIs were not exactly brilliant, they helped to gain us a few points.

Once more, in the Swimming Sports, we were hopelessly outclassed by Seahaven and Lewes. Next year, however, we hope to improve on this performance, when we shall be able to make full use of our new swimming bath.

We all offer our hearty congratulations to our new House Captain, Hutton, who last term succeeded in passing the Oxford Higher School Certificate Examination. Looking back upon our performances at work and play we see that there is a lot of room for improvement, so during the coming year, Uckfield, bend to your task with a will and remember "Vouloir c'est pouvoir."

D. C. S.


The following are the points results of the term's House cricket matches :-

lst XI.
Lewes, beat Seahaven, lost to Martlets and Uckfield
Martlets, beat Lewes and Uckfield, lost to Seahaven
Seahaven, beat Martlets, lost to Lewes and Uckfield
Uckfield, beat Lewes and Seahaven, lost to Martlets

2nd XI.
Lewes, beat Seahaven and Uckfield, drew with Martlets
Martlets, beat Seahaven..and Uckfield, drew with Lewes
Seahaven, lost to Lewes and Martlets, drew with Uckfield
Uckfield, lost to Lewes and Martlets, drew with Seahaven

3rd XI.
Lewes won all three matches
Seahaven won two matches and lost one
Uckfield beat Martlets
Martlets lost all three matches





The final summary of the results of our [1st XI] matches gives : Won 4, Lost 5, Drawn 2. As one at least of the drawn games was a moral defeat, the record is not one of our best. The chief trouble was that our batting too often lacked any "sting in the tail," as is evidenced by the fact that only two members of the side achieved double figure averages ! However, the experience gained by some of the newcomers should be invaluable next season, as we may be fortunate enough to retain eight of this year's eleven.

The "highlight" was undoubtedly provided by the return fixture with Lewes Priory 2nd XI. Facing a formidable total of 131 for 3 wickets, we compiled 146 for 2 wickets to win the match and a race "against the clock" in fine fashion, thanks largely to a splendid innings of 60 not out by Renville. The reverse side of the picture was the meagre total of 20 against Eastbourne over which I hasten to draw a veil. The bowling as a whole lacked aggression; too often it appeared the batsman must get himself out or remain at the wicket all the afternoon. Variety of pace was missing, but variety of "length" too patently apparent. When will our bowlers learn that a "short" ball of whatever speed is a good batsman's joy? Oh ! for one accurate fast bowler and one spin bowler with the same blessing of good length ! The "fielding" showed some improvement, but practice is required to bring the "ground" work in this department up to standard.

We have a wicket-keeper in Gravett who shows promise and made considerable progress in this often thankless position.

We bid farewell to Rutherford, who several times played a captain's innings, batting with skill and determination in a difficult position. He also carried off the bowling honours for the season with White and Wynter in close attendance. "Behind the scenes" he did the less spectacular duties attached to his position with unfailing cheerfulness and reliability.

With a goodly proportion of last year's talent still available, we look forward to a highly successful season in 1936.


Old Lewesians.
Played on Saturday, May 4th, at the School. The Old Boys went in first and scored only 48. The School then replied with 65 for 5 wickets. For the School, White took 4 wickets for 10 runs and Page 2 for 8 for the Old Boys.

Lancing College 3rd XI.
This match was played away at Lancing, and resulted in a heavy defeat for the School. The School batted first and made 78 all out (Renville 20, Peppercorn 4 for 16). Lancing then made 254 for 4. White was the only bowler to take any wickets. West made 101, Underwood 68 (not out) and Halford 47 for Lancing.

Eastbourne Grammar School lst XI.
On the l6th of May we went to Eastbourne and met the Grammar School lst XI. Eastbourne recorded an easy victory. Scores Lewes 20 (Perry 3 for l, Burrows 6 for 10), Eastbourne 59 (Wynter 4 for 13).

Shoreham Grammar School lst XI.
On the l8th of May the School was away at Shoreham. Shoreham went in first and declared with the score at 61 for 8. Lewes then went in to bat and scored 36 for 7 (Wynter 5 for 9), before stumps were drawn.

Lewes Priory 2nd XI.
On the 25th May the School, assisted by several masters, was beaten by the Priory 2nd XI in the Dripping Pan. Scores: Lewes Priory 87 (Fielder 27, E. D. Griffiths 30), the School 53 (Lelliot 2 for 0, Hare 3 for 15).

Lewes Priory 2nd XI.
We played a return match on the School field on the 6th of June with the Priory, and beat them. The Priory declared at 131 for 3 (E. Duffield 59 not out). The School then went in and made 146 for 2 (Renville 60 not out, Mr. Stevens 61 not out).

Seaford College 2nd XI.
Played on the 22nd at home, we recorded an easy victory. Scores: Lewes 85 (Gibbons 27, Hamersley 3 for 6), Seaford College 36 (Wynter 4 for 4, White 3 for 6).

Seaford College 2nd XI.
On the 29th of June we were entertained by Seaford College 2nd XI at Seaford. We batted first and declared at 136 for 6 (Rutherford 49 not out, Stone 34 not out). Seaford went in after tea and made 98 for 1 wicket (Ormsby 53, Vellacott 40 not out).

Worthing High School lst XI.
On the 6th of July we lost to Worthing High School on their ground. Batting first we made 65 all out. Worthing then went in and scored 110 all out (Smith 34, Chipp 31).

Bexhill County School lst XI.
This was the last match of the season and was lost. We played at home and went in first, scoring 45. Bexhill then batted and made 89 all out.

Final Results of matches: Played 11, Won 4, Lost5, Drew 2.

The following boys played for the 1st XI: Rutherford(Capt.), Gibbons, Wynter, Renville, Evans, Hilton. Stone, Gravett, Barford, White, Bridgeman A.M., Huntington, and Hall.


JULY 13th

On the afternoon of Saturday, July l3th, the School 1st XI played a team of parents. Unfortunately there were not enough volunteers to give the 2nd XI a game as previously. The weather was very fine and at about 2.45 p.m. the parents opened their innings. At one time their score stood at 72 for 4 wickets, when Mr. Renville had been caught by White after scoring 40. After that wickets began to fall rather quickly and the whole side was eventually out for 105. Rutherford bowled well, taking 6 wickets for 25.

The School side went in at about half-past five needing 106 runs to win, with only an hour and a half in which to get them. Eventually they scored the winning run in the last over with 8 wickets down. It was a twelve-a-side match so that the School won by three wickets.

Scores :-


A. H. Hilton lbw b Hilton
A. Hilton ct Bridgman b White
R. Renville ct White b Rutherford
L. C. Baker ct Barford b Rutherford
W. Ruffle b Rutherford
S. Gravett b Rutherford
I. Lusted st b Rutherford
H. A. Ford ct Lusted b Barford
?. Wheare b Rutherford
D. Giles not out
L. Bliss b Hilton
J. Lipscombe ct Rutherford b White




Rutherford took 6 for 25, Hilton 2 for 10, White 2 for 21.


Renville lbw b Lusted
Gibbons b Ford
Evans b Lusted
Wynter run out
Hilton ct Hilton b Ford
Lusted st Wheare
Rutherford b Ford
Stone not out
Gravett ct Hilton b Renville




Bridgman, Barford, White did not bat.
Bowlers : Lusted 2 for 21, Ford 3 for 16, Renville 1 for 2.

M. J. G.


Early this term the new swimming bath was finally completed. It was officially opened on June lst by Alderman A. N. Innes. Immediately the ceremony was over, eight boys, two from each house, dived into the inviting waters and swam a length. In such a way the Bath received its christening. Since then it has been in constant use, particularly by the seniors, who in many cases were not daunted by any kind of weather. This term a dressing shed has been erected along the south side.

The general standard of swimming in the School has considerably improved. On Friday, after four o'clock, Mr. Dolden supervised a crawl class, while Mr. Tayler took a life-saving class. We are pleased to hear that every member qualified for the Intermediate Certificate and Bronze Medal of the Royal Life-Saving Association.

On July 3lst were held the annual Swimming Sports. The races and diving were much more hotly contested than in previous years, for the margin of points between the winners and runners-up was very small, whereas in previous years the competition for the trophy has been almost a farce, as the result was virtually decided before half of the races were over. This fact more than justifies the building of the Bath, for one of the first qualifications of an Englishman is that he should be able to swim. Now, with our own Bath, there is no excuse at all for any single boy not becoming familiar with water.

Lewes House won the Silver Challenge Trophy presented by Alderman Innes and thus became champions for the third time. They scored 79 points. Seahaven were second, with 73 points, Martlets third with 46 points, and Uckfield fourth with 19 points. Major T. Sinfield's Cup for the best individual performance was won by G. Ashburner (Seahaven). Mr. Dolden very ably organized the Sports, and other members of the Staff assisted.

Results of the Swimming Sports.

100 Yds. Seniors (Free Style). - 1 Ashburner (Seahaven), 2 Pelham (Lewes), 3 Wynter (Lewes).
50 Yds. Colts (Free Style). - 1 Batten (Martlets), 2 Kitchener (Uckfield), 3 Ridley (Lewes).
25 Yds. Juniors (Free Style): - 1 Kirk (Lewes), 2 Marigold (Martlets), 3 Schmid (Seahaven).
Beginners' Race. - 1 Knowles (Seahaven), 2 Duke (Martlets), 3 Calwell (Seahaven).
50 Yds. Seniors (Breast-stroke). - 1 Hall (Lewes), 2 Noel (Lewes), 3 Ashburner (Seahaven).
25 Yds. Colts (Breast-stroke). - 1 Tomley ($eahaven), 2 Ingram (Lewes), 3 Lusted (Martlets).
25 Yds. Juniors (Breast-stroke). - 1 Kirk (Lewes), 2 Haffenden (Uckfield), 3 Williams (Seahaven).
Diving, Colts: - 1 Tomley (Seahaven), 2 Kitchener (Uckfield), 3 Willis (Seahaven).
Plunging, Colts. - 1 K. Lusted (Martlets), 2 Kitchener (Uckfield), 3 Willis (Seahaven).
25 Yds. Seniors (Back-stroke). - 1 Ashburner (Seahaven), 2 Wynter (Lewes), 3 Pay (Lewes).
25 Yds. Juniors (Back-stroke). - 1 Kirk (Lewes), 2 Haffenden (Uckfield), 3 Jarrett (Seahaven).
25 Yds., Colts (Back-stroke). - 1 G. Smith (Lewes), 2 Tomley (Seahaven), 3 K. Lusted (Martlets).
Diving, Seniors. - 1 Ashburner (Seahaven), 2 Noel (Lewes), 3=Wynter and Pelham (Lewes).
Diving, Juniors. - 1 Turrell (Seahaven), 2 Marigold (Martlets), 3 Kirk (Lewes).
Plunging, Seniors. - 1= Wynter (Lewes) and Cornford (Uckfield), 3 Cosstick (Seahaven).
Relay Race, Colts. -
   1 Lewes (Kirk, Ridley, Chant),
   2 Martlets (Hills, Batten, Sim), Seahaven disqualified.
Relay Race, Juniors. -
   1 Seahaven (L. Baker, Williains, Schmid,Turrell),
   2 Martlets (Howard, Harris, G. Holt, Marigold),
   3 Lewes (Jessop, Morrish, Wynter ii, Syndon).
Relay Race, Seniors. -
   1 Lewes (Hall, Noel, Pelham, Wynter),
   2 Seahaven (Walder, Hilton, Cosstick, Ashburner),
   3 Martlets (Rutherford, K. Lusted, Bevan, Barrett).

E. C. C. W. (VI).


This year the School Fete was held on Saturday, June lst. Everyone, including the sun, worked hard to make this fete a success. All the well-known amusements were again much enjoyed by those who came. There was, in fact, never a dull moment during the entire afternoon. Something was always going on either in the field or in the School itself.

The great event of the afternoon was, of course, the opening of the Swimming Bath by Alderman A. N. Innes at 3 o'clock. Many of the spectators gathered around the enclosure envied the eight boys who, after the opening speeches of Alderman Innes and the Head Master, dived into the cool, clear waters of the new bath. But further details of this will be found elsewhere in this Magazine.

Among the more important features of the programme were a gymnastic display, boxing, the obstacle race, ankle competition, and the Ladies v. Gentlemen cricket match, which the latter won easily. Tea was served during the afternoon and afterwards a concert, arranged by Mr. Bowman, was held in the hall. It was very successful, chiefly as a result of the exceptionally fine singing and acting of some members of the Staff. Afterwards there was a tug-of-war between the weaker (?) sex and the Remove Form which resulted in the complete annihilation of the latter. Perhaps they thought discretion the better part of valour.

In the evening the Head Master distributed the prizes won in the different competitions. Amid much cheering he announced that over £100 had been raised.

Even after this the proceedings were not over. Many stopped behind either for the dance in the School Hall or for the Whist Drive in the Gymnasium. Both dancers and those in the gymnasium found a supper buffet very convenient. In the hall the Berkeley Band supplied music to the dancers.


During the Jubilee week-end the School Scouts co-operated with the Falmer and Stanmer Group in building and guarding the beacon at Ditchling. The wood, which we had collected in Stanmer Park during the Easter holidays, was conveyed up to the Beacon in a cart, lent by Mr. Noel, and a lorry, lent by Mr. Ray. On Saturday, May 4th, we pitched our camp on Ditchling Beacon, a very exposed site. Luckily there was scarcely any wind at all during the time we were up there, and, apart from having to wash in a none-too-clean sheep-pond, we spent a most enjoyable week-end.

The work of building the fire was commenced immediately under Mr. Ketchell's expert supervision. First of all a tripod, about twenty-five feet high, was erected, and then the wood was piled up round it. We were hard at work Saturday afternoon and all day Sunday. Monday morning was spent in putting the finishing touches to the beacon. At last it was completed and several gallons of oil were poured over it. On Saturday and Sunday night we guarded it in case any attempts should be made to set it alight before the appointed time. This precaution was doubly necessary as a gang of gipsies were camping not far away.

Towards nine o'clock on the Monday night, a huge crowd started to assemble. The Ditchling Fire Brigade was present, but was not, however, needed. Then, on the stroke of ten, Mr. Ketchell sent our signal-rocket up and the beacon was lit. As the flames rose, the National Anthem was sung and loud cheers went up from the vast crowd, imbued with patriotic enthusiasm. From our vantage-point we could see the flames of many other beacons stabbing the darkness. As one watched those twinkling points of fire it seemed strange that where they had once "streamed in crimson" to warn the country of an approaching enemy, they now burnt for a very different purpose, to express the loyal tribute of the nation to King George. We all felt that it was something to have done our share on such a memorable occasion.

A. Evans (VI).


At the end of the Summer Term the Head Master was very surprised to find that some junior members of the School had never been on the Downs. He therefore decided to leave "the daily round, the common task," and spend the day on the Downs. Thus, on Friday, July 26th, the whole School brought their lunch, and prepared for an enjoyable day.

There were two routes, the junior and the senior, and these were so arranged that they should meet at Black Cap. We left the School soon after ten o'clock, and started off in grand style. The seniors made their way up Southover High Street, and so on to the Downs, while the juniors followed a different direction. By the time the Downs were reached the hot sun had begun to take effect, and the column had become rather longer than at first. We passed over Kingston Ridge and ascended a rather steep hill at the top of which everyone had a short rest. Continuing our tramp we passed near Newmarket Copse and on reaching the main road, descended into the village of Falmer. Once more we halted in the shade of the trees by Falmer pond, and numerous bottles made their appearance as everyone tried to quench the thirst caused by the heat and the dust. Owing to the drought, Falmer pond was not at its best, and the swans and their cygnets looked rather unhappy. The village pump worked overtime for a short while, and then we left the village behind us for the more open country. Leaving the main subject, it might be said that some ice-cream vendor, who had left his barrow for a short while, might have sold his entire stock if he had stayed at his post.

We passed through Balmer farm, and after following a hill track for about an hour, arrived at the pre-arranged meeting-place, Black Cap. Both sections arrived here simultaneously and all sat down to enjoy lunch in the shade of the trees. Lunch finished, permission was given for the party to break up and proceed slowly towards Lewes raceeourse. Here we once again joined forees and returned to School. After this long walk a swim in the baths was very welcome, and so many wanted to swim that it was practically impossible to do so.

Thus ended a pleasant walk, a welcome change from ordinary School-work.

B. J. Ketchell, VI.




This year a party of forty-three went to Oberwesel, Germany, for a fortnight. Oberwesel is a picturesque walled town situated on the most beautiful part of the Rhine gorge. The party left on August 1st, going by the Dover-Ostend route and thence via Brussels, Louvain, Liege and Cologne.

The camp site was a field on the river bank, beneath a cliff on which stood the ruins of the twelfth century Schloss Schonburg, formerly the home of Marshall Schonburg, who went to England with William of Orange and was killed at the Battle of the Boyne in 1690.

The Rhine at this point is only 200 yards wide, a giant compared with English rivers but a mere stream in comparison with its majestic width of half a mile before it enters the gorge. Alongside the camp was the town sports ground. Such grounds are now common to even the small towns of Germany. At Oberwesel a running track surrounds the football pitch, and at the end of the ground are pits for jumping, pole vaulting and putting the shot. Throwing the discus and the javelin are also practised with some skill even in so small a place as Oberwesel, and it was easy to see why Britain cuts so poor a figure in field events in international sports meetings.


The journey from Lewes to Oberwesel occupied nearly twenty-four hours, and although the sea was kind, the school party arrived at mid-day tired out by the scorching heat. Even the sight of the Union Jack, which our hosts were flying side by side with the Swastika at the entrance to our field, only raised a mild interest, and we were glad, after erecting our tents, to crawl inside and enjoy an afternoon sleep. The silence of the camp was broken only by the protests of an army of grasshoppers, brown fellows about an inch long, which hitherto had had the field to themselves.

The worst effects of the journey had worn off by tea-time, and a brew of hot tea livened up everybody. We found German bread, with its large proportion of rye flour, very satisfying, and the hungry youth who had been accustomed to keep our automatic bread slicer working merrily in past camps sank into obscurity.

The sun set early behind the hills that lined the gorge and the cool of the evening invited hard work. A camp kitchen had to be constructed, a rubbish pit and latrines dug, but by bedtime all was finished, and we were able to retire with everything shipshape. Most of the campers that night were able to enjoy the sleep of the weary and make up for forty-eight hours out of bed.

Morning brought a fascinating scene. One rose while mist still shimmered over the river and the sun struggled to gain the mastery. Precipitous slopes, terraced and covered with vines, came down to the water's edge. Large tugs from time to time struggled slowly past the camp as they dragged heavily laden barges up stream. Round the bend down stream rose the Lorelei Rock, and a couple of miles up the river was the Pfalz, a medieval stronghold in midstream, formerly used to collect tolls from all river traffic. Here we were able to wander down to the water each morning and make our ablutions in the river, while breakfast sizzled over the camp fire.


When we arrived, Oberwesel was agog with preparations for its annual river carnival, and the place was bedecked with the Swastika and national flags. The principal Nazi newspaper reported that we had come from Sussex to take part in these celebrations. Proceedings began on Saturday night with a procession round the town of all organizations, and in which we were invited to join. At 7 a.m. on Sunday morning three shots from a barge on the river proclaimed that the celebrations continued. A choir of German boys immediately sang in harmony a part song, which was so effective in the still morning air that we were resolved about one thing : we would not be lured into singing in public as we were in France two years previously.

In the afternoon a crowd of about five thousand people collected to witness the principal proceedings. Speeches lasting about forty minutes were first relayed to all present by loud speakers. We were greeted as "honoured English guests," and told that "the great mission in civilization of the European nations will and must unite our two peoples. And thus I greet you, honoured guests from England," said the speaker, "and wish you pleasant hours here at a popular festival on the beautiful German Rhine."

Of the events that followed, the most interesting were a procession of boats, each illustrating a stage in the development of Oberwesel, and a tilting match of medieval origin.

In the procession of boats we noticed a crew of Norse heroes, all of whom had heard of the swastika as an emblem for their shields, a boat carrying the legendary Rhine maidens who sang to us as they passed, and a boat-load of jovial wine merehants in medieval costume, who made merry round a huge cask of Rhine wine. In the tilting match, the combatants stood in the bows of opposing boats and tried to thrust each other into the water by means of long poles.

At night the principal buildings were floodlit with red flares. In some ways these are more effective than electric light, though they last a comparatively short time. The castle on the cliff, swathed in red light and drifts of smoke, was a magniflcent sight. From the blackness of the river twinkled the lights of a steamer whose passengerS had come to see the illuminations. Dancing and drinking then followed in a large marquee. The camp was fast asleep before these festivities came to an end.

At Oberwesel lives Herr Fischer, important National Socialist and principal grower of Rhine wine. At his old house, full of antiques and family heirlooms, had been entertained the British Legion when they visited Germany recently. The same hospitality was extended to us. We explored his fascinating house, we entered his marvellous cellars where were some vats holding 3,000 gallons of wine, we toasted Herr Hitler and King George, and we left with bottles of his choicest vintage.


We were not able, nor did we wish, to resist the call to explore the river. From the camp we had watched its busy life and the pleasure steamers full of gaiety, with bands and dancing on board. One day we went to aristocratic Wiesbaden and there drank the waters. Most of us prefer lemonade. The journey back by steamer will ever be remembered. Here was a Rhine entirely different from that of the gorge where we were camping; a majestically wide stream of placid flow, where islands mirror. their trees in the shining surface, and German youths with bronzed bodies disport themselves all day in the water or skim across in frail canoes. Coblenz, with tree shaded terraces on the river front, proved equally attractive. We were able to climb to the Emperor William monument and gaze at the impressive junction of Rhine and Moselle, while across the river on a height we faced the fortress of Ehrenbreitstein.

At St. Goar, scene of another expedition, we explored the ruins of the Rheinfels, one of the largest castles of the Rhine. We shall not forget the underground tunnel where we crawled on "all fours," carefully gripping the person in front so as not to lose touch in the pitch blackness. Nor shall we forget the feeling of dismay when the human chain broke and half of us, left without a guide, were compelled to turn round and retrace our steps until a welcome shaft of light told us that we had regained the entrance.

Then followed a trip to Bingen, an important riverside port, while a further expedition was to the Lorelei itself. We clambered to the top and were able to look dovm upon the wondrous panorama of river, gorge and tableland, but we did not see the beauteous maiden whose song is supposed to have enticed sailors and fishermen to their doom. Perhaps it was fitting that when we arrived at the ferry on the journey back to camp eleven of the party should be missing. Thls led to a master accompanied by a boy going back and searching for the truants among the precipitous slopes and paths of a valley. How a fruitless and weary search was made until darkness had fallen, and how resort was had to a wayside cottage where the German occupant welcomed the two strangers and made them partake of a meal of rye bread, bacon, cheese and wine will best be remembered by the principal actors. The truants were already back in camp.


Meanwhile our camp had been a place of interest to the people of the locality, especially to the small boys. Friendly relations had been established, and after the carnival held at the beginning of our stay, the Marine section of the Hitler Youth, who had come down in their smart naval uniform from Cologne to take part, visited the camp and expressed their wish to make friends with the English schoolboys. The result was an exodus to the river, where the bigger Lewes boys were soon being coached by the Germans in the painful art of rowing the rather heavy boats with which the Marine Youth are equipped.

There followed, too, the almost inevitable challenge from Oberwesel boys to a football match. As skill in football had not been made a qualification for membership of the camping party we regarded the coming contest with certain qualms. Moreover, we had not forgotten the unpleasantness that has sometimes marked international matches against Continental opponents in England. Our fears were unnecessary. The game was played in a broiling sun on a hard-baked ground. The Germans wore only bathing shorts, and our lads were dressed in their camp khaki. Our opponents were slightly heavier and much more even in age and size. The match was an excellent one, and Lewes put up a first-class show. We lost, two goals to nil, but in view of the conditions under which the game was played we did not mind. We were not able to teach our opponents anything in the way of sportsmanship. A penalty was given against us for accidental hands, but the German who took it merely tapped the ball to our goalkeeper. Next night some German lads joined us at a camp fire and again showed, us their accomplishments as vocalists.

Our visit was now drawing to an end. Before we departed the burgomaster invited the staff to spend the evening at his beautiful house with its balcony overlooking the Rhine. There we drank loyal toasts while the Mayor, who had a pleasant singing voice, entertained us with songs.


On our departure he presented us with the following letter : "To the Lewes County School for Boys on the occasion of their visit to Oberwesel. After a stay of two weeks in our old town you are returning to-day to your English home. The town council and citizens of Oberwesel would like to take this opporutnity of bidding you a hearty farewell. We have learned with great pleasure that both masters and scholars have enjoyed themselves beside the German Rhine, and hope that they may preserve their holiday in Germany in pleasant remembrance. We hope, moreover, that your visit has contributed to promoting and emphasizing the mutual understanding between Great Britain and Germany. We would rejoice heartily if the friendly relations engendered between you and the old Rhenish town of Oberwesel should have indeed permanence stretching beyond the days of your stay here. With German greetings, Heil Hitler ! Dr. Ottendorff, Mayor."

So ended a most successful and enjoyable camp.


On Friday, the 26th of July, the annual party of about thirty-eight boys accompanied Mr. Bowman to the London Zoological Gardens. We caught the 8.68 a.m. train to Victoria. From there we went by Underground to Regent's Park Station, and thence through the Park to the Zoo. We saw several very tame squirrels on our way through the Park, one of which kept still long enough to allow his photograph to be taken. We arrived at the Zoological Gardens at eleven o'clock.

The first object of interest was "Jack," the chimpanzee. Although he has been in the Gardens for nine years, Jack highly resents being watched by people, and causes much amusement among visitors by his antics of fury. We were lucky enough to witness the chimpanzee "Boo-Boo" with her baby "Jubilee," having their photos taken. We then went past the reptile rock-garden, where hardy European reptiles such as green lizards, grass snakes, and glass "snakes" (really legless lizards) can live all the summer under almost perfectly natural conditions. In the reptile house itself, we saw the crocodiles, looking very still and sly, the huge snakes, coiled up within their dens, and also numerous small lizards, including the quaint little geckoes, who possess adhesive pads on their feet which permit them to run with ease on a vertical piece of glass. After coming out of the reptile house we had lunch near a subway.

Having refreshed ourselves we proceeded into the aquarium. Here, besides the fish, were the little sea-horses, and also various aquatic amphibians such as Sligo's salamander, and the Mexican axolotl, which is a salamander tadpole that does not metamorphose. Here, too, was the tidal rock-pool, where an artificial tide ebbs and flows at regular intervals. In the pool dwell shrimps and prawns.

In the elephant house we witnessed the huge, but very docile, friends of man. Other items of interest were the quaint penguins, and also the various insects and other invertebrates. At four o'clock we made our way to the lion house. The lions were getting impatient for their food, and when it arrived they pounced on it eagerly.

We left the Zoo after having witnessed the feeding af the lions. We went by Underground to Oxford Circus, and walked along Regent Street to tne Strand Corner House, where we had a delightful tea consisting of fish and chips, followed by bread and butter and cakes. We walked via St. James's Park and the Serpentine to Buckingham Palace, and on to Victoria Station. We arrived in Lewes at ten minutes to eight, rather tired, but thankful to Mr. Bowman for the glorious outing we had had.

W. G. Ruffle (Vb).


When I am old and by the fireside dream,
I shall remember other days and seem
To live again the pageant of my youth,
When life was full of happiness and truth.

I shall remember days spent in the air,
Upon the sun-drenched Downs without a care,
And hear again the wind sing in the wheat
And the sudden rush of a rabbit's feet.

Once more I'll wander through deep-tunnelled lanes
And shelter in the dim green light from summer rains,
Or with my dog hunt down the riverside
For water rats that slip into the tide.

When I am old - but best live for to-day,
And think not of to-morrow's shadowy way
When happy yesterday will be a dream,
Dead as a drifting leaf upon a stream.

J. Towner (VI).


We congratulate the following on their success in external examinations :-

Oxford Higher School Certificate.
Aston, S. G. (Mathematics and Science), Barnes, R. W. (Modern Studies), Hutton, G. C. (Mathematics and Science).

Oxford School Certificate.
Baker, E. G. (Honours), Bevan, F. H. (Honours), Blake, D. O., Bridgman, A. M. (Honours), Burgess, R., Chatfield, N. W. (Honours), Colvin, B. A. (Honours), Cornall, N. E. (Honours), Duke, P. F., Evans, A. G. (Honours), Franklin, G. W. J. (Honours), Hall, P. G. (Honours), Holman, A. J. S. (Honours), Hound, R. G. W., Ketchell, B. J. (Honours), Mackie, R. S., McKimm, F. L. G., Pollard, R. L., Reed, J. R. (Honours), Renville, R. H., Selwood, E. H. B. (Honours), Stone, D. C., Towner, J. (Honours), Turner, C., Akehurst, G. B., Ashburner, G. S., Banks, C. E., Chatfield, K. R., Collins, D. J., Downing, G. M., Gravett, G. P., Hammond, R. H., Holford, R. F., Howard, J. R., Paskins, C. E., Ruffle, W. G., Walder, F., Watts, L. N., Wickens, T. G. M. (Honours).

County Senior Scholarship.
J. E. Rutherford.

County Intermediate Scholarships, Class I.
Blythe, R. C., Knowles, E. J.

County Junior Scholarship.
Ford, G. H.


Hon. Secretaries :
C. F. HALL, "Beverley," Houndean Rise, Lewes.
D. W. JARVIS, County School for Boys, Lewes.

Hon. Treasurer :
T. A. HAYWARD, 66 Malling Street, Lewes.

After a fairly successful Cricket season the Old Boys' Association is now embarking upon, what we hope to be, a very successful Football Season.

During the Summer of 1935 the Cricket Club held their own against such teams as Uckfield and Newhaven.

After an exciting match we managed to draw with Uckfield, while we only lost to Newhaven II by the narrow margin of 5 runs. Of the 10 matches played, 4 were won, 4 were lost and 2 were drawn. Cook headed the batting averages, and Wicks proved to be the most successful bowler. We hope that next season all Old Boys who possibly can will give the Cricket Club their support, and will try to make the next season a more successful one than ever.

The Old Boys' Football Club have commenced another season by joining Division II of the Lewes and District League. We have started the season very well gaining 5 points out of a possible 8, all matches having been played away. We are also taking part in the Lewes Charity Cup Competition. We would like to take this opportumty of thanking Mr. Bradshaw and the Governors of the School for allowing us to play all our home matches at the School.

The Old Boys' Dinner, which took place on Octoher 5th, at Holloway's Restaurant, followed by the Annual General Meeting, was very well attended. About 50 Old Boys were present, many of whom had travelled considerable distances to attend the function.

We were glad to see Barker and Pollard present, who had come down especially for the Dinner from Southampton and Chatham respectively.

At the meeting which followed, Mr. Bradshaw took the Chair, and the following officers were elected for the coming year :-
Mr. Edgar Povey was unanimously elected as President of the Association in place of the late Lt.-Col. Sutherland-Harris. We consider ourselves most fortunate in possessing such an energetic and hard-working President as Mr. Povey. Mr. N. R. Bradshaw kindly agreed to act as our Chairman for a further year, and C. F. Hall was elected Secretary of the Association in place of E. L. Cook, resigned.

Mr. D. Jarvis consented to fill the post of Assistant Secretary and was thanked for his past services, and Hayward was re-elected Treasurer.

The following were elected on the Committee :- Messrs. Wickham, Robson, Green (R. S.), Page, Sharp and the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer ex-officio.

It was also proposed that a correspondent member be elected for each year, in order to advise members who left School the same year as himself, of all Old Boys' Functions. Bartholomew was elected correspondent for members leaving at the end of Summer Term 1935. A set of rules for the Careers Fund (details of which were in the last issue of "The Barbican") was drawn up and approved by members present. A Committee was elected to deal with this fund.

A very enjoyable evening was brought to a close with a short (but nevertheless loud and harmonious, in parts) singsong, with the able assistance of Mr. O'Brien at the piano.

In conclusion, we would like to extend a hearty invitation to all Old Boys, to attend the Social Evenings, the first of which will be started very soon. As the success of these functions depends largely upon the number present, we hope that all Old Boys will make a special effort to attend them during the coming winter, and so help to make them a bigger success than ever.



We are all pleased to hear that R. Fairfield is doing very well in the Navy and is at present with the fleet, off Egypt. R. E. Brown and Kearley are both distinguishing themselves in the boxing ring for their Companies in the Army, while Coxon represents his Section in the sphere of cross-country running. We all wish J. A. Barnes the best of luck in his new position in a Bank at Eastbourne, and the same to K. S. Beale, who has acquired a situation in the Chailey R.D.C. Offices.

We are sure that the School will join us in congratulating both Hazlerigg and Rutherford (the first and latest captains of the School) and wishing them good luck in their new positions. Hazlerigg has obtamed a commission in the West Indies Constabulary, and Rutherford has successfully gained admission to Oxford University, where he recently took part in the Freshmens' Rugger Trial. W. R. Jessop has obtained a situation in the Haywards Heath Gas Works.


The following is an extract from a letter from R. E. Brown in. the Royal Air Force :-

"Life at Cranwell is very interesting, and I have never regretted joining up. I will try to tell you some of the work we do here.
For the first two years, we do a certain amount of General Education, which consists of Maths., Science, History, Geography, English and Drawing. It is very similar to School v~~ork, but not so much of it.

We have to send and receive Morse at twenty-five words a minute, and also do Semaphore, and lamp signalling. Our Workshop course consists chiefly of lathe work, and the jobs we make are wireless or electrical components.

Our electrical syllabus covers a fairly wide range of subjects, including car and aircraft electrical wiring, magnetos, D.C. and A.C. motors and dynamos, transformers, accumulator charging and maintenance, telephones and electrical instruments.

Our wireless course covers everything concerning transmitters and receivers, and we have to be able to operate radio sets in the air. Of course we all think this is the best part of our programme, as we fly every day for three weeks, although when my class was on, we had very bad weather.

There are opportunities here for nearly every kind of sport. I am very glad I learnt something about rugger at School, as it is an important game in the Service.

From what my pals say I don't think there are many Schools with such good sports facilities as Lewes. Most Schools play one summer and one winter game, and have nobody to coach them. I have done some boxing, and am now training for the command tug-of-war team, to compete in the R.A.F. Championships at Uxbridge next month.

As a result of the expansion scheme, this School is probably to be trebled, but I don't think it will be possible, unless a lot of building is done. It is already nearly twice the size it was when I joined up, and there are now two squadrons of apprentices instead of one."

R. Brown.


We extend a hearty greeting to the following :-

Arnold, G. J. R.
Avis, F, R.
Bacon, K. I.
Baird, G. L.
Baker, T.
Baldwin, W. E. B.
Berry, M. T.
Braidwood, R.
Brook, V. E.
Brown, A. W.
Clapson, K. G.
Cranfield, R. S.
Groome, T. H.
Haggar, W. G.
Head, D. J.
Head, L. G. W.
Henson, W. E.
Hill, M. R.
Hobden, J. E.
Horton, F, A.
Hughes, C. L.
Jacobs, P. J.
Joslin, M.
Lander, D. W.
Long, P. C. C.
Mitchell, P. W.
Moss, C. E.
Pawson, B. J.
Phillips, J. M.

Pratt, R. M.
Quick, J. H.
Sellers, R. A.
Sharp, B. G.
Smith, W. H.
Tapril, C. B.
Walter, H. L.
Weatherhead, P.
Wilkie, A. S.
Willmott, A. A.
Williams, P. H.
Wilson, L. J.
Winton, D. C.
Winton, J. K.
Woodrow, G. W.


To the following we bid good-bye and wish them good luck in the careers they take up :-

Baker, J. A.
Banks, C. E.
Barford, J. V.
Bartlett, F. J.
Bishop, D. A.
Blackman, H. E.
Collins, D. J.
Duke, P. F.
Edwards, J. W.

Franklin, G. W. J
Hammond, R. H.
Hanaghan, J. V.
Holman, A. J.
Kenward, G. W.
Obbard, S. E.
Pay, L. D. M.
Pettitt, F. J.
Rowell, D. M.
Ruffle, W.
Rutherford, J. E.
Scobie, A. C.
Sellwood, E. H.
Taylor, E.
Tutenberg, C.
Walder, F.
Walker, K. H.
White, G. S.
Worboys, C. J.


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