Girls Blazer Badge Boys Blazer Badge

"The Barbican"

No. 20 - October 1944

The Original Barbican cover A Whole year has passed and the end of the war in Europe is in sight. The Russians have got the better of the Germans on the Eastern Front and on the Western front D-day has been a success and the Allies are now pushing into France. The three-month V1 flying bomb menace has passed but the V2 is still feared though Lewes is unaffected. The loss of old boys continues. Most of this issue is devoted to Mr Bradshaw's news about Old Boys - those who have died and the many others scattered all over the world by the war. Clearly this is a terrible burden for him to carry but very little that he can do apart from giving the school staff and pupils leadership and example in this tragic situation. The plans for a post-war memorial chapel are beginning to form in his mind. This will, as we shall see later, become a major objective that will not reach fruition until 1960.

Extracts from the Barbican



The Magazine Of
The Lewes County School
For Boys

December 1944


Captain of the School : R. R. Charlwood.

LEWES: K. A. Hills, R. W. Thomas.
MARTLETS: S. T. H. H. Pilbeam, A. W. Ford,
H. J. J. Warr, R. L.White.
SEAHAVEN: R. R. Charlwood, R. Oxley, G. R. Satchler,
J. Vass, R. W. Short, K. Perkins.
UCKFIELD : N. V. Jarvis.

Captain of Rugby: K. A. Hills.
Captain of Cricket : R. R. Charlwood.
Vice-Captain and Treasurer : K. A. Hills.

Form Captains: II : J D. Crail; II A : Cox; II B : Phillips;
III A : Newman; III B : Nichols;
IV A : Carter; IV B : Hall;
Remove A : Walter; Remove B : Funnell, P.;
V A : Eden; V B : Vass.

Captain of the School : S. T. H. H. Pilbeam.

LEWES: K. A. Hills, R. W. Thomas, J. S. W. Henshaw.
MARTLETS: S. T. H. H. Pilbeam, E. Lavender.
SEAHAVEN: R. W. Short, K. J. Payne, R. Michell.
Editor of the Magazine: K. A Hills.
Sub-Editors : J. S. W. Henshaw, K. J. Payne.


As we go to press we feel confident of a speedy and victorious conclusion to the European, indeed to the world-wide conflict. Few among us now can recall the School during the halcyon days of peace - the joys (and troubles) of the annual fete, the School play or the School tea at Christmas, and all those other comforts and privileges which we enjoyed in those seemingly remote times.

We seem now to live in a different world, a world of rigid economy, of irksome restriction, and often of danger. During the past five years we have saved, farmed, and dug lustily for victory; we have joined the A.T.C. or the J.T.C.; we have sheltered evacuees; the two quads (once impeccably-groomed expanses of greensward) have been given over to the rearing of various livestock.

In short, we have tried to do our best for the war effort. We have suffered irreparable loss by the deaths in action of many gallant Old Boys. Their sacrifice makes our efforts seem petty indeed. Whatever our aims in peace we must strive to the utmost to make the School a fitting monument to them.

This term our numbers have been increased to unprecedented proportions by the influx of a large host of new boys. In all, the newcomers total nearly a quarter of our School membership, and it is a surprising fact that the II and III Forms together include almost half the School personnel. Thus, it must be more than ever the duty of the upper School to set a good example to the younger boys upon whom the future of the School will rest.


The number on the roll for the Autumn Term, 1944, is 419, a record. Sixty-two School and Higher Certificates have been gained - another record.

We congratulate Pilbeam on winning an Exhibition in Natural Science at Trinity College, Cambridge, and on gaining the MacLoghlin Scholarship, awarded by the Royal College of Physicians and Royal College of Surgeons. This medical scholarship is worth £120 per annum for five years.

Congratulations, too, to A. L. Oliver on gaining a Kitchener Scholarship, and to G. R. Satchler on an Exhibition in Engineering, both at Queen Mary College, London University. R A F. University Courses have been awarded to D. C. Blunden (Oxford), Frank Dusart (Southampton), Charlwood (Oxford), Satchler (Cambridge) and Bob Wilson (Southampton).

K Perkins has been selected for an Army Course for potential Officers at Oxford. Congratulations to Perkins, too, on being the first boy, while still at School, to hold a commission in the Home Guard.

A sidelight on burdens undertaken by schools in war time can be gained by our catering record - 164,569 dinners and 57,985 beverages served in a little over four years.

Our agricultural activities have continued during the year. Parties have been sent to various farms in the neighbourhood; while, in addition to the School garden and the usual hayrick, an area of nearly an acre of potatoes should bring in a useful contribution to the Chapel Fund. We are very indebted to Mr. J. C Robinson for ploughing up our potato field, and to Mr. Harry Carr for cutting our hay.

We have said goodbye to Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Holmes and thank them for all they have done for us. We welcome Mrs. V. Gourlay, B.Sc (Dunedin), Mr H. M. Davies M.A. (Wales), and our Old Boy, H. J. Dennis, who should be of invaluahle help to us on the playing-field.


December, 1943, saw the return of the Bec School to London. They had been with us since the great evacuation of 1939, and our memories of the war will inevitably be linked with their sojourn in Lewes. For two schools to share the same building and attempt a full school life, with all the difficulties of war thrown in, was as severe a test as could be devised. We shall always believe that we were fortunate in our guests and we take this last opportunity of paying tribute to the never-failing courtesy and co-operation of Mr. S. R. Gibson, Headmaster of Bec School, and to the help we received from his staff. We are very sorry that enemy attacks on London were renewed soon after their return. When we were darting, under desks and listening to flying bombs roaring overhead, we could still spare a thought for their far worse plight in London. May days of peace soon erase the injuries of war and may Bec School soon return to its peace-time path of honour.


Last Rugby season was disappointing. It may be an indirect result of the war, but never before have we had such a large proportion of seniors asking to be excused games on such pretexts as colds or scratched fingers. Such a lack of keenness is bound to be reflected in the general standard of games, and it is not surprising that our results were poor. In marked contrast to this was the real enthusiasm and ability of the Remove Forms, which should produce a much better spirit next season.

School XV from : Blunden, Hills, Charlwood, Rogers R., Morgan, Akehurst, Gordon, Pilbeam, Stuart, Haffenden, Harman, Ford, Jarvis, Russell B., Pink, Dorian, Perkins, Ashdown, Funnell.

Rugby Results, 1943-44:
1st XV:
Worthing High School . . . . . . . . . . . W
Brighton Engineering Cadets . . . . . L
Hurstpierpoint "A" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L
Brighton College II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W
Bec School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L
Christ's Hospital II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L
Brighton College II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L
Bec School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L
Worthing High School . . . . . . . . . . . L
Lewes Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W
Brighton Engineering Cadet . . . . . . W

Worthing High School . . . . . . . . . . . W
Hurstpierpoint Colts . . . . . . . . . . . . W
Brighton College Colts . . . . . . . . . . . L
Bec School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W
Brighton College Colts . . . . . . . . . . . L
Bec School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L
Worthing High School . . . . . . . . . . . W

{Old Boys need not take our Home Guard Rugger Master too seriously. The season was disappointing, as he says. We had expected a great deal. But several results were very creditable. We beat a Worthing team which was supposed to be the best that School had had for several years. Our match with Christ's Hospital produced a splendid exhibition of tackling, and although we lost by about 20 points, we were told that the previous week they had taken some 50 odd points off Worthing and that this year there was little to choose between their 1st and 2nd Fifteens. We had good wins over Brighton Engineering Cadets - a team whose average age must have been some 18 momhs greater than ours. There is no excuse for our defeat by Bec School. N. R. B.}

CRICKET - 1944

Had these notes been written one week earlier they would have told of defeats and cancellations unrelieved by any bright gleam of victory. However, the last match brought the 1st XI the long-delayed and everexpected first win of the season against a school side. When it did come it was a handsome win by nine wickets, although these were later thrown away in a hit-or-miss fimsh.

Last season's Notes dared to prophesy that when the bowling strength declined, the batting, unless improved, would not be good enough to give the bowlers the necessary assistance. This forecast was only too well fulfilled in the early part of the season. Throughout the team the batting was undistinguished. Chief criticism must be directed at the lack of aggressive spirit; this in the year of the opening of the Second Front !

The fielding and bowling have both been good. Wood and Laker have proved very reliable: the former has been the foundation of the attack and the latter has improved greatly, making intelligent use of his ability to turn the ball.

We opened the season with a new fixture against Brighton Boys' Club. An enjoyable game resulted in the School gaining rather an easy win. There followed several defeats; then the incursion of the flying-bomb which was often apostrophied as "Not Cricket," resulting in several cancellations. Fixtures were later resumed but, as previously stated, we had to wait until the last fixture before we were successful.

The 2nd XI won two of their matches, whilst the Under 14's had four good games but lost them all.


For reasons mainly connected with war and weather it was not possible to hold as many trials for standards during the Summer Term as in previous years, and the number of points obtained was low, in spite of the efforts of some House Captains in arranging their own meetings. On the other hand, the Sports were unimpeded and the belated sunshine helped to make two very enjoyable afternoons. The final result was:

Lewes (164), Seahaven (121), Martlets (114), Uckfield (37).


The Swimming Sports resulted in an easy win for Seahaven, who were already more than 40 points ahead of the next House on standards before the race started. The final placings were:

1.Seahaven (195). 2.Lewes (90). 3.Martlets (82). 4.Uckfield (47).

The individual cup was won by Lester, of Seahaven, who won the Senior 1 Length Free Style, 1 Length Back Stroke, Long Plunge, and 4 Lengths Free Style.

Life Saving

The following boys gained the Bronze Medallion : Brown, Constable, Griffiths, Hoad, McFear, Naisbitt, Pink, Russell, Traylen, and Woodall. Eade and Causley, who were too young for the Bronze Medallion, took their Intermediate Certificates. All twelve were trained by Pilbeam, who thus won his First Class Instructor's Certificate. He already holds the Bronze Medallion and the Award of Merit (Silver Medal). The Examination was conducted by Mr. E. C. Jones, Secretary of the Sussex Amateur Swimming Association. Two Old Boys, Dusart and Wilson, who took their Bronze Medallions last year, have now also gained the Award of Merit.
H. F. T.


The system of Wednesday evening parades continued with marked success throughout the Summer Term; the good attendance enabled training to proceed without repetition. During the term, eight out of ten candidates gained the War Certificate "A" by passing Part II of the Examination. They were : Krebs, Falkner, Brickell (R. E.), Ford, Russell (R. A.), Wren, Browning, and Plummer. Browning, Green, Baker, Winter and Cornford were successful in Part I.

For a week in August a number of Cadets attended camp, where an interesting training programme was arranged, and they had an enjoyable time. It is pleasant to see that so many of the Cadets who have left School continue to attend parades in spite of considerable difficulties.


The past year has been one of change. Parades for Flight I have been held immediately after afternoon school and instruction has, in the main, been internal. In this respect our thanks are due to the N.C.Os., who have worked enthusiastically in coping with Aircraft Recognition, Morse, and other subjects. Several members have been successful in passing Phase A and Phase B, but transference of Old Boys to Flight II has deprived us of other stars and "props". Every Cadet should, therefore, aim at obtaining proficiency at the end of a year's course.

During the Easter holidays some dozen Cadets volunteered for work at a neighbouring aerodrome and gained useful experience from an enjoyable week Others have attended Gliding Courses and visited aerodromes. Variety of appeal may draw recruits interested in the Royal Air Force and Flying, who are needed to replace those who have left. To the latter we offer our best wishes for the future and "Happy Landings."

Despite the wet weather, most of the 24 Cadets enjoyed their camp at Little Rissington. Over 3o hours' flying time was logged by the party, and other instructional parades included Aircraft Recognition, Signals, P.T., and a whole day on Maintenance, where Cadets did such varied tasks as painting engine cowlings for "Oxfords" and mending carburettor air-intakes The party was complimented on departure on the manner in which it had kept its huts - so for this reason alone the camp can be considered a success.

Our congratulations are due to our first Flight Sergeant, R. E. Ford, on his success at Oxford with the University Air Squadron, and to Flight Sergeant Pilbeam and Sergeant Thomas on their good work at Cosford.

Finally, Old Boys will be sorry to hear that Mr. Bradshaw, under stress of work, has felt obliged to resign command of the Squadron. He is, however, still one of our Officers and his interest in A.T.C matters is no whit diminished. Mr. McLee has assumed command and we are confident that all members of the School Flight will do their utmost to support him.


We have thirty-eight Scouts on the roll now, at the end of the Summer Term, and we have just completed a successful, though rather restricted, term's Scouting. The war has interfered very much with camping, which should be one of the main activities of the Summer Term. A small camp was held at Isfield during Whitsun weekend, a weekend which proved to be the only hot and sunny one for weeks on either side.

The problem of catering and finding an approved site the difficulty of black-out and arranging for transport, the necessity for camouflage and obedience to military instructions, all these have tended to interfere with camping, and now the appearance of Doodle-bugs has almost put an end to camping altogether, at least for a time, since the Air Ministry has chosen our favourite camping sites as being the most suitable spots to shoot down these missiles.

A Fete was held in the Paddock on July 8th at the opening of the "Salute the Soldier" Week, and this was a very successful function. Our Troop ran a number of side-shows, and raised over £12 towards a grand total of something over a £100, which was invested on behalf of various War Charities.

We congratulate Ron Dusart on gaining his King's Scout Badge a month or two ago, the only King's Scout Badge which has been won by the 5th Lewes Troop for a number of years. In peace time this award would have entitled him to attend an annual parade of King's Scouts at Windsor Castle, for an inspection by the King and a service in the Royal Chapel. This parade is suspended at the present time.

No doubt the Autumn Term will see an influx of new boys into our ranks, and some of the older boys will be leaving to join one of the pre-Service Training Units. To our new boys we offer a welcome and to our leavers we wish the best of luck.
W. M. G.


Autumn Term, 1943
Chairman . . Miss U. K. Smith.
Secretary . . Mr. K. A. Hills.
Treasurer . . Mr. J. S. W. Henshaw.
Committee . . Messrs. R. Oxley and S. T. H. H. Pilbeam.

Spring Term, 1941
Chairman . . Miss H. Thorpe.
Secretary . . Mr. R. Oxley.
Treasurer . . Mr. R. W. Thomas.
Committee . . Messrs. R. R. Charlwood and K. A. Hills.

In spite of the loss of many of its most enthusiastic members, the Society continued to flourish during the year. The Spring Term brought on the Society's 200th meeting, which occasion was celebrated by a sumptuous banquet, actually including a genuine iced cake: The VIth is deeply indebted to Mrs. Parkinson for her unstinted efforts in preparing tea for this and every other meeting.

The following items are typical of the varied programme:- Talks by Mrs. Holmes, Messrs. Gourlay, Easton and Gillam; a Mock Trial; a B.B.C. Audition; a Cabinet Meeting, and a "Brains Trust" to which the Girls' School VIth Form was invited; also, such hardy perennials as Musical and Literary Evenings and Balloon Debates.
K. A. H. and R. O.


1943 was the most successful year the School Garden has yet had: 1944 bids fair to be the most disastrous. I will speak of the brighter side first.

It was evident by the Summer Holidays of 1943 that we were going to have excellent results. The early potato crop (almost 2 tons) had been cleared off and sold well; peas, beans and lettuces had all yielded heavily and made good prices. As soon as term started in September we began to harvest a heavy crop of onions, and so evenly did they ripen that we afterwards received a host of compliments on their keeping qualities - some lasted sound until the following June. The winter green crops, which had started none too favourably owing to the flea-beetle, came on fast in the mild autumn and gave good yields through until March. At the close of December, 1943, the year's balance-sheet worked out as follows :

Receipts £63 1s. 5d. - Expenses £20 6s. 0½d. - Profit £42 15s 4½d.

As before, this profit was allocated to the Memorial Chapel Fund. In the last three years, therefore, the School Garden has contributed just over £100 - a record of which all concerned have a right to be proud. We have not only dug with considerable energy for victory; we have made a handsome profit; every penny of our expenses has been covered by our own efforts; and we have built up a large and comprehensive equipment of gardening tools.

That is the bright and successful side of the picture. 1944 has been a sad story, and we shall be very lucky to cover our initial expenditure. The planting season opened in March after one of the most arid winters on record. The rainfall figures are not available, but it was significant that the Winterbourne never once flowed, and the Ouse plain was never under water. It would be no exaggeration to say that we started spring cultivation with no subsoil water at all - conditions grimly analogous to those obtaining on the American Prairies in the "dust-bowl" thirties.

The plants that did succeed in appearing above ground were so debilitated that they immediately fell a prey to every sort of pest - including of course, the ubiquitous flea-beetle. Onions for months simply refused to grow. Potatoes were struck and struck again by a series of disastrous May frosts, and, apart from the drought, put back by this alone two to three weeks. The parching winds and absence of rain continued all through the Summer Term until even the weeds wilted and died. It seemed useless to do anything.

We had bargained on lifting early potatoes during the last week of June and continuing until the term ended on July 28th. In fact, we could not dig until July 10th, and as the term ended a week early (owing to the flying-bombs) we actually supplied new potatoes to the School kitchen for 1½ weeks only. The rest of the crop had to be left in the ground over the holidays.

Rain came at last and too late - in the holidays! We came back to find the whole garden a sea of groundsel, thistles, and belladonna. Autumn digging will be an operation not far short of reclamation.
W. H. E.



The annual Speech Day was held on Wednesday, November 24th 1943, in the Town Hall, Lewes. A gratifyingly large number of parents attended, when the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Chichester distributed the prizes. Supporting him on the platform were Sir Amherst Selby-Bigge and members of the Governing Body, the Mayor and Mayoress of Lewes, and the Director of Education. The list of successes was as follows :-

D. C. Blunden, A. L. Oliver, K. Brown, G. R. Satchler, A. J. Burgess, D. E. Sayers (Dist. in Chemistry and Physics), D. A. Caton (Dist. in History), R. E. Ford (Dist. in French), H. Stenton, P. H, Williams.

D. E. Sayers.

C. F. Allen, K. A. Hills, B. E. Strivens, J. A. Amos, R. Lanham, R. W. Thomas, D. Bentley, W. G. Lusted. R. I. Thorpe. W. F. A. Davis. R. H. Markwick, A. M. Tompsett, F. H. Dusart, P. G. Mills, R. L. White, G. F. Filtness, D. F. Moore, G. T. Bean, E. D. Gordon, K. J. Payne, K. E. Bushnell, J. L. Greenwood, K. Perkins, A. P. Carter, R. A. Harland, G. C. Phillips, H. E. Davis, J. S. W. Henshaw, R. A. Pullinger, R. A. Gingell, E. C. Groves, R. W. Short, D. H. Haffenden, E. J. Letts, J. F. Stenning, E. Lavender, G. R. Miles, G. M. Will, R. C. Michell, H. F. Prodger, A. F. Akehurst, A. H. Rogers, P. C. Read, R. L. Browning, R. H. Rogers, R. V. Sims, J. D. Cheale, D. G. Woolmer, H. D. Soar, J. P. Davies, G. P. Durrant.

A. J. Burgess . . . . Exhibition in Modern History, Hertford College, Oxford.
R. E. Ford . . . . Exhibition in Modern Languages. St. Edmund Hall, Oxford.
A. L. Oliver . . . . . Exhibition in Engineering, Queen Mary College, London.

ROYAL NAVY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M. B. Preece (Oxford).
ARMY . . . . . . . . A. J. Burgess (Durham), B. Sharp (Manchester).
R.A.F. . . D. A. Caton, R. E. Ford (Oxford), P. H. Williams (Cambridge).

V. E. Brook, J. E. Dewdney, T. G. Powell

History . . . . . . . . A. J Burgess, D. A. Caton.
French . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. E. Ford
Sciences . . . . . . . . . . A. L. Oliver, D. E. Sayers
Biology Lilean Fleming Prize . . . . . . . H. Stenton
Music "Christie" Prize for Seniors . . D. A. Caton
Music "Glass" Prize for Juniors . . . . . . . . . C. W. Hlll
Proficiency Badge Prizes . . . . . A. J. Burgess, D. A. Caton, R. E. Ford, S. T. H. Pilbeam.
Service Prizes . . . . . . . H. J. Dennis, M. B. Preece, P. H. Williams.
Higher School Certificate Prize . . . . . K. Brown
Day-Boarder prize . . . . . . M. Hall

Povey Work Shield . . . . . . . . . . Lewes
Bradshaw Games Shield . . . . . . . Lewes
Thompson Athelatic Cup . . . . . . . . Lewes
Henderson-Oliver Cross-Country Cup . . . . Martlets
Innes Swimming Cup . . . . . . . . . Seahaven
Sinfield Swimming Cup . . . . . . . . D. Gordon

F. A. Holton (1942) R. E. Ford (1943)

(Old Boys)

Group-Captain T. M. Horgan, D.F.C.

Lieut. E. L. Cook, R.N.V.R.

Flight-Lieut. B. Chandler, R.A.F.V.R.

Sergt.-Pilot (now Pilot-Officer) P. Carter

Sergt.-Pilot K. Rabson


"To give, and not to count the cost"


We record with pride and sorrow the names of the following Old Boys who have fallen since the issue of the last Magazine. They were tried, and, when the test came, were not found wanting.

"At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them."

Perhaps the greatest tribute that can be paid to Eric Baker is the universal regret and deep respect of all Old Boys who served with him in the 2nd (Seaford) Company of R.E.s. There were originally about a dozen Old Lewesians in this Company and all sorrow at his loss. In the Army he had proved his worth beyond all doubt. He soon found himself a Sergeant with Old Boys under him. He was in the early fighting in France and came back via Dunkirk. Afterwards he fought with his Company in the North African Campaign and was pressed to take a commission. Thereupon he was attached to the Canadians for a time, afterwards returning to England. He went to France once more on D Day and saw five days' severe fighting around the beaches. He was killed in the night when a bomb struck the Officers' sleeping quarters. Cheerful, genial and kindly, he was in the best sense a good fellow. We mourn his loss and offer to his wife and parents our deepest sympathy.

Dennis Burtenshaw came to us when his parents moved into the East Sussex area. He returned to his first school for a final year when his parents again left East Sussex. All the more reason for paying tribute to his loyalty to us. We understand that the school scarf always accompanied him on his flights over Germany and that his school cap hung, in his room. While at Lewes he proved himself an excellent swimmer, and gained the bronze medallion of the Royal Life Saving Society. After holding a clerical appointment with the Brighton Electricity Company, he joined the R.A.F. His prowess as an airman can be judged from the fact that he was on Pathfinders. He lost his life in a raid on Berlin when only twenty. A quiet determined fellow; we feel deeply for his parents in their sad loss.

L/CORPL. JOHN ANTHONY CALWELL (1934-40), Somerset Light Infantry.
It was with great regret that we learnt of the death in action of J. A. Calwell. Twice he had been to see us since he joined the Army and each time he had left us with a sensation of some indescribable quality that might burgeon forth in action. To the writer he appeared like one of the great rank and file, unnoticed in the mass, who suddenly bursts into prominence by an act of great valour. No wonder then that his Commanding Officer says that he was a Section Leader who did not know the meaning of fear. For a long time he was a Lance-Corporal Instructor with a pretty tough crowd in the Oxford and Bucks L.I. Transferred to the Somerset Light Infantry, he was again given a stripe and could have used this to remain in England on instructional duties. He surrendered this stripe to go to Italy, but was made a Section Leader, and was shot on July 2nd. We sympathise most deeply with his parents at the loss of one who, had he lived, would almost certainly have gained distinction.

Donald Dowden's career at School was comparatively brief but outstandingly distinguished. He came to us at the age of 16 from a Public School, where he had been a boarder. A fellow of meaner parts might have been a misfit and lived in the past. Dowden from the first threw himself into the life of his new School and charmed all by his winning personality. A big fellow he was a tower of strength in the School Rugger Pack. In 1939 he accompanied the Public Schools' expedition to Newfoundland under Commander Murray Levick. While there, war was declared. He returned to England and was one of fifteen fellows selected by the Dunlop Company for scholarships to undergo a two-year course of training in business organisation, a period which was intended to cover the gap between leaving school and the then calling-up age of twenty. The holders of these scholarships were drawn from some of the most famous Schools, including Eton, but the reports received from the Dunlop Company by the Headmaster on Dowden's work showed that he was more than holding his own. All the time, however, he was chafing at not playing his part in his country's strugple, and he relinquished his scholarship in 1940 to join the R.A.F. After training as a Pilot, he was at once commissioned, but to his chagrin was selected as an Instructor. At last he achieved his ambition and was posted to a Fighter Squadron. He saw considerable service in the Mediterranean and accounted for some of the enemy. He was then posted to Ceylon, where he was accidentally killed when landing a plane, due to a mechanical defect. News of his death came as a great blow to those of us who knew him, and we realise the loss it must be to his parents. Some idea of his qualities may be judged by the following extract from his Wing Commander's letter : "Don was always my most reliable Officer and was at all times the airman's idol. The men thought the world of him." The C.O. adds that he had just selected Dowden to command a Flight. Although junior to others, he was by far the most suitable and was the most popular Officer in the Squadron. He adds "I cannot speak too highly of his courage, loyalty and devotion to duty. His cheerfulness was always an inspiration to the Squadron."

Peter Duke has been missing since October, 1943. Those who knew him will receive this news with the deepest regret and will sympathise whole-heartedly with his parents. His loss is more than normally tragic viewed against the background of his service. Peter joined the Navy as a Seaman Boy in 1935. He trained at Gosport and on passing out won prizes for Scripture and Gunnery. From the outbreak of war until four days before she was sunk, he served on the Ark Royal and survived all the hazards of that most famous ship. He was the youngest Petty Officer in the ship's company, and of a crew of 1,600 was the only one sent home for a permanent commission. After a course at Collingwood, he was gazetted Sub-Lieutenant and in six months he had gained his second ring. On the cruiser Charybdis he helped to cover the Salerno landing and then returned to a home port. Almost immediately the ship was ordered out again to take part in a channel sweep. She was sunk by E boats on a misty Saturday afternoon near the Channel Isles. Peter was on the bridge when she went down, but nothing has been heard of him since. His outstanding success in the Navy indicated that had he survived he would have achieved high rank and brought further honour to the School. He was a delightful fellow and was equally popular with Officers and, a much more difficult achievement for one who has risen from the lower deck, with the men under him. He was our first Old Boy to gain a permanent Naval Commission.

We deeply regret having to record the death on active service of P. L. Humphries. We have not received any authentic information of his career in the Air Force or of how he met his end, but we know that he did his training at Miami in U.S.A. and that he put to good use the games ability he showed at School in Air Force matches. We understand that he lost his life when flying night fighters. He had an attractive personality and disposition and his death will be much felt by his old friends in Seahaven House. We feel very deeply for his parents in their great loss.

Keith Lawrence has been missing from air operations since June. Joining the R.A.F. as an Aircraft Apprentice he did excellently during his training at Halton, and when this was completed, re-mustered as Air Crew. He came to see us at the end of the first fortnight of operational fiying. He had completed six trips over Germany in fourteen days and had taken part in the raid on Berlin when we lost 72 bombers, and in that on Nuremberg when we lost 94. Although tired, he was cheerful and did not complain. This did not surprise us in view of the high spirits and stamina he always displayed at School. Lawrence had recently married the sister of an Old Boy - Leslie Carter. To her and to his parents we offer our deepest sympathy.

Alan Orchard last visited the School with his father, Alan in the F.A.A., his father a Flying Officer R.A.F. One hardly knew which to admire most, the father a veteran of the last var, who had again taken up arms, or Alan, the embodiment of that debonair spirit so characteristic of our Naval Forces, no matter which branch. Underneath this gaiety one sensed a certain determined pugnacity which would evince itself in a tight corner. It is doubly tragic that he should have been killed when the plane in which he was travelling crashed into a hillside in Northern Ireland, to add to the list of OlD Boys of outstanding parts who have met their deaths through accidents. He had quite recently returned from the Mediterranean, where he had served on the Illustrious, providing fighter cover at Salerno and Naples. Had he lived he would undoubtedly have gone far, whether in the Services or in civilian life. He had distinct artistic gifts and a passion for seeing the world. As a schoolboy he had paid two visits to Stuttgart and the Black Forest and had used his training period overseas to explore a good deal of Canada and the U.S.A. including New York. We share his parents' grief at his loss and their pride at his achievement. As a young School, our list of Old Boys who would undoubtedly have brought distinction to its record grows tragically long.

Old members of Uckfield House will learn with sorrow that Ivan Pryke has been missing from a special mission since the night of February 4-5th. Pryke was a quiet fellow, whose sterling qualities were only known to those who were well acquainted with him. His quiet disposition, and the comparatively early age at which he left School precluded him from holding a prominent position among his contemporaries, but like so many of our Old Boys he proved his worth when the great test came after leaving. Joining the R.A.F. in 1941 he was trained in Canada and U.S.A. After a period as a Sergeant, he was promoted to Pilot Officer, an indication of his merits as an airman. We sympathise most deeply with his parents at the loss of a splendid son.

Just before going to press we have received news of the death of Brian Cornwall. He was killed only six days after landing in France. So quick and tragic an end of one so young (he was only 18) is a grievous blow. It was only just two years ago that he passed School Certificate and left to enter the County Land Drainage Department. He regarded his job merely as a temporary appointment until he was old enough to join the Royal Armoured Corps. He was very keen on farming, and intended to take up this career after the war. His was a merry disposition and whatever might be the mood of the moment, a smile was never far away. Brian never won any outstanding School honours in work or games. He was just a good fellow, an assessment which necessarily described the majority of our lads. But that general standard - especially where our Old Boys are concerned - is a very high one, as the war has proved. What he had he was always willing to give, and when the challenge came he gave all.

BRUCE TINDALE (19??-??), Merchant Navy.
No news has been received of Bruce Tindale, who, as we recorded in our last issue, is missing. When last seen he was trying to launch one of the ship's boats. The night was black and the vessel had been torpedoed. His death, therefore, can be presumed. We are deeply sorry for his parents. Bruce was an excellent fellow.

Don Stone.
Don, who was also reported missing in out last magazine has indeed gone. No School could have lost a more attractive Old Boy or parents a son. We share their grief.

We are glad to record that Ken Rabson whom we reported as missing returned safely. We shall have to wait until after the war to learn how he got back.


We heartily congratulate the following Old Boys on the honours conferred upon them and on the honour they have brought to the School :

Basil Chandler Jack Duchossoy Norman Hancock F/Lieut. Basil Chandler, D.F.C. . . Soviet Medal for Valour
Sergt Jack Duchossoy . . . . . . . . . Croix-de-Guerre with Star
Pilot-Officer G. W. J. Franklin . . . . . . . . . D.F.C.
S/Leader N. E. Hancock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.F.C.

In our last issue we reported that F/Officer Leslie Carter had been awarded the D.F.M. This was an error, due to a newspaper misprint. It should have been the D.S.M., a Naval award. Carter was stationed at Malta in 1940 when affairs were black. Although then a Sergeant in the R.A.F., he was "lent" to the Navy and won this decoration from the Senior Service. He must be one of the few R.A.F. men to hold a Naval award. Incidentally we have been able to obtain from him neither details nor his photograph - a pleasing but over-modesty.

The most important event affecting Old Boys as a body since our last issue has been the repatriation of a number of prisoners of war. We have indeed been lucky and have been able to welcome at School Austin, Macey, Trott, Watts and White. All were cheerful and made light of their experiences, but they were unanimous in paying tribute to the Red Cross for making life bearable. They appeared typical of British fighting men in bearing no animosity against their captors regarding them rather with good-humoured contempt. They were practically unanimous in their belief that even six months ago the majority of Germans hail had enough of the war which was only supported by the fanatical Nazis. Naturally we were intensely interested in what they had to tell us. Watts and White entertained the School with their experiences. George Macey, still hobbling owing to the damage done to his ankles when he baled out, had apparently performed this feat twice from night-fighters. We congratulate him and White, who celebrated their return by speedy marriages. Our pleasure at their return increases our sympathy for those who are still captives - Howard, Lawrence, Pannett, Chas. Hall, Joey Green, Arnold, Alec Franklin and Carter. The days of their captivity are numbered.

Prisoners of war even more unfortunate perhaps, seeing they are in the hands of the Japs, are Moppet and Holman. We understand that reports of their condition are favourable.


Ted Wynter still carries on as a Captain R.A in Italy. We are sorry to hear that he has had an attack of malaria and a mild form of pneumonia. He was in the attack on the Gangliano and had to paddle across the river in an assault craft. He has also spent six weeks with the Guards. He thinks British organisation can teach the Boche a thing or two.

Lander is with the Artillery in India. He had an exciting trip through the Med., spent six weeks in Egypt on the way and had a bumper Christmas dinner there; read in the Egyptian papers that Bob Pulling had beaten the 1942 champion - only too late to witness another Lewesian victory - and is looking forward to future School fetes and the Old Lewesian Dinner.

Bob Pulling has arrived back in England on the long trail of a commission. He looked, very fit, but the beard mentioned in our last issue has grown again. Is he going to be so daring as to wear it at our next re-union ?
Harry Stenton, of last year's Sixth Form, is at a shore station in U.S.A. He cannot get used to bacon and ham covered with syrup. We should like to try it, anyway, with present rationing.
Wilfred Chilton is a Sapper in Italy. He thinks there is much virtue in a slit trench and little in "the better 'ole" that Old Bill made famous in the last war. The Boche retreats so fast that it is hard to keep up with him.
R. G. Woods of Plumpton, is at S.F.T.S. [Flying Training School] in Canada and hopes to be back soon with his wings. He has had some wizard views of the Rockies, but is disconsolate that the course has been lengthened.

We have had unexpected but most pleasant visits from Old Boys we had not seen for a long time. Jarrett called in to see us complete with wings. He is training as a Pilot on heavies. W. H. Smith and G. B. Shaw have also visited the School with Flying Brevets gained in Canada.

A Lewes Press reporter (travelling to Hastings) brought greetings from a Sapper Captain. It was our old friend Manser. Gaylor and Groves, who only left last summer, have been to see us, both Cadets in the Merchant Navy. Between them they have scoured the Med., the Atlantic and the West Coast of Africa. Gerald Cook has completed a twelve months' tour of duty at King Alfred, and will soon be off to sea again as Number One on a destroyer. He has been recommended for six months seniority for his good work at K.A. and we shall not be surprised if the Navy rings are soon changed for straight ones.

Ridley has moved from darkest Africa and is now in the comparatively civilised Sierra Leohe. Congratters on three pips. Colvin, who has flown 1,200 hours and done about 250,000 miles, still adds distinction to the journeyings of the "high-ups" and can now claim personal acquaintance with Smuts, Cunningham and Duff Cooper, not to mention Lady Diana. Congratulations on his second ring.

We had a very pleasant encounter with Rex Berry, who pursues his efficient course in the purlieus of County Courts. We understand John Berry is at sea as an Engineer Officer, Merchant Navy. Bacon has done his best to maintain the aristocratic atmosphere of Claridges and has now departed having taught the managerial department all that he does know and something that they should. We can recommend all who desire a post in London to consult him. He is now awaiting call-up.

"D" Day found the School well represented. Maurice Phillips - now Sub-Lieutenant - was there in his tank landing craft. Appleby, when he called, had done a couple of trips to the other side. We know that John Henderson in the Artillery and Hazlerigg, R.A.S.C., are over there. Sammy Smith and Ken Wicks, last remaining Old Boys in the Seaford R.E. Company, are in the thick of it. Howes, now a Flight-Sergeant, has been hammering away from the air, as has Basil Chandler. Poor Eric Baker fought his last fight near the beaches.

There are, no doubt, plenty of other Old Lewesians whom we have not yet heard about. Dick Rees, when we saw him, was bewailing his luck. On June 4, two days before the great day, his boat was damaged in a collision and so he could not go. We have been glad to welcome Jimmy Hobden, who now has his Navigator's Wing and a commission, and Siggs, who after a trip in a destroyer in the Med. is now doing a Fleet Air Arm course at Pensacola. Dodson's father tells us that he is still in South Africa, but has got his Wings, as has Cyril Moss, who is out there. Peter Bailey, of the 1930 vintage year has infiltrated from the Police into the Royal Armoured Corps, but was involuntarily transferred - to the Sappers. "The Dark Lady of the Sonnets" is now Mrs. Peter, while there is also a "belle dame sans merci" - or I expect Peter thinks so when she yells lustily at night - or is this a really exceptional baby ?

Old Boys still prisoners of war in Germany are bravely facing the fifth year of captivity. Joey Green and John Lawrence send us a card from time to time, as does John Howard, who has been working on a farm for three years. We were glad to hear from Geoffrey Knight, who was with the 51st Division in North Africa and is now in Italy. He finds Italian easy after Arabic. He is a Sergeant in the Intelligence Corps. Peter Thorpe is also in Italy and was last heard of on the spare wheel of a breakdown lorry. Norman, after doing fighter sweeps over France in Spitfires, has gone to Australia. Eric Lawler is almost certainly well in front in Italy as he is in the Household Cavalry - an armoured car unit. From the card he sent us we learn that Meux, in England, has passed a War Office Selection Board. News travels by devious routes. Lawler ran into Flying-Officer Geoff Ford in an innoculation queue on the way out.

Boscott, who was wounded in the head by a sniper in Italy, is still at G.H.Q., North Africa. He finds the heat troublesome. Mr. Page is also there and ran into Maurice Hill, who has had various excitements, since we have heard that he is in England, is married, and is training for a commission.

Denis Thomas was one of Wingate's men and is in the thick of the Burma fighting against the Japs. We look forward to the day when we can hear his account of all that has happened there over a pipe of baccy. Before going into the jungle he met Mr. Smith - now a Staff Major - bathing at the Willingdon Club, Bombay.

We had a hurried encounter with Hillyer in Lewes. He was home on leave from the R.A.F. It was good to hear of the McKimm brothers again. "W. S." is a Pilot-Officer in Egypt while "F.L.G." is Lieuteant R.A. in Italy. W.S. is looking forward to the time when he can attend an Old Boys' dance in the School Hall. Maurice Relf has gone to sea again and is somewhere in the Mediterranean. Baird is still in Canada with bags of flying hours to his credit - one of the keenest Cadets the A.T.C. has produced. By the time these notes appear he should be on his way home with his wings. Barfoot in the Middle East found that he had been a W/O for twelve months and did not know it. He is doing a lot of flying and finds life, even in a tent amidst the sand, quite passable, with good grub and a bed. Talking of beds, we have just received a note from Buller-Sinfield, whom we congratulate on his captaincy. He wrote it from a hole underground in France - his dormitory, of course.

Leslie Clements is on a brand new cruiser in Eastern waters. On his first trip ashore he ran into Peter Hall. Botb are Lieutenants. Clements spent Christmas Day as a member of the Ward Room Whaler Crew in a boat race - when not eating. George Akehurst came on to his ship before leaving home waters to work some of his radio mysteries. Yandell is still a sandboy in the Middle East. He has spoken to D. F. Davis of Seaford, on the phone and hopes to meet him. Yandell - spends a good deal of his time eating oranges. Bob Sellens is in South Africa training as a navigator. He shared a room during training with Dodson, whom he ran into in East London. Jack Sellens is an R.A.F. Sergeant on the N.W. Frontier and had the misfortune to break a leg. He managed to play football however, Sergeants v. Officers, on Christmas Day.

John Hawkins - now a Captain - left his Scinde Horse in the desert to do a three weeks course somewhere where the country "is gloriously green, broken now and then by splashes of brilliant colour of a hundred and one wild flowers." On the way he called at Alexandria and devoured "glorious steaks, prawns and strawberries and cream." Has the fellow no sympathy for people in England ? Maurice Russell, Flight-Lieutenant and Captain of a Sunderland, has left for an overseas station. He took a Shakespeare, Plato's "Republic" and Boswell's "Life of Johnson" with him. Not a bad bag.

Alan Castle, when last we heard from him was in North Wales piloting embryo navigators. We hope they set a right course. Both Edward and Brian Strange are in the R.A.F., the former as aircrew and the latter as a mechanic. They have paid us welcome visits. We heard that Bossom, who left the School a long time ago, had been at King Alfred doing a course for a R.N.V.R. commission. Leo Wynter was badly hurt when the Sirius was bombed in the Eastern Mediterranean. At Alexandria he was visited by Fred Cosstick. On his return to England he was sent to K.A. for a commission, but the doctor said " No." Our deepest commiserations. Leo, by the way, has seen the Greek lady mentioned elsewhere in these notes and gives her full marks.

Kenneth Brown has been to see us from Messrs. Cable and Wireless. With him there are Bentley, Dann, Bean and Emerson. D. F. Davis is a W/OP in the Middle East. In addition to Yandell he has contacted Will Morling at G.H.Q. and spent 72 hours leave with Ken Barnes at Alexandria, a meeting as important to them as that of the "Big Three". Will Morling has married in Cairo the daughter of a Vienna doctor. Our hearty congratulations. Another Old Boy (no names, no pack drill) is enamoured of a beautiful Greek in Alexandria The first post-war Old Boys' dance should be exciting. The Headmaster has decided to be M.C. on that occasion. < p>We were delighted to get news of J. R. Reed, of Alfriston. He is a Lieutenant in a H.A.A. Battery composed of Madrassis and has been in India over two years. The Madrissis have no military traditions but four dialects. Even so it has proved possihle to teach them English and to make Gunners of them. Reed met Holton on a course out there. We congratulate him on his marriage.

Fred Cosstick is still Fred Cosstick, "Prisoners' Friend" at a Court Martial (should we have said Defending Counsel?), a 70-mile dash by road, arrives on a rugger ground to see his Battery taking the field for the "second leg" of a seven-a-side tournament, changes on the spot, plays three strenuous rounds, including the final - the first time he had had a game of rugger since the North African campaign - sick after the game, a glorious afternoon's sport. Incidentally, he ran into a very Intelligence Corp`s N.C.O., who proved to be Geoffrey Knight, a pensive Lieutenant R.N.V.R. - our Pip Noel, and an injured matelot - Leo Wynter.

John Turner has returned from Canada as a bomb aimer. While there he made contact with at least one former Glyndebourne star and spent a month in New York, sometimes in front, sometimes behind stage at the Metropolitan Opera. We were, very pleased to make contact with John Strachan again. If you go to Aden and search amid the sand, rocks, flies and heat, you will find an R.A.F. Sergeant drinking his daily pint of rationed water - in a billet made of petrol tins. Our John.

The scene changes. Somewhere in Italy. A Quartermaster-Sergeant poring over the Old Boys Notes. An hour flies by unknown, Q.M. at last returns to the present. Hurries off. Meets infuriated Officer. "What the - - - had he been doing. "Sir, the whisky has just come up." Officer subsides. Q.M. smiles. Tom Hodson.

We have been able to greet Flying-Officer E. S Gabes. When last we heard of him he had left Beaufighters and was on Mosquitoes in R.A.F. C. R. Kelley has now attained the rank of Sergeant in the R.A.F. When last he wrote to us he was in Corsica and very much in love with the scenery - villages built on terraced hills with snowclad mountains in the background. Like many Old Boys he hopes we shall not lose the peace when it comes. He met Lobby Hall in a cold, dark, wet hangar in Tunis. Lobby is a Sergeant Navigator.

Frank Bevan dropped us a line from home. At last he has accepted a commission and is a Flying-Officer. He, Killick, Frank Sharp and Tom Horgan have been flying since the beginning of the war. Good luck to them. Killick paid us a very pleasant visit. We have heard a rumour that he is doing his stuff over the other side, operational for the first time since his bad crash in the Battle of Britain. Frank Sharp when last he wrote was at a station in Oxfordshire. He was getting tired of instructing and was thinking of trying to get on to Ops. once more.

Tom Horgan has been to see us, back from the Med. where he had seen fighting in every theatre, including Greece. He had returned to renew acquaintance with France, where he was in 1939. Although a Group Captain, he was doing a lot of flying when last he wrote. We ran into Tich Barford, Flt-Lieut. on the front at Brighton. He called in at School and was having a period as an Instructor after a lot of work on night-fighters. Caton and Bob Ford are in a well-known "pool" in the North of England awaiting posting overseas for R.A.F. training. The wait is so long that they feel it a pool of mud in which they are stuck. Caton whiles away the time playing an organ, Bob talking to French airmen.

Alec Franklin, after being captured in North Africa, was transferred to Italy and thence to Germany. We hope his next move will be to Sussex. Jack Franklin, having survived a period of " Ops.", changed his three stripes for two rings, one for his sleeve and one - plain gold - for a lady. We hope the navigation of his new course will be as good as in the past.

Norman Hancock, having several tours of "ops." to his ciedit, now has a staff job as a Squadron Leader. He took a day off to visit his old Squadron and found it equipped with new Tempests in place of the old Spitfires and Typhoons. Norman managed to get a "flip" in one, saw a doodle-bug coming, shot it down and "called it a day." Him, too, we congratulate on getting married. It's catching.

Bill Hazelrigg when he wrote was in Normandy and says he would not have missed it for anything. Like Ted Wynter he is full of admiration for British organisation. He is recapturing the thrill of hearing the French language - not from the lips of Mr. Auld. Roger Braidwood, now rejected for service in the Forces, is in a bank in San Francisco. He has had a rise in pay, which he ascribes to a testimonial sent out by the Headmaster. The H.M. suggests a rake-off in all similar cases. B. J. Beal came to see us while on leave. He has been doing trips across the channel in support of our troops in Normandy. His boat struck a mine, sank quickly, but there were few casualties. We have been glad to welcome Tompsett and Mills from Messrs. Vickers Armstrong and Gordon, who is doing a University Naval Course at Cardiff. Unfortunately, we were only free to see them for a few moments.

Basil Chandler, Flt-Lieut., has at last retired for a time from active operations with 95 trips to his credit, believed to be a record for a rear-gunner. As recorded elsewhere he now has added the Soviet Medal for Valour to his D.F.C. This carries with it a free pass on Russian railways and a pension of ten roubles a month - equivalent to 4s. 2d. No wonder he has got married.

Congrats. to Emery, who has his second ring, a new ship - a brand new sloop - and who came third in a Naval Course. Sayers called to see us deeply engaged in medical studies at St. Thomas' Hospital. He appeared to be very embonpoint and likely to ooze cheerfulness beside many a sick bed. Jack Duchossoy flies Bostons with the Lorraine Squadron of the Free French. Skimming over the Channel cliffs he caught a German Officer going for a walk. The Officer was - to use a term coined in this war - liquidated. A few five hundred pound bombs on a hutted camp outside Rennes likewise "liquidated" 184 German Officers at a conference. No wonder a star has, been added to his Croix-de-Guerre. May he liquidate the whole officer corps. Hitler's hangings are not in , .[sic]

B. G. Sharp, having completed his R.E. University Course at Manchester, has continued the long trail towards an R.E. commission at Northampton and Clitheroe. We congratulate him on surviving a W.O. Selection Board. Soar, who is at work in Naval Stores in London, was viewing an enemy raid at night from outside his front door. He says, "A tremendous explosion a little way behind us made us draw back quickly. We waited while the echoes died away amidst the rumble of the barrage and then we heard a peculiar humming noise approaching us. We all dived for cover and a few seconds later there was a tremendous clang and a lot of little clashes, then silence." A cautious and fearful search with a screened torch revealed a large object lying in the middle of the lawn - a dustbin lid.

Martin Preece has finished his University Course, his sea-service and is now training for a commission at K.A.

D. C. Blunden is following an R.A F. University Course at Magdalen, Oxford. He is charmed by his surroundings, is trying to make friends with the deer in the college gardens and rose to hear the college choir sing its traditional hymn at sunrise from the top of the college tower on May morning. We have heard from Rooke, who has entered the Navy as a seaman boy and likes the life, from Delmon who has left School to join the Irish Guards and finds his Sergeant a real friend, and from S. G. C. Wood, of Seaford, who has joined the Army and gained twenty pounds in weight in two months. He says that he loves the Army life and that in Ireland, where he is training there is "food in plenty. Lemons are sold in the streets in Belfast, and in Woolworths one can buy turkey sandwiches, milk and ice cream. A typical supper at the Naafi is ham, egg and chips." Wood met Gray outside the Company Stores at Canterbury.

A. F. Akehurst (not to be confused with the illustrious George) is another Old Boy who has left School to enter the Forces. He is a Fleet Air Arm apprentice and when he visited School appeared to have made an excellent start. E. H. B. Sellwood is still serving in the R.A.F. in the Middle East. When he wrote to us he had just spent a leave at a village in the Lebanon mountains and had apparently had all the experiences one normally expects at a winter sports holiday in Switzerland - brilliant sunshine, dazzling snow, ski-ing, etc. To get there he had passed through Tyre, Sidon, Acre, Haifa, Beirut and Tripoli. Back at his station he is disporting himself at a Lido and has helped to make a 16-ft. canoe. He says fencing is very popular. Who mentioned the horrors of war !!!

Haggar is doing his flying training in the heart of the Prairies and when he wrote was flying Cornells. He happened to mention Lewes in the crew room and was immediately approached by a fellow-airman, who turned out to be Dickinson. Dickinson left in 1933 when his parents moved from Ringmer. He sent us his good wishes. Frank Dusart is following a similar course to Blunden, but at Southampton. He is doing well there, thoroughly enjoys himself and likes everything, except the porridge.

Jim Essex, after fighting the authorities and winning the first two rounds, has tried hard to reconcile himself to the accountants branch of the Navy instead of the executive. He is longing to get to sea but has had another spell in hospital with a burnt hand. Travelling from the West of England to Lewes the writer's attention was distracted from his newspaper by the entry of a smart young soldier. It was Eric Huntington. For the first time we heard the story of how a German ambush was evaded on the way back to Dunkirk - by crawling underground the whole length of a village via the sewer.

David Greenwood, of Maresfield, is with a hot crowd - the 1st Battalion the Hampshire Regiment - in Normandy, and must have seen some stiff fighting. His brother, "W. T." has been badly wounded in Burma. We have often wondered about David Barker, who went to Southern Rhodesia before the war. We were delighted to get a letter. He has been invalided from the S.A. Forces after serving as a Sergeant in the fighting in North Africa and is now back at his old school at Marandellas. He would be glad to ofier hospitality to any Old Boy who may be out there under the Air Training Scheme.

Our hearty congratulations to Ronald Smith, who broadcast in a B.B.C. concert on July 26. He has been teaching at Harrow School. D. C. Berry, who is a Fleet Air Arm apprentice and is now stationed in Staffordshire, appears to take Naval examinations and cross-country runs in his stride. Guy Gravett who is a Captain R.E , wrote to us at midnight from a ship off the Anzio Beachhead. He says he has been alternately bored, frightened and angry. He was in North Africa got such a pasting at Bone from the Luftwaffe that it scared the life out of him, disported in a "duck" off Salerno, went up to Ortona with the 8th Army and then to Anzio. Rugger and painting are, he says, much more his idea of life.

We were glad to get news of Kearley, who joined the School when it opened in 1930. He has been serving in the Royal Corps of Signals, was in France and Belgium in 1940, coming back via Dunkirk, then at Tobruk and Alamein and the subsequent advance. Clapson, when he wrote to us, was about to go to sea in submarines - a change from his first ship, Nelson. We believe he is our only Old Boy in this Service and wish him good luck.

Clifford Crouch, who was in Gib. as a Lieutenant R.A., has returned and is now back in England. George Hilton has also returned from the Mediterranean, having visited Corsica. Harry is back in Civvy Street, after his service in North Africa. Jenner and Rich are in the Royal Armoured Corps and are doing well. Peter Williams is believed to have gone overseas for aircrew training. David has been having a trying time in hospital.

We saw an extract from the Sussex Daily News, which revealed that Woodbury is serving with the Royal Corps of Signals in Burma. The native hovels, described by him, appear to be about equal to the pit-dwellings of our pre-historic ancestors. John Holton, who is a Lieutenant serving in a West African Artillery Battery also in Burma, has managed to get in some huntin' and shootin', but no fishin'.

It was good to get a letter from G. J Arnold. Our previous news of him had been that he had obtained his London degree. It came as a surprise to know that he was quite an old campaigner, having served in the Signals in Algiers and now in Italy. He has found opportumties to practise his knowledge of German, Italian and Spanish. Among the many, Old Boys in India is Cyril Hurst, who is a Sergeant R.A. He whiles away the time writing poems. Peters last wrote to us from North Africa. The Censor had had a field-day with his letter, but we managed to learn that he had been on "a barren, god-forsaken rock" and had met C. R Kelley. He gave us news of D. J. Crouch, who was Signals Officer to an Armoured Unit. He also told us that P. H. Marson was in India. Peter Walder, also in India, finds that mosquitoes have joined the Axis. No doubt they will be the last to offer "unconditional surrender."

We believe Bingham has now gone to France. Like Dick Camplin he is in "Movement Control." He hopes to settle in Australia after the war. Peter Cronin, who has been working in an explosives factory in Lancashire, is hoping for a change and something more exciting.

D. E. Goodall sent us welcome news of his service. He is a Corporal in R.E.M.E. and is attached to a Searchlight Battery. Incidentally, if he is still at the station from which he wrote he may find Eric Huntington not many miles away

We have Old Boys serving in the air, on sea, under water, on land and now below ground. K. Bridgman and Ott have gone down the mines and appear as happy as sandboys. They have now been joined by Filtness, who "looked forward to the experience" . We admire their "guts." R. Rogers is working in a laboratory at a resin factory in Tonbridge. He likes his job. We heard in a letter from Buller-Sinfield that Geoff Cornford is in Italy with the R.E. Fred (Smiler) Moore is also out there.

Ken Robson, who in a few weeks won the D.F.M., was shot down in enemy territory, escaped by a devious route across Europe, and came home, has since collected about forty small wounds in his back and right shoulder from a German night-fighter's canon shell. We are very glad to know that none was serious. Fatty Pelham wrote to us from his frigate in the Mediterranean. He is sorry to note that Lewes House has lost the Swimming Cup. We congratulate him on being the proud father of a small daughter.

Roy Stevens has moved from Oxford House London, to Shropshire, where he is helping to run a residential school for children who left the East End during the blitz. He finds the experiment of giving life in a community to East End children very absorbing. John Pay, who is a theological student at Cardiff University, has passed Inter-B.A. and part of his Final. John Cyster recently scored 100 per cent. in an Aircraft Recognition Test in the R.A.F. Albert Brown, who has been prevented by medical reasons from joining the Forces, can be frequently seen wearing a Sergeant's stripes doing his bit in the Home Guard.

Congratulations to F. A. Holton on his success in the Natural Science Tripos at Cambridge; to A L. Oliver on passing the first part of his final B.Sc. Engineering; and to Sampford, who came top at Brighton Technical College in the 2nd Year Examination of the National Certificate of the Institute of Builders. We have just learnt with pleasure that Bill Evans has passed the B. Pharm. exam. Lowles, wounded in France in 1940, last wrote to us from Northern Ireland, where he was a Corporal P.T. Instructor.

Colin Bliss, Royal Artillery, paid us a welcome visit. He had finished his training and was ready for anything. A. G. Green gave a very amusing talk to the A.T.C. on his experiences at R.A.F. Grading School. Since commencing these notes we have heard that Jim Hobden, in a flight over Rouen, trod on the escape hatch, which opened. Jimmy found himself dangling in the slip-stream minus parachute, but managed to get back into the plane. Eric Taylor, who has been engaged on Air Ministry work in Cornwall since before the war, had lunch with Sholto Douglas and found him a live wire. Any lonely Old Boy in Cornwall can get into touch with Eric through Messrs. Wallis, contractors. He will be glad to offer hospitality.

A letter has also arrived from Louis McKimm, who has met Ted Wynter in Italy. McKimm, who is in a Mountain Battery, has an Arab pony with which he came second in a race. With Ken Mullins riding the Derby favourite and Michael Rees making a name as an Apprentice, we appear to be building up a connection with the Turf. We heard from our old friend Ramdin a short time ago. He is a Sergeant in the Army Dental Corps stationed at Perth. After a four years sojourn he can at last understand the language. He believes the "Fair Maid" of that town to be the only decent looking girl the place ever produced, but we noted he epded his letter in order to keep a date with an A.T.S. P.T. Instructress.

Bob Hoad, who played for the University Air Squadron at Rugger while at Cambridge, sent us an entrancing letter worth quoting in full, but space forbids. The high light was his account of a 700 mile trek from Ponca City, Oklahoma, to Denver, Colorado, his climbing of a 14,000-ft. peak in the Rockies, of the people he met from chainstore managers to the chief detective (on a friendly basis), of Colorado Springs, of drinking Vodka and Tequila (a Mexican brew from cactus) in a Denver night club, and of the girls he left behind him. After all that it was decided he would do better as a bomb-aimer than as a pilot, and so he departed for Canada.

Harry Woodward, busy in farm work, came to renew old contacts after four years, while John Brown also paid us a visit at the end of his training in Signals. Two recent Old Boys are Mercer who is in a drawing office at Grays, and Walter Emerson, who is living at Spalding and hopes to get into Messrs' Cable and Wireless. A. E Walter, of Buxted, sent us a line from Bury, Lancs, where he is a Corporal in Signals. Gooderham when he wrote, was stationed in Hertfordshire, and had had a long spell in Norfolk. He is a L.A.C. (W/M) and appeared to find life interesting. He attended Tyndale's wedding, but missed Hancock's - mueh to his regret. .

Also in Norfolk when last he wrote was R. N. Jarvis, Warrant Officer, R.A.F. He was busy instructing. Burgess has finished his University Course for potential R.A. Officers, and is now getting experience of the Army proper. J. F. Glenister, when he wrote to us was at an R.A.F. station in the Shetlands. Lovegrove, who left the district some time ago, is living in Axminster. Congratulations to David Marande, who is now a Fighter-Pilot with a commission. Before going overseas for training he distinguished himself in R.A.F. Rugger and in P.T. displays. John Henderson is in Normandy with the R.A. We wish him Good Luck! Dawe has paid us a welcome visit, having returned to England after service in the Mediterranean.

We have heard that K. W. Norris has been made a Freeman of the City of Coventry in recognition of important and confidential war work. He is with Messrs. Armstrong Whitworth. Our hearty congratulations. Michael Barnett, when he wrote to us, was doing a Sapper's Course and was classified as a Pioneer Student (Potential Officer).

It was good to extend a welcome to John Wells. Old Boys may remember he had a bad crash in America, but has now returned with his wings. He is full of praise for American plastic surgery. A. J. Stocks, when he last wrote, had just attended a W.O. Selection Board. He is in Signals. We have heard that A. G. French, of Uckfield, is now with the R.A.F. in India. Congratulations to Colin Chivers, who started in the R.A.M.C., but is now a Subaltern in the Gunners. "Ribs" Cooper is still engaged in secret radio work. He has had a change of station where his duties are more closely allied to operations "even though," he said, "this only extends to firing a few guns or sending out a destroyer occasionally." We have never yet been in a position to order out a destroyer, but have paid a humble two bob for a punt or rowing boat.

R. A. Pullinger, after a period in Forestry, has entered the Army. Alan Crouch has entered the service of the G.P.O. and is doing well. Don Blake sent us a long and interesting account of life in the Azores where he was sent as a Pilot. Best brandy can be obtained there at five shillings a bottle. Alec, after service on a mine-sweeper, has a shore job on electrical maintenance staff. We have heard that Knowles, formerly of Seaford, has obtained his wings and, we believe, a commission. His home is now at Newbury, Berks. Is he still fond of cows ?

R. T. Chatfield has completed a Naval course as a Telegraphist at Glasgow. G. P. Durrant is in Cornwall training as a Naval Artificer Apprentice. P. J. Jacobs in the Isle of Man has found the food plentiful, the scenery most attractive, and his specialist Army job most interesting. Gibbons, our old School Captain, after his service in ihe Army, is now a Machinery Officer for the Bedfordshire W.A.E.C. Sam Henderson is proud of his small daughter. What about an Old Boy baby show at our first post-war fete?

Clem Berry toils all day on the farm and in the evening as a Corporal in the Home Guard. He does all he can and enjoys all he does. Peter Mason is at work in the Shipping Department of a London firm. He has passed the Bookkeeping Exam. of the Royal Society of Arts. Bryan Mattocks, in the R A.F. still in North Africa, has enjoyed a few games at rugger, so evidently his leg wound has healed. We have been glad to greet Sam Smith (with Mrs. Sam) back from Italy and now in Normandy; Kirk in Armoured Cars and star turn in an Army dance band; R. G. Moore and D. H. Randall loyal in their visits from Halton; Walter Randall, who is a grimly humorous Fighter Pilot; and Bartholomew, who, like Duchossoy, is in the Free French Air Force.

A. W. Brown, of saxophone fame, wrote to us from a London address. He has passed out as a Wireless Mechanic R.A.F. Dance still plays soccer and rugger, sometimes for his ship, sometimes for the base. He has a small son. R. A. Bellingham was sent home on medical grounds and has been working for Messrs. Caffyns, Haywards Heath. He is still keeping his business going despite the war.

We have not heard from Fatty Palethorpe, but Fred Ruffle met him on Malta during the invasion of Sicily, when he was flying a Kittyhawk bomber. We understand he is now a P/O in South Africa. Michael Palethorpe has also joined the R.A.F. as Aircrew. Fred Ruffle came back from the Med. to a home station owing to dysentery and sandfly fever. We trust he is now better. Alan Rogers has fortunately recovered from his bad accident, but will be unfit for further flying. He was hoping for a met. job. Norman Edwards, who was at Dunkirk, is now a Staff-Sergeant and Radio Expert in R.E.M.E. Adams is in the same Corps as Edwards, and like him is a Radio Expert attached to an Ack-Ack site in the London area.

A. E. Marson wrote to us from Birmingham, where he was training as an Engineering Cadet. The standard required for these cadetships is reasonabiy high and we heartily congratulate him on being accepted. The same felicitations go to Millar, who has achieved the same distinction. David Bartlett has been working as an Apprentice in the Marine Shops at Newhaven. and training with the Seaford A.T.C., with a view to service in the R.A.F. as Aircrew.

Bob Faulkner, Lieutenant R.N.V.R. came on leave on Friday morning, was engaged to be married on Friday evening, was married on Sunday morning, and assumed command of M.L. 241 on Monday. He deserves all the "Good Luck" going. Incidentally, he thinks of entering the Church after the war. If he acts at this pace he will certainly bring zip into that institution. John Cobb is in the offices of Messrs. Watson and Son, Heathfield. We were glad to see him on the occasion of our match with Christ's Hospital. Don Castle has been through the mill from Sergeant to F/O, and has done tours of duty on night-fighters and on Spitfires. When he wrote to us he was attached to a Film Unit. Look out for "Signed with their Honour" the story of a Gladiator Squadron in Greece. Don "stars" as British, Greek and Italian air ace alternately - shades of Fag in our production of "The Rivals."

We received a letter and photograph from William Arnold sent from a German P.O.W. camp, a good N.C.O. in Boche hands. We shall look forward to welcoming him home. Baldwin, before being called up for the R.A.F., passed the National Diploma in Mechanical Engineering, also Part I of the City and Guilds Advanced Electrical Technology Exam., and the Higher National Diploma in all but Maths, in which he was "referred." Hard luck but well done!

A. F. Rich, after completing his training in the R.A.C., was posted to the Inniskinnin Dragoons and recommended for a commission. Woodrow has been commissioned as a Pilot in the Fleet Air Arm. Peter Brown has returned from Canada with his brevet as a NavigatorBomb-aimer. He looked very smart and fit. Michael and David Joslin are farming near Tunbridge Weils and have put in as many as a hundred hours in a week when harvesting. David is in the Home Guard and is a specialist in hand grenades. Grayson, we believe, is on Flying Fortresses. He really has had no embarkation leave lately - at least we have not seen him - so perhaps he has at last gone abroad.

Coxon, another of the 1930 brigade, came to see us, wearing Sergeant's stripes in the R.A.F. As a regular he had explored most of the Middle East and India and had done about 2,000 hours in the air. He had called at the Air Ministry, with what result we do not know. We have heard that Head, after completing his course as an Apprentice Clerk, re-mustered as Aircrew. Ossy Hill is now a W/O and has defeated the R.A.F.s attempt, so long successful, to side-track him. He is on heavy bombers. Eric Cook, invalided from the R.A.F., has spent another period at the Savoy, a sojourn in Lewes and is now at a hotel in Hove.

Pat Power, after a stay of four months in U.S.A., passed an examination in Diesel engines and has been granted an engineering commission R.N.V.R. Hearty congratulations. We believe that Alan Fenner is serving in the R.A F. The War Department agreed to release him and he volunteered for this Service. Turton is in a firm of accountants at Eastbourne and is studying for his professional examinations. We were glad to see A. D. Renville when he visited the School after completing his Infantry training. He is in the Norfolk Regiment. Geering, after his sojourn in Iceland, was posted to an R.A.F. station at Shrewsbury, whese he was able to play rugger. Bob Butchers, who did an I.T.W. course at Cambridge, must now be nearirig the end of his training for his wings.

We were pleased to get a short note from Michael Smith, who is reading medicine at Christ's College, Cambridge. When these lines appear in print, Pilbeam will be doing the same at Trinity. They may like to compare notes. With Sayers at St. Thomas' Hospital, we are becoming very medical.

We believe John Cull is an A/Captain in India; that Kenneth Grainger did a Captain's course for flying boats; and that Beevor is a Coder in the Navy. Marcus Berry, F/Engineer, crashed in the Med., but posing as a ship wrecked mariner, was picked up by Spanish fishermen. He was taken to Spanish Morocco and then to Gib., hence home. Good show. We are sorry he has had malaria. David George is tired of supervising W.R.N.S. at a Naval gunnery gchool. He has our sympathy. Sinnock, in the R.A.F., has paid us several visits He has spent some of his service at an isolated station off the west coast of Scotland. P. J. Cole sent us an interesting letter from North Africa, where he is a draughtsman on the staff of the Military Engineering School. He had met Wicks, who went there for a course before he returned from Italy, and also poor Eric Baker. One of the most heartening things is the pleasure that Old Boys, no matter of what contrasting rank, service or generation, appear to get when they meet in scattered parts of the world.

L. F. Martyn, who is in an engineering works in Lincoln, gained his National Certificate with distinctions in Maths, Mechanics and Heat Engines. We congratulate him on his commission in the Home Guard. E. K. Payne, Lieut. R.N.V.R., left Nairobi where he was stationed for Mauritius, which he found an island paradise, with fishing, sailing and bathing to while away the time. Now he has been re-posted to a station on the African coast. We are sorry he has had malaria.

Tubby Beal is still, we believe a C.Q.M.S. in Italy. He is reported by Will Morling to be one of the lucky ones, having two pairs of socks and sheets on his bed. Incidentally, Tubby apologised in his letter to Will for "inexact Eustonese", a language many Old Boys have had to learn. Colin Banks, who visited Morling in Cairo, had a stroke of bad luck. He was transferred to a new unit just before his old one was ordered home. A few letters have rolled in since we began these notes. Dick Rees lost the C.O. of his sloop, damaged in a collision reported above. He was found chasing round the battlefields of Northern France with a Tommy Gun. Charles Hall "sighs for a spot of freedom." He is the only bearer of the School Rugger Colours in camp games. John Lawrence, also in Germany, sends his greeting to Martlets House and is longing to be back again.

Denis Thomas is out of the fighting for the time being. He has crocked and has flown back to a base hospital in Assam. He says that as a chindit he "marched (or rather floundered) upwards of 500 miles over swamps, rivers, 5,000-ft. mountains and unchartered tracks. It wasn't a peaceful walk either. The Jap showed plenty of fight wherever we met him. We were able to get casualties evacuated by light plane, by clearing a strip in the jungle and calling for help."

Eric Barfoot has been moving about a bit - from the Middle East to India and the Burma front then back to Italy where he now is - a most interesting letter which we should like to quote in full, but have no space. He has 66 ops. to his credit and hopes to complete the hundred. In India he tried a little poultry culture "Having settled a broody hen on four duck eggs I awaited results. Out there the results are rapid. In 15 days we had three ducklings for the mess and in 16 days we had none. Chickens start laying eggs at two to three months, but they make tough eating, as we soon found out after putting the broody hen to the axe. She must have been many times a grandmother anyway." The Head, on receiving this letter, booked the first post-war passage for his geese - or are they ganders ?

News of Old Masters : Mr Davies, our old Maths Master, is Headmaster of Larne Grammar School; Mr. Dolden is a Captain in Paratroops; Mr. Smith a Staff-Major in India; Mr. Page a Staff-Captain still in North Africa, we believe; Mr. Courtney, Lieutenant R:A. in Gibraltar; Mr. Silk has been given a commission in the Pioneer Corps; Mr. O'Brien is still at a Naval station in Lancashire; Mr. Pett, Lieutenant R.N at King Alfred; Mr. Pratt busy making explosives in the West. We wish them all good luck and a safe return.

Before we close we feel a special word should be said in praise of those Old Boys who have, before commencing national service, upheld the School record at the University. To detail the names and deeds of all would be uncalled for, but during the past year alone Holton has been a stalwart at Trinity, Cambridge; Peter Williams obtained his Rugger Colours at St. Catherine's, Cambridge; Bob Ford and Martin Preece played in the final Oxford Rugger Trial, while Ford commanded the University R.A.F. Squadron at the passing out parade. Caton, but for an accident, would undoubtedly have achieved rugger fame at Oxford. All the rest in their respective spheres more than pulled their weight.

Finally, we apologise for inaccuracies and omissions. We know such apologies are necessary. We also thank those O.L.s who gave such generous support to our appeal for funds.


Norman Thorpe in Northern Australia is combating white ants, tropical heat, and snakes and lizards in the bed.
Hemsley has moved from West Africa to India.
John Hall is back in England from the Med.
Maurice Hall has recently entered the Navy.
Rooke has had leave from the Navy and R. G. Moore embarkation leave.
Bob Ford represented the North-West Command R.A.F. in an athletic meeting at Manchester against Army and U.S.A. teams.
Geoff Ford has his second ring.

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