Girls Blazer Badge Boys Blazer Badge

"The Barbican"

No. 26 - December 1950

The Original Barbican cover In 1950 the post-war period of austerity still continues - many foods are still rationed - but, curiously, there is virtually no mention here of the War and its aftermath. The only reference to the proposed memorial chapel is a brief list of donations during the year amounting to £327 15s 4d. - it is almost as if there is a deliberate attempt not to raise the topic. Are most people weary of thinking about the war and trying to put it out of their minds? To forget?

Or is it because the Korean War has begun and there is some disquiet that we have been dragged into it? This time the Big Two have the H-bomb in their arsenal. An ugly situation is developing in the Far East adding to the tense Cold War situation in Europe. Do we have to endure more ? That is the question at the back of many people's mind - not least those senior boys at school, such as your webmaster, soon to be doing National Service. The future looks anything but peaceful.

Extracts from the Barbican



The Magazine Of
The Lewes County Grammar School
for Boys

December 1950


SCHOOL LIST, 1949-50 AND 1950-51



















ITALIAN JOURNEY, 1950, by L. B. Tarlo, VIA





SCHOOL LIST, 1949-50

School Captain: I. S. Winchester.
Vice-Captain: T. B. Woods.

LEWES ... S. B. Symons, J. J. Fryatt, R. C. Cosham, J. A. Phillips.
MARTLETS ...R. J. Humphreys, C. S. Message, C. G. Andrews.
SEAHAVEN ... I. S. Winchester, T. B. Woods, P. L. Still, B. G. Michell, A. J. Tompsett, R. J. Fletcher.
UCKFIELD ... R. R. Wells, E. Williams, M. Smith.

Form Captains:
Transitus, A. E. Ticehurst; VB, F. Boot; VJ, D. Rogers; Remove A, J. Muir; Remove B, J. Barber; Remove J, A. Taylor; IVA, M. Cooper; IVB, L. Johnson; IVJ, W. Niner; IIIA, N. Barnes; IIIB, B. Langford; IIA, P. Harris; IIB, M. Everest; J.T.S. I, O. Sutton; J.T.S. II, W. Message.

Editors of the Magazine:
I. S. Winchester, R. C. Field, K. J. Funnell.

SCHOOL LIST, 1950-51
School Captain: T. B. Woods. Vice-Captain: R. R. Wells.

LEWES ... J. A. Phillips, J. K. Bird, R. C. Field.
MARTLETS ... R. J. Humphreys, C. S. Message, C. G. Andrews, F. E. Wood.
SEAHAVEN ... T. B. Woods, D. W. Sandles, A. Purbrook.
UCKFIELD ... R. R. Wells, M. V. Hobden, K. Hook.

Form Captains:
VI MODERN, P. N. Ray; VI SCIENCE, E. O. Wood; VIG, P. Bishop; VB, J. Barber; VJ, P. Blunt; Remove A, B. Dailey; Remove B, J. Bailey; REMOVE J, W. Niner; IVA, D. Clay; IVB, N. J. Barnes; IVJ, B. Langford ; IIIA, G. Barford ; IIIB, B. Isard ; IIIJ, M. Tweed ; IIA, J. Le-Feau; IIB, A. Stapley; J.T.S. I, J. Fuller; J.T.S. II, R. Robeson.

Editors of the Magazine:
R. C. Field, C. G. Andrews, J. Abbo.


WHAT is the purpose of a School Magazine?

In The Barbican we try to present a comprehensive record of the life of the School during the last School year. It is a record of steady effort and progress both in the classroom and on the playing field - a record of successes both academic and sporting. But the Magazine also reports on thc many school activities and organisations to which the staff have so unselfishly devoted their time. A great part of the life of the School goes on outside School hours - and too often outside the knowledge and interest of the ordinary boy. The School Societies, the School Camp, the School Visit to France are as important to a boy's education as the instruction he receives in the classroom. Each boy should, as far as he can, join in the corporate life of the School, and take advantage of the opportunities offered to him. The Barbican exists not only to record the life of the School, but to arouse the interest of parents and boys in it. It tells the parents what their sons are doing; it tells the School what the School is doing.

The School Magazine also brings to light the considerable literary talent to be found in the School. Promising ability is shown by juniors and seniors alike, but it is regrettable that many conceal the gifts they possess. (The reader is not the only loser thereby). In spite of the disappointing poverty of material, however, the usual high standard of individual contribution has been maintained by the few who have thrown off the all too common cloak of apathy and false modesty.

The School Magazine is essentially a thing of the School and for the School; it is up to the School to play its part in the production of it.

Note. - We regret that owing to cost, it has been found impossible to print the literary contributions in this issue.


DURING the past year we have said "Goodbye" to valued members of the Staff. Mr. J. F. Johnson left us after a comparatively brief stay to become Assistant Registrar at Reading University, another instance of a first-class scholar and schoolmaster abandoning the higher calling of teaching for the higher salary, of administration. We thank him for all he did for the School.

The departure of Mr. F. C. Price to become headmaster of Seaford County Modern School was another grievous blow, and, in as much as a Headmaster's time is largely occupied in administration, another triumph of the office over the formroom. Mr. Price was a brilliant teacher of mathematics and indefatigable in his help with games and other out-of-school activities. Lewes's loss has been Seaford's gain. [But not, one has to say, the most pleasant of teachers and most were glad to see him go. MVH]

Mr. Philps, who came as a temporary master to bridge the gap made by the departure of Mr. Johnson, has now left us to teach in France. We cannot let his stay with us go unrecorded, brief as it was. In a first post, to be able to take over the work of so able a schoolmaster as Mr. Johnson without detriment to the School was a remarkable achievement. We are confident that his brilliant record at Cambridge will be equalled by the brilliance of his subsequent career.

We are glad to welcome to the Staff Mr. C. N. Sharples, M.A. (Cantab), C.I.E., formerly of the Indian Civil Service, Mr. J. A. W. Mould, B.A. (London), Mr J. D. Wooding, B.Sc. (London), and Mr. H. V. Ansell, M.A. (Oxon). We hope that they will be very happy in their work at Lewes.

We are deeply indebted to one of our Governors, Mr. Lockitt, who has presented to the Library a number of volumes of the proceedings of the Camden Society. They should provide valuable material for exercises in historical research.

We are also grateful for the gift of the " Hoare " Cup, an annual award to the boy who does most for Uckfield House. It is all the more tragic to have to record at the same time the death of the donor, Mr. Charles Hoare of Uckfield. Mr. Hoare had been very interested in the School and had contributed with his sister, Miss Hoare, most generously to our Chapel Fund. A former headmaster and Blackheath Rugby Footballer, we mourn his passing.

Reading the manuscript of the Magazine before it goes to press, the Headmaster notes that successive House Captains always bewail the lack of effort in some sphere or other on the part of members of their houses. No doubt this theme will not be expounded by a Captain only on the occasion - if ever - when all the trophies have been won by his House. More serious is the suggestion in the reports of some School Societies that the number of boys playing an active part is not as great as it should be. In an area such as ours, travelling difficulties are a handicap which cannot be ignored. Parents are reminded however that the value of a vigorous participation in out-of-school activities is, to the average boy, quite as great as the value of the work done in the Form Room. Confidence and personality at an interview count for more than paper qualifications. The School tries to provide for its members a full life - work, games and societies. Not to participate in all that the School offers - bv the hard work and devotion of the staff - is to reject gratuitously something of great value. If he does play his full part, a grammar school boy has no need for external clubs. These often interfere with homework, and are a source of distraction and divided loyalties.

A last remark: Has your boy a regular time and a proper place to do his homework, or does homework compete with the Radio and - a new monstrosity - Television?


House Masters ... Messrs. Larwill, Webb, Eastman, Johnson, Glyn-Davies, Philps.
House Captain: ... J. H. Woolmore (Autumn and Spring Terms);
S. B. Symons and J. J. Fryatt (Summer Term).
House Prefects ... R. C. Cosham, J. A. Phillips, K. B. Stone.

THIS was another year of mediocre success for Lewes House. As usual, the trouble was lack of support from certain members who consider they are above House affairs.
However, the one redeeming feature is that we managed to win the Work Shield from Uckfield. So far this year we are holding our own in the form lists despite certain boys who consistently gain minus marks. If every boy aims at a minimum of five points we shall be assured of retaining the trophy.
In Senior Rugby the team had only three members of the 1st XV available. We failed rather badly against Martlets, drew with Uckfield but gave the all-conquering Seahaven a good game. The Junior Rugby Team promised much in its first match but lost the next two.
Of the three Senior Cricket matches, one was won, one drawn and one lost. The fielding and running between the wickets gave ample proof of the will to win. The Junior team lost in their first two matches but gave a magnificent display of keenness against Martlets and scraped home by two runs.
We were third in Athletics, giving a good display in the jumping events, but we failed in the other events. The many swimming practices held were not in vain as we gained second place. This was due to good swimming amongst the colts. However, the colts were unsuccessful in the Cross Country and we were placed third.
We have lost Mr. Johnson and Mr. Philps ; we hope they will have the best of luck and be happy in their new positions.

House Masters ... Messrs. Auld, Page, Nicholls, Gillam, Hall, Spice.
House Captain ... R. T. Humphry ; Vice H.C., C. S. Message.
House Prefects ... C. G. Andrews, F. E. Wood.

AN impartial observer looking back at these results could draw only one conclusion; that there is considerable talent in the House but that a few people do too much of the work the majority preferring to do nothing. Fop instance in the cross-country, cricket and the athletics, where the result de ends on the efforts of comparatively few, we did well. But in the Work Shield where everyone's effort counts we were last. Wake up the apathetic majority! Not all of us excel but we can all try our best.
The rugby went off satisfactorily, for although the Junior XV lost every match, they played hard against (sometimes numerically) superior combinations. The Senior team had more success. We came second. The team fought really hard, and even the mighty Seahaven machine was stopped until half-time.
We won the Cross-country, because nearly everyone pulled his weight. It was a good show, all the more so because in the previous year's event we were last. In the swimming finals we were second, but came third in the final order; our insufficient number of standard points was the reason for this. To achieve second place in athletics was creditable because the winners had a tremendous pool of talent from which to draw.
The cricket teams, both Senior and Junior, played well, and though the Juniors lost two of their three matches they were always keen. The Seniors came first however. Many will remember the terrific though abortive struggle to hit the runs off Seahaven.
And finally to the Work Shield in which we came an inglorious last.
The moral of these results has been pointed out. - Act on it!

House Masters ... Messrs. Euston, Pett, Jones, Davies, Ollerenshaw, Wooding.
House Captains ... I. S. Winchester, T. B. Woods.
House Prefects ... B. J. Michell, A J. Tompsett, D. E. Pincott,
P. L. Still, R. J. Fletcher, D. W. Sandles, G. A. Purbrook.

ONCE again, during the year 1949-50, we did well on the sports field but failed to shine on the academic side of School life, where a combined effort by the whole House is so necessary. This lack of team spirit was especially noticeable in the cross-country, when we came last, a result due to the number of `slackers' who did not bother to run.
We won the Games Shield, however, by winning all matches in both Junior and Senior Rugby - regrettably our cricket could not attain the same standard ! In the swimming, a grand effort by everyone put us well ahead on standards points, and this lead was increased on Sports Day. The Sinfield Trophy was won by Beard, for a very good individual performance.
Although rather lacking in star performers, we gained the Athletics Cup through the efforts of the many who collected valuable points for second and third places. This achievement might be noted as an example of what can be done by communal effort.
We welcome to the staff Mr. Wooding, in place of Mr. Price. who has gone to Seaford to ensure that we have no shortage of young recruits for the House. So far this School year, hopes of winning the Work Shield are not high, and a determined attempt must be made by many to gain more, and positive, points.

House Masters ... Messrs. Tayler, Gourlay, Silk, Herbert, White, Barton.
House Captain ... R. R. Wells.
House Prefects ... M. Hobden, K. Hook, E. Williams, M. Smith.

NOT an outstanding year, but this does not mean the House has not tried. It has, and if it shows the same determination in the future, the glory of Uckfield, which has been for some time somewhat obscured, will return brighter than ever.
The Senior Rugby was disappointing, but the Junior XV shows promise, Cricket was very mediocre and consequently we occupied third position in the Games Shield. It would be fair to put an R.I.P. on Uckfield's efforts in the Athletics Cup. Apart from Williams - who came firet in the Javelin, Discus and Shot - the House as a whole showed no keenness. It is up to each individual member to see that this does not recur. Bottom position in the Swimming Cup suggests slackness, but the fundamental reason is the lack of swimming facilities around the Uckfield area. New boys especially are urged to learn to swim while they have the opportunity at School.
Perhaps the biggest blow to the House is the loss of the Work Shield, which we have held for the last three years. This setback is due to the Junior School, who unfortunately seem to lack the mental abilities of their predecessors. For the Second year running the Cross-Country Cup has just eluded our eager grasp. The Seniors and Colts put up an admirable performance, especially Sellens who came first in the Colts, but the Juniors were very disappointing. Next year is the Festival of Britain; let us go hard at it and make it the Festival of Uckfield, and obtain some of the House Trophies.
Finally, I am sure all the House would like to voice an appreciation to Mr. Hoare of Uckfield who gave to Uckfield House the "Hoare Cup". This cup is presented each year to the boy who does most for Uckfield House.


Click here for copy of Programme

ONCE more we were favoured with fine weather and once again we felt how happy a ceremony the Speech Day of 1950 had been. First of all we thank our governors for supporting us so nobly. The platform was packed to capacity. Our chairman, Sir Reginald, opened proceedings in his happiest vein - is he ever anything but his best on an occasion such as this. The youthful vigour of our principal speaker, Lord Rupert Nevill, formed a pleasing contrast to the dignity of age. Graciousness was added in the person of Lady Camilla. Civic importance was given to the proceedings by the presence of the Mayor and Mayoress. We were, able to welcome a new friend in the person of Mrs. Lomas and to show our appreciation of the long maintained interest of Colonel and Mrs. Baines. Finally the parents, without whom there could hardly be a Speech Day, crowded the hall from front to rear. We thank them for coming.

Mrs. Parkinson and her staff had done their work well and so after refreshments our guests were able to transfer their attention from the achievements of the mind to the prowess of the body - our Athletic Sports. These were organised by the Staff with customary efficiency and by 7 p.m. the last of our guests had departed and the Speech Day of 1950 was but a memory, a memory of youthful eagerness, of sunshine, and of a perfect Downland setting.


Oxford: K. B. Stone, I. S. Winchester (Distinction in French aud History).
London: J. J. Fryatt, D. E. Pincott, M. A. Short (Distinction in Pure Mathematics),
R. J. Stephens, S. B. Symons, A. J. Tompsett, B. T. Woods, J. H. Woolmore.

C. G. Andrews, D. F. Hunt, J. C. Robson, J. K. Bird, J. W. Morris, L. B. Tarlo, E. Cheeseman, D. A. Simmonds, P. C. Turner, R. de P. Collins, M. S. Stredwick, P. R. Turner, J. Craig, N. W. Farmer, J. D. Wade, G. W. Dale, T. B. Hill, E. O. Wood, K. R. Davey, N. E. Osborn, B. W. Carter, L. A. Ellicott, G. A. Purbrook, C. A. Farley, E. G. W. Fears, D. W. Sandles, D. M. James, D. H. Funnell, A. J. Shrapnel, K. J. Negus, P. J. Goodayle, D. A. Skinner, J. R. Robus, G. G. Harris, M. V. Smith, D. H. Thorpe, R. J Humphry, E. Stubbs, P. Wilson, R. M. Jarvis, T. Baker, J. K. Davies, R. A. Jennings, P. D. Dudeney, K. Golds, M. V. Labern, J. T. Hopkins, J. K. Lee, J. A Phillips, A. A. Manser, M. L. Savage, M. L. Pound, D. F.. Plowman, R. W. Stephens, P. N. Ray, H. F. Styles, D. J Carpenter, J. Riddles, R. C. Welfare, J. A. Hall, F. E. Wood, D. J. Craig, K. G. Hook, R. De Rohan, G. R. Dunstall, D. K. Pratt, H. T. Hayward, R. S. Jeffery, S. A. Rogers, R. J. Luck, M. L. Neal, L. E. S. Saunders. T. S. Nicholson, W. J. Smart, D. R. Shearman, T. R. Seager, D. Blaber, A. P. Wright, R. A. Tuppen, F. C. J. Fowler, A. E. Ticehurst, D. R. Burdett, E. I. Hill, M. G. Davies, C. A. Pearson.

R. Luck, G. Luck, D. H. Funnell, S. A. Rogers, M. Mason, J. Robus.

ROYAL NAVY ... ... ... . ... ... ... M. W. Farmer
R.A.F. ... ... ... ... ... ... M. G. Davies, R. Snow

M. J. Dorling ... Ministry of Agriculture Senior Scholarship, Reading University.
J. J. Fryatt ... MacLoghlin Scholarship in Medicine, King's College, London.
A. J. Tompsett ... Open Scholarship in Natural Science, University College, Southampton.
J. H. Woolmore ... Science Preliminary Examination, Oxford.

D. N. Amos ... University College, Southampton.
E. C. Hill ... Selwyn College, Cambridge.
J. W. Barton ... Bristol University.
D. W. Clay ... Nottingham University.
J. J. Elphick ... Reading University.
R. J. Stephens ... Reading University.
S. B. Symons ... Keble College, Oxford.
M. V. Wells ... Charing Cross Hospital Medical School.
I. S. Winchester ... Magdalen College, Oxford.
B. G. Michell ... Royal Academy of Music.

K. C. Jessop, P. E. Osborne, P. Still, M. M. Smith.

R. C. Cosham, K. B. Stone.

Degree Course.
ENGINEERING : R. J. Fletcher, P. R. Hall, A. M. Jenner, E. Williams, D. K. Pratt.
SCIENCE : W. A. Amos, M. F. Cox, M. V. Labern, K. J. Yates, J. C. Wickens.
Diploma Course.
ARCHITECTURE : R. M. Allfrey, F. C. J. Fowler, J. H. Muir.
BUILDING : J. P. Axell, J. W. Burfoot, R. G. Partridge, R. G. Towner.

THE "EDGAR POVEY" TROPHY . . . . . I. S. Winchester
THE "JARVIS" PRIZE (Presented by S. G. Henderson, O.L.) . . . B. T. Woods
THE "WOOLMORE" PRIZE FOR SCIENCE . . . . . . . . . . J. J. Fryatt
THE "CHRISTIE" PRIZE FOR MUSIC (Seniors) . . . . . J.Creasey
THE "GLASS" PRIZE FOR MUSIC (Juniors) . . . . . . M.Pont
THE "LEWES R.F.C." PRIZE . . . . . . . . . R.C.Cosham
PRIX DE L'ENTENTE CORDIALE . . . . . . . . . J. Gattegno

Transitus ... ... C. G. Andrews, P. C. Turner, P. R. Turner, F. E. Wood.
VB ... ... ... ... J. S. Nicholson.
VJ ... ... ... ... R. W. Stephens.
Rem.A. ... ... ... D. Blaber, E. I. Hill, T. B. Hill.

Subject Prizes ... ... ... L. Tarlo (Geography) ; A. J. Shrapnel, E. O. Wood, T. H. Beeforth (Maths ) ;
B. G. Michell (History) ; J. A. Horstcraft (Latin) ; R. Field (French);
P N. Ray (German); C. S. Message (Biology); M. V. Hobden (Physics) ;
A. J. Tompsett, C. J. Dolloway (Chemistry) ; K. J. Funnell (English) ;
B. G. Woollard (Art) ; R. H. Fuller (Woodwork).

General Proficiency ... H. A. Lee, D. J. Wheeler D. Tisdall, J. R. Buckwell, J. H. Price, B. K. Geraghty.

Service Prizes ... ... R. J. Humphry, R. R. Wells, M. M. Smith, P. Still. M. Pound.

Technical Section ... D. Beard, B. S. Heasman, I. M. Heath, W. J. Reed.

Povey Work Shield ... ... .. Uckfield
Bradshaw Games Shield ... .. Seahaven
Henderson-Oliver Cross-Country Cup ... Martlets
Wilfrid Thompson Athletic Cup ... Seahaven
Innes Swimming Cup ... ... ... Seahaven
Sinfield Swimming Cup ... .. Q.F.S.Lonmon
Hoare Cup for Uckfield House ... R. R. Wells


THE 1949-50 season was on the whole even better than its very successful predecessor. As mentioned in the last " Barbican " we started off very well indeed by beating Skinner's School, Worthing High School, Hurstpierpoint College " A ", Eastbourne College II, Christ's Hospital II, and Chichester High School. Then came two narrow defeats by Bec School and Lewes Club " A ". The Bec match was a surprise to both sides on current form, but on that day Bec were undoubtedly the better team. We won all the return matches that we played though unfortunately the Worthing and Skinners games had to be cancelled. Although all last season's three-quarters and the full baek had gone, we still had both the halves and almost the whole of last year's pack. And it was to this pack that the success of the side was largely due, as they were undoubtedly the best set of forwards we have ever had. Their play was not only vigorous and fiery, but it showed a real skill and knowledge of the game, and a brilliant combination in attack and defence which we have never before achieved. They were well led by Woods, who was ably supported by Woolmore, the best hooker we have produced and a very good all-round forward to boot!

At half-back Cosham and Humphry always played a good resourceful game, with occasional flashes of brilliance and the three-quarters (Smith, Funnell Fletcher and Purbrook), soon settled down into a line that was generally a more sound and reliable combination than last year's scintillating band of opportunists. Harris gallantly took over the vacant full-back position, and though he did not find it too easy at first, he soon gained the necessary confidence and made a very good job of it.

Team :- Full back, Harris ; Three-quarters, Smith, Funnell, Fletcher, Purbrook ; Half-backs, Cosham, Humphry ; Forwards Woods, Woolmore, Cox, Wells, De Rohan, Oxley, Pincott, Winchester, Beard.

Humphry and Woolmore played for the Sussex Public Schools XV in the Christmas holidays.

1st XV
Skinners School ....................... W 8-3
Hurst " A " ................................W 10-0
Worthing High School ........... W 23-3
Eastbourne College II ............ W 17-3
Christ's Hospital II ................ W 11-3
Chichester High School ....... W 23-15
Bec School .................................. L 0-3
Lewes Club " A " ...................... L 3-6
Chichester High School .........W 12-6
Lewes Club " A " .................... W 10-0
Eastbourne College II ............ W 34-0
Won 9, Drew O, Lost 2.
Points : For 151 ; Against 42.

Skinners School D 11-11
Worthing High School W 17-3
Eastbourne College III L 5-11
Brightor Jnr. Technical
School... ... W 43-0
Lewes Club "B" L 0-39
Eastbourne College III W 25-0
Won 3, Drew 1, Lost 2.
Points : For 101 ; Against 64.

Brighton Jnr. Technical School ... .L 3-17
Skinners School .. W 6-5
Worthing High School L 5-8
Eastbourne College Jnr. Colts .. ...... D 3-3
Chichester High School W 19-3
Chichester High School W 14-0
Brighton Jnr. Technical School ... ... D 3-3
Eastbourne College Jnr. Colts ... W 5-0
Won 4, Drew 2, Lost 2.
Points: For 58; Against 39.


Skinners School W (????)
Worthing High School D (????)
Rottingdean School .. D 3-3
Rottingdean School ... W 6-3
Eastbourne College .. L 0-8
Eastbourne College ... L 0-19
Won 2, Drew 2, Lost 2.
Points: For 40; Against 33.


Postscript :-Congratulations to Woolmore and Humphry on playing for Sussex Public Schoolboys in the Christmas holiday matches.


Played 13, Won 3, Tied 1, Drawn 1, Lost 8.
Brighton G.S. A 32-38 for 6 Lost by 4 wickets
Worthing HS .S... H 91-66 . Won by 25 runs
Varndean ... A 70-150 for 3 (dec.) Lost by 80 runs
Varndean H 41 for 9-98 for 9 (dec.) Drawn
Bexhill C.G.S. A 77-61 Won by 16 runs
Parents' XI H 103 for 8-79 Won by 6 wickets
Hove C.G.S. A 16-120 for 6 Lost by 8 wickets
Bexhill C.G.S. A 61-107 for 8 Lost by S wickets
Lewes Priory 2nd XI H. 97-132 for 6 (dec.) Lost by 35 runs
Worthing . H.S... A 64-65 for 3 Lost by 7 wickets
Old Boys Ii 112-112 Tied
Bec School H 82-166 Lost by 84 runs
Masters' XI ... ... I 80-13 8 for 9 Lost by 7 wickets


Batting            I.   N.O.   H.S.   T.     Av.
K. G. Hook         11    0     36   166   15.09
R. C. Cosham       13    0     34   116    8.92
R. J. Humphry      12    0     30   107    8.92 
K. R. Beard        12    0     28   102    8.50 
G. Harris          12    3     26    71    7.89 
C. C. Perry        12    0     26    82    6.83
Bowling 0. M. R. W. Av. R. J. Humphry 62.2 12 149 17 8.76 K. G. Hook 96.2 20 282 29 9.72 R. J. Wood 50.1 8 166 12 13.83 G. W. Harris 31 10 98 7 14.00 G. May 1ll 26 289 19 15.21

A glance at the results would suggest a most unsuccessful season, yet three of the first six games were won and one drawn. The last seven games produced six defeats and one tie. Only three old colours remained and the accent was on youth. Half-way through the season it looked as if the team building had been successful but the disaster against Hove started a very disappointing run. The average of runs per wicket was 7.3 by us as against 13.3 by our opponents. The great weakness was in batting. Beard's 1949 average was halved, Cosham could do nothing right at the start and even Hook was not as successful as we hoped.

Humphry improved steadily as the season went on and Perry showed promise. A reliable pair of opening batsmen could not be Ken Hook found and the 13 opening partnerships aggregated but 41 runs, the highest being 12 in the first game. The bowling lacked variety; Hook had two very good days but was hampered by not being fit. May started the season well but may have been overbowled. Humphry's figures suggest that he might have been given some of the overs assigned to May. He showed all round improvement and should be successful next year. R. J. Wood and G. W. Harris bowled steadily but did not provide suffcient contrast to the opening bowlers.

The fielding was keen and fairly good, G. G Harris at times being outstanding. Colours were awarded to Humphry, Perry, May and G. G. Harris. Hook played once for Sussex Young Amateurs and, with Perr played for East Sussex Schools against West Sussex. Cosham handled the side well and kept wicket with quiet competence.

As 14 of the 19 boys who appeared in the eleven are still at School (including 5 colours), next season should see a great improvement in form and results.

Martlets beat Uckfield
Uckfield beat Lewes
Lewes beat Seahaven
Lewes drew with Martlets
Seahaven drew with Uckfield) rain stopped play
Seahaven drew with Martlets
The four sides were evenly matched and some excellent cricket resulted. On points Martlets. finished ahead but anything might have happened in the first round which was spoiled by rain. Seahaven had the strongest batting side but very weak bowling and had to be content with two draws.

ONCE again the 2nd XI had a rather disappointing season, for only two matches were won, while five were lost.
The School was thoroughly combed for talent but no outstanding performer was discovered. The average boy seems to find the step from the under 14 XI to the 2nd XI too great to take in one year. So generally a promising boy has a year without being a serious contender for any team and hence through not having sufficient supervised net practice forgets all he was taught in the junior side.
The chief batting faults apart from lack of confidence-a quality most marked in schoolboy cricket-were the common ones of not using their feet - and of playing across the line of the ball when trying to score. The defence of the batsmen was fairly sound but they failed to realise, like some of our county cricketers, that the primary object of the game is to score rims. How prevalent is this defensive attitude may be illustrated by the retort of the boy who, on being asked how he fared in a match, replied, "Very well, sir. I stayed 10 overs for no runs."
The bowling at times was very weak, the old fault of trying to hurl the ball without any control over length or direction being all too apparent. Let us hope that in the coming season these elementary faults will be eradicated and the results will then be more pleasing.

In their first innings of the season the Under 14 XI scraped 28 runs between them, but after a very exciting finish Lewes had won by 5 runs This game set the pattern for the whole season-inconsistent batting saved by very good bowling. In most games Simmonds, the Captain, and Blakey shared the attack between them and, especially in the early matches, Blakey's "swingers" were almost unplayable. Blakey bowled 80 overs (47 maidens) taking 35 wickets for 85 runs, whilst Simmonds' figures were 62 overs (29 maidens), 32 wickets for 79 runs. Such excellent performances are, of course, not possible without competent fielding and all who played showed a refreshing keenness to save runs. Pratt and Bray, the Vice-Captain, were outstanding fielders but every boy had his inspired momcnts.
Although th2 batting was inconsistent and often unorthodox there was usually some hero to fill the breach. Here one must mention Tompsett, the exception to the rule-he improved steadily in style and confidence, and his strokes, notably a lazy drive through the covers, were delightful to see. Bray, too, played the hero on several occasions.
Finally, as a team, the Under 14 XI fully deserved their success-they won well, lost well, and both on the field and off were a credit iii the School. We are looking forward tO an equal or better record next season.

H v. Brighton Grammar School 28-23 Won
A v. Worthing High School 49-20 for 9 Draw
H v. Varndean School 95-20 Won
A v. Varndean School 50-19 Won
H v. East Grinstead Grammar School 115-37 Won
A v. Hove County School 53-60 for 6 Lost
H v. Bexhill County School 48-87 Lost
H v. Lewes Grammar School (Under 13 XI) 77-43 Won
H v. Worthing High School 52 for 6-28 Won

For some unaccountable reason Uckfield failed to win the series outright: on paper they were far stronger than any other House. However, cricket is that kind of game; one can never be certain.
The highlight of the series was a six by Greene of Seahaven, when he lifted the ball on to the roof of the School, and the depths were reached when one of the pitches between innings became the target for hordes of discoboli.

Martlets (69) beat Uckfield (32) by 37 runs.
Seahaven (68) beat Lewes (41) by 27 runs.
Uckfiek (51) beat Lewes (26) by 25 runs.
Seahaven (37 for 4) beat Martlets (36) by 6 wickets.
Uckfield (42) beat Seahaven (13) by 29 runs.
Lewes (52) heat Martlets (50) by 2 runs.



This summer term has seen our biggest Athletic programme since the War. For the first time the School competed in the Schools' Athletic Champion ships and this alone entailed three meetings; the East Sussex Championships, the County Meeting and the National Championships. That one competitor reached the National Championships speaks for itself but mention must be made of the athletic team as a whole who proved themselves outstanding at both the East Sussex Meetings and the County Championships. Looking through the results of both meetings the performances were of a high order and many County standards and a few National standards were improved upon.

Andrews has proved himself to be the School's outstanding athlete of the post-war period. He ran a 4 min. 35.5 secs. mile to gain third place in the National Championships in the 15-17 age group, a performance which ranks with the 2 min. 1 sec. for 880 yards and 52.5 secs. for 440 yards of D. J. Thomas io 1940. Congratulations !

The term concluded with the School Sports which now traditionally follow the Annual Speech and Prize-giving ceremony. An excellent meeting in every respect showed in particular fine performances gained through a thorough training during the term. With many promising seniors remaining on at School we can look forward confidently to the 1951 season.


Boys Under 15
100 YARDS - 5th, D. Burgess.
220 YARDS - 6th, F. Lillywhite.
440 YARDS - 1st, C. Manktellow. Time 61.1 secs.
880 YARns - 2nd, I. Divall; 4th, A. Trigwell.
HIGH JUMP - 2nd, C. Perry.
LONG JUMP - 4th, E. Farmer, 15' 1.".
WElGHT 6lbs - 3rd, Johnson, 37'.
DISCUS 2.2lbs - 5th, C. Chandler, 64' 3¾" ; 6th, A. Wood, 62' 2¾".
JAVELlN 1lb 5¾ozs. - 4th, B. Lucas; 5th, E. Noble.

Boys 15 - 17

100 YARDS - 1st, C. Carter, Time 11 secs. ; 6th, H. Hoadley.
220 YARDS - 3rd J. Keeley 4th, P. Keeley.
440 YARDS - 2nd, R. Humphry; 5th, Hardwick.
880 YARDS - 3rd, J. Pickett; 5th, P. Croft.
1 MILE - lst, C. Andrews, Time 4 mins. 45.6 secs.; 3rd, K. Davey.
HIGH JUMP - 2nd, D. Craig 4th; A. Woollard.
LONG JUMP - 3rd, D. Carpenter 16' 4"; 5th, B. Scott, 14' 7".
WEIGHT 8lBs 13 ozs. - lst, K. Beard, 41' 6"; 3rd, K. Hook, 39' 2".
DISCUS 2.2lbs - 1st, G. Purbrook, 134' 1¼; 3rd, A. Honeywood, 96' 7¾.
JAVELIN 1lb 5¾ozs. - 1st, F. Wood, 99' 7".
RELAY - 1st, Lewes County Grammar School.

Boys 17 - 19
100 YARDS - 3rd, M. Cox.
220 YARDS - 3rd, R. Thompsett; 5th, R. Still.
440 YARDS - 1st, P. Still, 56.7 secs.; 2nd, R. Cosham.
880 YARDS - 1st, I. Hill, 2 mins. 14.5 secs.
1 MILE - 2nd, B. Hill.
HIGH JUMP - 1st, J. Woollard, 4' 11".
LONG JUMP - 1nd, R. Thompsett; 3rd, M. Cox.
DISCUS 3lb 5 ozs. - 1st, E. Williams, 104' 3¼"; 2nd, B. Woods.
JAVELIN 1lb 8½ozs: 1st, E. Williams, 131' 1½" ; 2nd, G. Harris.
RELAY - 2nd, Lewes County Grammar School.

The School was placed first in the 17-19 Age Group, first in the 15-17 Age Group and second in the Under 15 Age Group.

Under 15 Age Group
440 YARDS - 3rd, P. Manktellow.
880 YARDS - 2nd, I. Divall.

Boys 15 - 17
100 YARDS - 2nd, C. Carter.
1 MILE: lst, C. Andrews, Time 4 min. 45.6 secs.
SHOT - 2nd, K. Beard.
DISCUS: 3rd, G. Purbrook.

Boys 17 - 19
440 YARDS - 3rd, P. Still.
1 MILE - 4th, I. Hill.
HIGH JUMP - lst, J. Woollard, Height : 5' 4".
DISCUS - 3rd, E. Williams; 4th, B. Woods.
JAVELIN - 1st, G. Harris; 2nd, E. Williams, Distance: 131' 1¼".


80 YARDS.-I, Farrant (M); 2, Tweed (M); 3, Mitchell (U).
Time: 10.5 secs.
150 YARDS.-1, Gilbert (S); 2, Farrant (M); 3, Etheridge (L).
Time: 19.4 secs.
300 YARDS.-1, Gilbert (S); 2, Etheridge (L); 3, Wilton (S).
Time: 41.9 secs.
RELAY (4 X 220).-1, Seahaven; 2, Martlets; 3, Uckfield.
Time: 2 mins. 9 secs.
HIGH JUMP.-1, Etheridge (L); 2, Mitchell (U). Height: 3' 9".
LONG JUMP.-1, Gearing (S); 2, Farrant (M); 3, Middleton (L).
Distance: 12' 10".

100 YARDS.-1, Burgess (S); 2, Lillywhite (S); 3, Lavender (M).
Time: 11.7 secs. (Record).
220 YARDS.-I, Burgess (S); 2, Lillywhite (S); 3, Morgan (S).
Time: 27.1 secs.
440 YARDS.-1, Green (S); 2, Geraghty (L); 3, Lee (S).
Time: 65.1 secs.
880 YARDS.-1, Lee (S); 2, Geraghty (L); 3, Symons (L).
Time: 2 mins. 27.8 secs.
RELAY (220, 440, 440, 220)-i, Seahaven; 2, Lewes; 3, Martlets.
Time: 3 mins. 8.1 secs.
Hic,i-i JUMP-i, Reynolds (L); 2, Trigwell (M); 3, White (M).
Height: 4' 4".
LONG JUMP.-I, Miller (U); 2, Moore (L); 3, Miles (U).
Distance: 14' 11".
PUTTING THE SHOT.-1, Johnson (U); 2, Painter (L); 3, Green (S).
Distance: 37' 1".
THROWING THE JAVELIN.-1, Dunstall (S); 2, Webb (U); 3, Lucas (S).
Distance: 85'.
THROWING THE Discus.-1, Tompsett (M); 2, Bray (S); 3, Symons (L).
Distance: 79' 0½" .

100 YARDS.-1, Carter (M); 2, Humphry (M); 3, Cox (L).
Time : 10.9 secs.
220 YARDS.-1, Carter (M); 2, Cox (L); 3, Lonman (S).
Time: 24.8 secs.
440 YARD5.-1, Still (S); 2, Humphry (M); 3, Cosham (L).
Time : 57.5 secs.
880 YARDS.-1, Hill, I. (M); 2. Hill, B. (M); 3, Davey (5).
Time: 2 mins. 12.1 secs.
1 MILE.-1, Hill, B. (M); 2, Andrews (M); 3, Hill, I. (M).
Time: 4 mins. 47 secs.
RELAY (2209 440, 440, 220 yds).-1, Martlets; 2, Seahaven; 3, Lewes.
Time: 2 mins. 49.6 secs.
HIGH JUMP--I, Woollard, R. (L); 2, Craig (M); 3, Hall (M) and Woollard, B. (L).
Height: 5' 4".
LONG JUMP.-1, Harris (5); 2, Carpenter (L); 3, Humphry (M).
Distance: 17' 3".
PUTTING THE SHOT.-1, Williams (U); 2, Beard (S); 3, Hook (U).
Distance: 42' 9".
THROWING THE JAVELIN.-1, Williams (U); 2, Carpenter (L); 3, Harris,
G. (U). Distance: 127' 7".
THROWING THE Discus.-1, Williams (U); 2, Purbrook (5); 3, Woods (S).
Distance: 124' 10".


IT was gratifying to note that more competitors took part in these events than ever before; and that quite a nucleus of boys had trained diligently in order to pile up the points for their House. The Hill brothers got home first and second in the Senior event but Andrews was a close third and no doubt will offer a serious challenge for first place in this event in 1951. In the Colts event Divall, an experienced half-miler on the track was beaten into second place by Sellens who no doubt was more at ease over the longer distance. How often in long distance running do we find the accomplished track athlete no match for the unknown " outsider ". The beaming faces of the Juniors as they returned home bore witness to the popularity of this " mudlarking " event. One might have imagined that the object of the championship was to bring home as big a load of mud as possible ! Martlets emerged winners of the House trophy with Uckfield House runners up.


SENIORS                  COLTS                JUNIORS
1 Hill, B. M 1 Sellens U 1 Tweed M 2 Hill, I. M 2 DivalI M 2 Geering S 3 Andrews M 3 Siggs U 3 Avey M 4 Cosham L 4 Green S 4 Bladon L 5 Pickett S 5 Dunstall S 5 Mitchell U 6 Stillwell U 6 Whyte S 6 Bolton L 7 Hardwick D. H. M 7 Wright, B. R. M 7 Shelley U 8 Higham M 8 Trigwell M 8 Wilton S 9 Davey S 9 Pratt U 9 Morgan M 10 Deakin L 10 Smith, T. U 10 Stenning M 11 Clifton U 11 Miller U 11 Simmonds S 12 Still S 12 Francis U 12 Gilbert S


Lewes    Martlets   Seahaven    Uckfield
  900       1089          840       996


THE standard of swimming and the general keenness was higher this year than it has ever been, as was shown by the record number of entries both for the 'standards' and for the actual sports, and by the many excellent times returned in the finals. A rather disappointing feature was that only 19 non-swimmers gained their 'width' points, as compared with 70 last year. This was due partly to the weather, and partly to the fact that many boys at the beginning of the term could swim just a few strokes, and thus did not count as non-swimmers.

The House Swimming Cup was once again easily and deservedly won by Seahaven, who made the best possible use of their brilliant material : but a special word of praise is due to Lewes House, who by putting in some really hard work managed by means of their standards points to pull up to second place in the final totals, although on Sports Day Martlets had just managed to beat them. The Sinfield individual cup competition was again a neck and neck struggle between Beard and Lonman (the holder), Beard eventually winning it by 18 points to 16.

             Lewes Martlets Seahaven Uckfield
Standards     75      63       119      52
Sports        62      65       106      57
Totals       137     128       225     109
Positions     2        3         1       4


SINCE the last notes on the C.C.F. appeared the most encouraging sign has been the increase in members. At the moment of writing we have reached 50 and should by the New Year reach our establishment strength of 70.

This term a popular and appreciated change has been that the Force has last period on Wednesday afternoon for instruction. This enables the Parade to be completed by 6 p m. There is now very little excuse for boys not joining the Force because they arrive home late. The Cadet Hut is practically ready for occupation and should be a real asset to the unit by the beginning of 1951.

The Annual Inspection in May produced a very favourable report but our successes at the Cert. A Board could have been better. Those who failed were those whose attendances had been irregular - the lesson should be taken to heart !!

W./O's. Still and Smith have now started their Basic training preparatory to Sandhurst and should both be in residence by the New Year. Jessop, Osborne and Horswell are all progressing satisfactorily at the Royal Academy. Horswell should be commissioned soon - by the end of December we understand.

N.C.O's. for this year are C.S.M. Fuller, Cpls. Osborne and Hubbard, L/Cpls. Taylor, Wood and F. E. Cousins. Vacancies for Platoon Sergeants have not yet been filled. C.S.M. Andrews is now Under-Officer.

Mr. Hall has now been commissioned with us as 2/Lt. and although Mr. Nicholls has resigned his commission we all appreciate his continued help with administration and map reading.

It is hoped early next term that the Unit will spend a day on the range for .303 shooting and signals training. H.M.D. O.C.

It is only proper one should add a postscript on four of our ex-cadets.

P. D. Galer is now in Hongkong as a Second-Lieutenant and Troop Commander in an Armoured Regiment. Gallard is now a Second Lieutenant in the R.E's. in B.A.O.R. and doing well. These two are Regular Army Officers (via Sandhurst). Pincott is now a Second-Lieutenant in the Royal Corps of Signals, commissioned during National Service. Glennister when last heard of was a " one-pipper " in the Black Watch in Malaya - also commissioned while on National Service.

Not a bad record for a small unit !!


THE gradual increase in numbers during the first fews weeks of this Christmas Term will reward the few Scouts for the loyalty and patience they showed in their regular attendance last year. It will take some time, of course, to approach the standard of four or five years ago but there is now a sound nucleus of very keen boys, who are doing their best for the sake of the troop. Their keenness is best illustrated by the fact that since School re-started there has been far more enthusiasm for badge work than at any time during the past two years and the list of successes ought to be quite considerable this year.

The Scouts in the Court of Honour are D Cramp (Troop Leader), N. Funnell (P.L., Foxes), B. Saffery (P.L., Hawks), G. Tilly (P.2nd., Foxes) and R. Scott (P.2nd., Hawks).

Despite tbe small numbers the troop team was placed third in the District Swimming Competition in July. The Camping Competition was cancelled because of bad weather; there can have been little attraction in Camping during those very wet weeks in September - aud certainly no parental encouragement - but two patrols made preparations to attend and undoubtedly would have been very well placed had the competition been held. Their unselfishness and determination to do well for the troop was very gratifying but was only what one would expect from them after seeing them in action during the Summer Camp.

This camp was held at Broadstone Warren from l5th to 22nd August and everyone set off with thoughts of the magnificent week at the same place in 1949. The weather was uncertain at Lewes and rain was gently falling by the time Broadstone was reached but no one really contemplated that within the next two hours the storms were to start, or even then that they would appear at all too frequent intervals during the next four days. However, the necessary work was completed efficiently, cheerfully and quickly. The rain prevented nearly every meal from being on time in those first few days but the standard of cooking throughout the camp was of the highest class, and it was this, more than anything else which kept the Scouts " smiling and whistling under all difficulties ". One particular meal was notable in that a Scout was forced to complain that he had been given too much to eat - this must surely be a record for all Scout camps. The prefabricated oven rendered yeoman service; jam tarts frequently appeared on the menu and one Scout even ventured to make small rock buns.

In one way the rain proved a blessing. Twice it had extinguished the fire in the neighbouring site. When the troop departed from that site they handed over to the School troop a large, half-cooked leg of mutton, which after two more hours in the oven, formed the basis of the meal on the Sunday evening.

The various other scouting activities were keenly contested between the two patrols and the final check showed that the Foxes 108 points gave them a one point lead over Hawks.

It was raining slightly when tents were struck on Tuesday, 22nd, but one felt that, despite the weather, the camp had been a success. Certainly, considerable knowledge and experience had been gained, but perhaps next year the meteorological forecast will contain longer " bright periods ".


Club Leader: Mr. Herbert.
Chairman: J. Lusted . Secretary: W. Swaffer
Vice-Chairman: D. Hardwick. Treasurer: W. Reed

THIS School year was one of the best since the formation of the club. This was due to an untiring Club Leader backed by an able committee and go-ahead secretary, and to the County Organiser, Mr. Padgham. The main lectures of the winter terms were given by two teams of speakers from the N.A.A.S. and Plumpton College, to whom the club is most grateful. They spoke on such subjects as Dairy Farming, and Sheep Husbandry. These were supplemented by films and by practical farmers, and a most interesting talk was given by the R.S.P.C.A. on its work. Members also gave talks themselves and Swaffer is to be congratulated on conceding only two points to the ultimate winner of the East Sussex Inter-Club Public Speaking Contest.

On the social side we held as usual our Christmas Party on the l8th of December which was attended by the County' Organiser, who conducted an identification quiz.

For the first time a Staff Brains Trust was held and proved to be a great success. The very able " Brains ", Messrs. Euston, White and Page, discussed at great length many questions fired at them by Mr. Herbert as question-master. In the Spring Term we remained victorious in two quizzes against Firle, who were joined by Varndean on March 2lst for a three-cornered contest at School.

Throughout the year visits were made to various farms in the locality and much was learned in this interesting way. Members were also taught ploughing during a visit to the Sussex works of Ferguson Tractors at Uckfield in February. A trip to the Dairy Show at Olympia was much enjoyed by all who went and in July a visit to the Royal Counties Agricultural Show at Bognor.

The Club look forward to tha New Year with keen anticipation and would remind everybody that a larger membership means a more efficient and enjoyable club, so that new members, especially from the Senior part of the School, will be very welcome at any time.



Michaelmas Term, 1949 and Spring Term, 1950.
Chairman: Mr. Gourlay.
Secretary: S. B. Symons. Treasurer: J. Fryatt.

IN the third year of its post-war existence, the Society, in electing Mr. Gourlay as Chairman welcomed yet another faithful supporter from the ranks of the School Staff. It was during this Session that the Committee, inspired by Mr. Gourlay, increased the number of meetings each term and tried to obtain a greater variety in the programme.

The most successful meeting was held when the Society was indebted to Mr. Andrews (a close relative of a certain Sixth Former!) for presenting a discourse on " Astronomy ". Not only did Mr. Antdrews hold the Society spellbound for over two and a half hours but he also drew the best attendance.

For its wealth of knowledge and success, Mr. Pett's lecture on an allied subject, " Navigation ", closely followed and lasted for about two hours in all.

The Staff Brains Trust drew a total attendanee of eighteen but in spite of this discouragement, the members of the Staff participating made this a truly enjoyable and instructive evening. Other 'evenings' consisted of a lecture by Mr. Hall on Atomic Fhysics, and films and hobbies meetings, all of which were fairly well attended.

It was noticeable, however, that although lectures were well attended, meetings calling for the co-operation of the body of the Society were poorly supported. It was this lack of team spirit and the guts to stand up and make a maiden speech, however short, that drove the Committee to cancel two proposed meetings in the Spring Term. The ardent supporters of the Society labouring against such odds deserve the praise for the success of the meetings held, and no less so should a word of thanks be given to Mrs. Parkinson for her teas, to the Treasurer for his experience and to the Form representatives for their co-operation.

Two excursions were organised one to the Shoreham Power Station, the other to the S.R. Signalmen's Training School at Clapham Junction. The latter proved extremely interesting to those who went, although many more would undoubtedly have gone if Clapham were nearer!

The work entailed in the organisatton of these excursions rested wholly on the worthy chairman, as did the whole success of the Society, and in offering to him its thanks, the Society hopes sincerely that there will be a hetter spirit, better co-operation, and a better attendance in the future.



Chairman: Mr. W. H. Euston.

Secretary: A. E. Ticehurst.
Form Representatives: Ticehurst, Shearman, Stephens, Fryatt, Wye, Jenner, Muir and Garner.

Secretary: H. T. Hayward.
Form Representatives: Ticehurst, Ford, Beard, Knutsen, Wilkinson, Jermyn, Garner and Parris.

THIS year the Fifth Form Society has unfortunately been only fairly well attended, and has thus been only moderately successful. The winter term received stronger support than the spring term. Altogether 10 fortnightly meetings were held, at which attendances ranged from 12 to 32.

A Snap Debate, a Balloon Debate, plus a Quiz and short debates with the Girls' School, gave plenty of scope for oratory, and all proved most enjoyable. A lecture by Mr. Page concerning some of his war experiences proved both interesting and popular. The tastes of members at a Musical Evening were varied, and eventuallv a friendly war arose between a certain eminent member and the rest of the assemblv. A series of short talks by certain members, gave a glimpse into their home-life. The autumn term ended with an excellent talent (self-entertainment) evening. Our honoured guests were Mr. Pett, who gave a " Sam Small " recitation, Mr. Hoggins, who told a most dramatic story, and Mr. Ollerenshaw, who gave a very amusing act, which he entitled " The man from behind the Iron Curtain ". The Society formed its own awe-inspiring band for the occasion, and several " gentle airs " were rendered with grace and dignity. Several games were played.

During the spring term, there was a Staff Brains Trust, the team being Messrs. Ollerenshaw, Gourlay, Webb, White and Hall. A talk on " Witchcraft " by a Society member, Mr. Knutsen, and a Formal Debate presented a strange mixture for one evening, and the play " Oedipus Rex " was read. The life of the Society was abruptly terminated when a Mock Trial was cancelled due to the illness of many members.

The Society is greatly indebted to its Chairman, Mr. W. H. Euston, who was the guiding hand in all its activities. It also thanks all members of the Staff, who so kindly participated at different times, and Mrs. Parkinson and the kitchen staff for providing teas.


Chairman: Mr. Ollerenshaw.
Secretary: D. E. Pincott. Treasurer: R. J. Fletcher.
Committee Members: A. J. Tompsett, R. C. Field.

Mr Ollerenshaw As Chairman for the Autumn Term the Society was very pleased to welcome Mr. Ollerenshaw, who did a great deal to help the Society during his term of office.

The first meeting of the session, Snap Debates, provided a lively opening for newcomers to the Society. Communism, the modern school child, palmistry and sponsored radio were the chief topics of debate during the evening. A Staff Brains Trust, with Messrs. White, Gourlay, Pett, Hall and Glyn Davies, was the usual success, as were a Mock Trial, Record Evening and Coger Evening. The Society was privileged to listen to a very interesting and instructive lecture by the Chairman on " Witchcraft " in which he described how witches used to associate with animals known as " imps " or " familiars " and how trials of witches were carried on.

A Quiz with the Girls' School Sixth Form was arranged in the form of a competition between the Science and Arts sides. The Scientists proved themselves the more intelligent team by a victory of 32 points to 24. The subject for the session's Formal Debate was " That it would have been better had the Plymouth Rock landed on the Pilgrim Fathers ". After some lively debate on both sides, the motion was defeated, although the number of members present was disappointingly small. A Parliamentary Session of the " House of Baldsonia " was held, and after Question Time the House debated the repeal of the National Service Bill.

The last meeting of the session was a verv enjoyable Social and Christmas Party with the Girls' School at which Mr. Gourlay was once again M.C. The Society are greatly indebted to him for his services, as well as to Mrs. Parkinson for providing tea and refreshments.


Chairman: Mr. Auld.
Secretary: J. H. Woolmore. Treasurer: K. J. Yates.
Committee Members: M. M. Smith, T. B. Woods.

The Society was very fortunate in obtaining Mr. Auld's services as Chairman for the Spring Session, and to his expert guidance much of the success of the term's meetings was due.

The general standard of debate was maintained at a high level, and certain of the Lower Sixth showed exceptional promise in the art of public speaking. The meetings, with two or three notable exceptions were rather thinly attended, the Society being supported mainly hy the assiduous members who put in a regular weekly appearance.

The term's programme was remarkable for a certain omission - that of the Formal Debate. However, the politically-minded were allowed to stir up the Society on the occasion of the General Election Meeting, when the Liberal candidate was returned. The Girls' School Sixth Form was invited to another session of the Baldsonian Parliament, when " Equal Pay for Equal Work " was debated. The Society had a very interesting Guest Speaker in Commander Ibbett, who spoke on his many and varied experiences under the title of " Yarns of a Rolling Stone ". " The Influence of Radar on Sea Warfare " was the subject of a lecture given by Mr. Pett to the more scientifically-minded.

The Staff Brains Trust discussed everything from tartan dinner-jackets to " Spedigue's droppers " (the reader is referred to Mr. Pett) on the humorous side, and from gambling to the respective merits of studying either the arts or the sciences, on the serious side Mr. Ray (well-versed in matters forensic) was a very capable judge at the Mock Trial, where Mr. Tarlo, accused of forgery, was found Not Guilty.

The Society now looks forward to another year of lively debate, with whole-hearted support from everybody in the Sixth Form.


Chairman: Mr. Spice.
Secretary: N. E. Osborn. Treasurer: J. R. Buckwell.

FORMED two years ago, the Chess Club retains support from a regular group of the lower School, although it is sadly lacking in memhers from the upper School.

Over the last year it was decided by voting in a true democratic manner to institute a system of subscriptions to replace and augment the School sets. Two new sets have been bought. A chess ladder, made for, and presented to the Club by an enterprising member caused wide interest, and introduced order and incentive in the playing of games. It was attempted to arrange an inter-house competition, but this unfortunately was found impracticable owing to lack of support.

Mr. Spice has kindly lectured on opening gambits, and examined an example of master-play, explaining each move. This was greatly appreciated by the members. More recently the Club has been attempting to solve intricate chess problems.


AS a result of writing five essays for the competitions of "The Farmer's Weekly" I found myself included in a party of fourteen boys and girls from all over England and Wales which crossed by the night boat to Dieppe on August l4th. We travelled via Paris to Phalsbourg, a small town in South Moselle, where as guests of the School of Agriculture, we spent most of our visit.

During our stav we saw much that was of interest in the district and learnt a great deal about its farms. Besides seeing afforestation schemes, and a forest saved from German felling by the Maquis, we were taken round several creameries. A co-operative one, modelled on the Danish system, served about forty villages and collected on the average 5,000 gallons of milk daily. From this one and a half tons of butter were made, the rest of the milk being pasteurised and distributed. Any surplus was made into cheese. The farms were organised to make the best possible use of land and resources, and strip cultivation was common. On one farm we visited, the separate buildings usually found were united under one roof and on the several floors, potatoes, roots, hay and grain were stored, and cows, pigs and hens housed. At another place the farmer had installed a generator operated by water, and had thereby provided himself with power for fifteen electric motors, and a complete lighting system. The whole area had suffered greatly from the war, and smashed tanks and scarred houses were still to be seen. When the Germans departed they took with them every single animal, and manv farms had only recently finished restocking. At one farm, we learnt the story of a cow that had been caught in the floods a few years ago. It had been washed away, and when the waters subsided, was found stranded on a roof a few miles away· whence the owner had great difficulty in extracting it.

On one day we visited Strasbourg. Here we saw the House of Europe, from which the flags of all the members of the Council were flying. Here, too, was the famous cathedral and its great clock. Besides the time of the day, the clock shows the positions of the moon and stars, the times of sunrise and sunset, and the day of the week. At each quarter a figure representing Death, beats a gong, and images representing the four stages of man's life - Child, Hunter, Warrior and old Man - move round one position. Hour by hour one of the twelve apostles appears, and at noon each day a figure of Christ blesses them.

The last few days of our visit to France we spent in Metz at the invitation of the Agricultural Service. Our visit over, we travelled via Nancy, to Paris, and thence to Newhaven, as we had come, by the night boat. We arrived in England at 5 a.m. and here I left the party (some of whom had to go as far as Lancashire), after a very interesting and enjoyable holiday.
A. Cottingham.


AFTER staying in Blois with the School Party, I left on the 8th April on the first stage of my journey South in a friend's car. He took me at 115 km.p.h. to Bourges, where he gave me 500 frs. in case I was stranded. Soon I was on "La Route Bleue" (N.7), the main Paris-Mediterranean Route. Here I was given a lift by two workmen who had just refused me in the presence of a gendarme! I was in Moulins by evening, where I got a meandering lift, which actually only took me 30 km in my direction. I was dropped at Varennes S/Allier, and as it was dark, I sought a barn for the night. For the fourth time of asking, I got one - complete with straw and sacks.

The following morning I was up early and out on the open road. After a considerable wait a car stopped, which was bound for Aix-en-Provence (21 km. from Marseilles). We halted at the industrial centre of St. Etienne for lunch, after which we went up into the mountains, through forests which stubbornly held on to their winter blankets of snow. Then we swept down into the flat-bottomed Rhone valley, through vineyards and olive groves, stopping to join a heated argument between a lorrv driver and a car driver who had crashed into each other. The lorry (halfway through some vineyards) and the remains of the car were still there. And like other car drivers on the spot we examined the wreckage, made a few comments, and went on our way stopping at Montelimar to buy nougat. Our destination was reached at 8.30 p.m., and I left the town on foot in search of a barn. I quickly found one, and after a long and tedious argument with a farm labourer, who was eventually pacified by " le Patron " and two cigarettes I got off to sleep.

Good Friday, I made my first big mistake in leaving the N 7 for Toulon. I found myself in the boiling heat of day, on a very deserted road, having to walk too far. I had only one lift, and that a very short one. After more excessive walking through olive groves and vineyards - divided from the sea by only a range of mountains - I took the train to Nice. When one hitch-hikes one resorts to the train as seldom as possible, but I had been given 500 franes and was virtually stranded, I considered it within the rules to take the train. The train was soon speeding along " La Cote d'Azur " on the edge of the clear calm, brilliant, blue sea - along the rugged red rock coast with its dazzlingly white villas perched precariously on the edge. It was ,dark when I arrived at Nice, and more by good luck than good judgment, I found my way to the sea followed the road East, and left Nice and her brilliantly lit promenade. At the first fishing village I found a convenient patch of waste ground, a convenient bush, and there I slept.

Saturday I was up with the sun, and off to the frontier, through the customs and into ITALY. And so into my first town - Ventimiglia - with its first impressions of poverty of the people, and plenty in the shops at a price - and what a price ! By a series of short lifts, I finally reached my destination - Genoa. I delivered a letter, ate, dozed, and at 2.0 a.m. my host escorted me to his home, where I slept in a real bed.

Sunday I wandered round, and saw some of the city's slums - with their high, narrow, dirty streets, with rotting refuse in the gutters, and scraggy dogs and thin scruffy children playing there. It was here that an amusing incident occurred : a small basket on a piece of string came down from a 3rd floor window; a man put some notes in it, took out a packet of American cigarettes; and the basket duly returned to the 3rd floor. There you have the Black Market! All cigarettes are supposed to be sold by the Government, which levies a high tax on them.

Monday afternoon I learnt I would have to leave the same day, so I left at once. After a long wait at a "strategic" corner, I got a lift to Milan. We went along the "Autostrade" - a special road that has bridges over valleys and tunnels through mountains. I delivered a letter from my Genoa host, and was sent to a hotel for the night.

The next day I wandered round, looked at the famous Cathedral and castle, and learnt that my friends had a lorry that went to Bologna every night, and that they could take me. I duly turned up at the correct time, only to learn that I couldn't go because of the latest police regulations. Instead I was given 2000 L. to get the train.

I arrived at Florence at 6.8 a.m., looked around, and strode South in the early morning's freshness. I quickly reached Siena. Here I was in luck, for after a considerable wait, a car, with the letters ROMA on its number plates, stopped for me. For a good part of the journey the very mountainous countryside - devoid of every living thing - was dominated by the former bandit fortress of Radicofani. Later when sweeping over the brow of a hill, we saw laid before us Lake Bolsena ; we descended through olive groves and Allied cemeteries and followed its banks. At 4.15 we flashed into Rome, past the Vatican, San Pietro, Piazza Venezia, and the Roman Ruins to Mr. P. . .'s friends. Later in the evening I delivered another letter, met Gori F. . . . . another friend of my Genoa host, and stayed with him.

Thursday was spent in avoiding souvenir sellers, black marketeers, pilgrims, and the like, whilst some of the day was spent in sight-seeing. Friday I left for Naples, but afer a short lift I found myself in the pouring rain. With the prospect of waiting " ad infinitum . I stood dejectedly under a tree by the side of the road. After a considerable cold, wet wait, a large blue German car, that had already passed me sometime before, returned and took me to Naples by the coast road: The most striking feature of this route was the condition of the towns and villages - it looked as if the war had only ended the day before! At Naples, I wandered round and found the people who might have been able to help me - they couldn't. However, Professor R . . . , a biochemist, gave me 1,000 L. which got me back to Rome after a very disappointing day. It took me about five hours meandering in Rome to find home; I at last found it - locked up. Nevertheless a spare adjoining room, of bare-board variety, was open; so in I got and there I slept for what was left of the night.

At 7.0 I got up - the time Gori goes to work - still tired and very hungry, only to find there was no food in the house. On top of all this my face was dry and very rough and painful, my lips were split - also very painful, my ankle was sprained, and my left leg had picked up a queer sort of rash. Even so, I was still full of " La joie de vivre ".

Sunday I started back, and had gained Pisa, of the leaning tower, by late afternoon. But by 6.0 the weather had broken, or rather smashed, and the rain was coming down in extremely large bucketfuls. This put an end to all my hopes of hitching to Genoa that night. A very bedraggled, muttering body therefore entered the station. Being in such a condition how on earth could I read a timetable in Italian? - I couldn't ! I did not see there was a train at 7.0, I thought it was at 7.50 ! When it was too late I discovered that the 7.50 train was a special, lst class only, de luxe, "Rapidi," so I had to wait another two hours. It was at a most late hour that I entered Genoa, and arrived home, with the rash on both legs and general condition worse, buy still with the ever-present desire to overcome all hazards.

Monday saw me recuperating. I changed my clothes (for the first time since leaving Genoa!) had a bath and ate. For lunch I had soup, four eggs, two lots of chips, six rolls, cheese and strawberries; and for dinner soup, lettuce, three eggs, chips, cheese and fruit salad. My lips were getting better, and my face had miraculously become smooth again, due to the application of cold cream.

Sad to say, this state of affairs was all too short, for Tuesday I was off again - striking out for Blois. The weather, my greatest enemy, had once again broken. After a long cold wet wait a policeman stopped a cattle truck for me. It was slow, cold, aud wet, but it was taking me in the desired direction. It took me to the end of the "autostrade" where I got a lift in an efficient-looking but inefficient-working petrol lorry. (It was only because here the road is covered in, and all vehicles have to stop, that I got this lift).

They stopped an hour for lunch, broke down twice, picked up a woman, later another, and to top it all dropped me 8 km. from Turin. It had not yet stopped raining, nor had it eased off, and whereas I had hoped to be in Turin by mid-day, it was 6.0 by the time I trudged into the station. I got a ticket for Grenoble, and the train. But after it was too late, I learnt that it was not the train for Grenoble after all; so I changed my ticket for Lyon, only to learn that it didn't stop there either so I changed at Chambery and slept on the waiting room floor for the night.

At 6.0 I caught my train, a streamlined "Michelin", and an hour later we suddenly left the rain behind. As we sped through the snow-capped Alps, and Alpine villages I had the feeling of a man returning to his mother country, after being separated for a long, too long a time. I was once more able to chat freely to anyone In fact at Lyon I kept asking people the time and way, etc. etc. I could afford to go into a shop and buy something to eat, and I did so. After thus appeasmg my hunger I got a series of quick lifts which brought me to Roanne on the N.7. There my luck took a turn for the worse, and after a vain four hour wait, I got a five km. (three mile) lift! However I reached Moulins fairly easily, then Nevers. It was dark when I arrived at Nevers and I had the good luck to come across a stationary lorry but had the bad luck to be refused. Later at a " Cafe des Routiers " I met the same driver, who this time offered to take me as far as he was going in my direction. It must have been the fact that he saw me as I really was, and not as before, a black shadow in the night. I was dropped in the early hours of the morning at Montargis - in the pouring rain, in a well lit town square. Undaunted as ever, I saw a cafe awning, removed the tables thereunder, and bedded down for the night on the pavement.

By 5.0 I was up and away. My enthusiasm, however, was damped a little by a three hour wait, drizzle, and vehicles at the rate of one every five minutes. But then I got two quick ones to Orleans, where the weather was perfect, and the traffic more frequent. By 1.0 I was in Blois, and how I ran home! I had a most welcome and necessary bath, and put on trousers instead of shorts, for the first time in 16 days.

And there - in Blois - my story ends. L. B. TARLO, Form VI.


AT 12.30 a.m. on Saturday, March 25th, 1950, a party of 50 weary but excited boys arrived at Blois Station on the fourth School visit to Blois. It was also the first full civic visit on the part of the Borough of Lewes: for in the party were the Deputy Mayor (Alderman Parrish), members of the Town Council. and members of Lewes Rotary Club. This was indeed an auspicious occasion. In the station waiting-room, each 1ngl!sh guesps introduced to his French host; they shook hands, and departed. The ce'remony was not without its amusing side, however; for certain members of the English party did not recognise their names when called out "a la francaise." But all went well in the end; at last the waiting-room was deserted, and left to the "less important" travellers.
It is difficult to describe all that took place during the "Grande Semaine Franco-Britannique "; but each one who was present will have his own store of memories to look back on in years to come. For many the Ball will stand out as the highlight of the visit-the "Bal de Nuit " in the great hall of the Chateau de Blois, where a seething mass of dancers joined in the festivities, to tunes old and new, classic and modern, till 5 o'clock of the morning. For some, the memory will slip back to the interesting coach tours that were arranged for us; the visit to the Chateaux of Chaumont, with its lovely park, and Chenonceaux, standing so magnificently astride the river Cher; the visit to historic Vendome and the great fortress-castle of Lavardin; to Chambord and Cheverny, where we admired the beautiful craftsmanship of a byegone age.
Many will remember with pleasure the afternoon of sport at the Blois Stadium. They will recall the exciting matches of handball and football- the latter having the additional attraction of being between masters and boys of the Lycee, and fortunately resulting in a draw (5-5). The two theatrical evenings were also very memorable. At the Municipal Theatre, we were very impressed by the skilful magic of the conjurers; and the second evening, when we saw three plays acted by the Lycee, was particularly notable for the very high standard of acting by the French schoolboys.
Of the more formal occasions, the younger members of the party will probably remember less. Schoolboys are never greatly thrilled by speeches, but all the party sensed the great honour of being received by the Prefet of Loir-et-Cher at his magnificent Prefecture, as well as by the Mayors of Blois and Vendome. At another impressive ceremony, M. Le Bail, a member of the French Parliament and of the Council of Europe, pinned on Mr. Auld the decoration of "Oflicier d'Instruction Publique "-a high honour of the French teaching profession.
In the intervals between these events, the party visited many, of the classes of the Lycee. Most popular were the English lessons, where we learnt how English is taught in French schools, but M. Touratier's Science Museum, of everything from seaweed to skeletons, also attracted much interest.
At 10 o'clock on Sunday, April 2nd, French and English, all real friends, came to the station to say "Au Revoir." But the programme arranged for us was not yet finished.: the afternoon was to be devoted to a quick tour round Paris. And so, at half-past two, we set out to see some of the sights of the vast metropolis. The memories we were left with were many and diverse; of the great awe-inspiring cathedral of Notre Dame; of the almost oriental dome-structure of the Basilique du Sacre" Coeur; of Napoleon's huge and highly-polished mausoleum, beneath the dome of the Invalides; of the ever-burning flame under the Arc de Triomphe. With such memories, the party retired to rest in the spacious Lycee Louis-le-Grand.
We arrived on English soil at 4 o'clock the next day, having fulfilled the main purpose of the visit-of getting to know our friends from across the Channel. But it had been an enjoyable, as well as an instructive visit; and we should all be very grateful to those who worked so hard in arranging it, to our hosts at Blois, and to Messrs. Auld and Glyn Davies, who so ably organized the party.

ON Monday, July 17th, some forty boys from our "sister-school," the Lycée Augustin-Thierry at Blois, under the leadership of our old friends Madame and Monsieur Piolé, disembarked at Newhaven, on the occasion of the fourth visit to our School and to their "camarades Britan niques." After a somewhat unpleasant crossing, our French friends were only too glad to be brought to School, meet their English hosts, and leave as quickly as possible .for their English "homes " and a night's rest. On Tuesday, July 18th, after the reviving effects of an English bed and breakfast, eternal source of surprise to those whose first daily meal consists of coffee, bread and butter, the young Gauls were officially welcomed in the Council Chamber by His Worship the Mayor and Members of the Borough Council, after which ceremony they proceeded to explore the interests of the County Town, returning to a mid-day meal at School. In spite of inclement weather, the afternoon was devoted to an expedition on foot to Mount Caburn, from whence the dwellers in the fertile valley of the Loire were able to contemplate the beauties of our "blunt, bow-headed, whale-backed Downs."
The afternoon of Wednesday, July 19th, was devoted to matters Academic, and our visitors attended the Annual Prize Distribution. It is worthy of note that a prize was given by the School to the French boy who had been awarded the first annual " Prix de l'Entente Cordiale," a trip to Lewes, offered by the Lycée Augustin-Thierry to the most outstanding pupil of the year in English. The recipient hopes to become a teacher of English in his own country. "Abeunt studia in mores." After the ceremony, the visitors partook of an English school tea, and then watched virile young Britons showing their paces at the Annual Athletic Sports. Thursday, July 20th, was devoted to a day's motor-coach trip into West Sussex, visiting Chichester, Arundel and Boxgrove Priory, enabling our French friends to see something of the beauties of English ecclesiastical architecture.
The morning of Friday, July 21st, surely made history on the School field, for some of the older French boys-a feat unknown in French history- were practically initiated into the sacred rites of Willow the King and his Court. The "foreigners " wielded the bat with true Gallic vigour, if not with all the skill of the Anglo-Saxon courtiers, who heartily applauded the well-meant efforts. In the afternoon the visitors, thanks to the kindness of Mr. John Christie, enjoyed the privilege of a visit to Glyndebourne. Here they made the acquaintance of some of the artists, who offered them the enviable experience of actually hearing their musical talents.
In the afternoon of Saturday, July 22nd, the Monarchy showed the Republic how cricket is "really" played, in the shape of a match between the School First XI and the Old Boys. The "piece de resistance," the "Grand Ball" or Anglo-French Dance took place in the evening in the Town Hall, with its usual success, despite somewhat restricted quarters necessitated by repairs to the Town Hall flooring. "Vous autres Anglais, vous dansez trop lenternent," a young Gaul was heard to remark. "You French, you don't dance, you whirlwind," retorted the young Anglo-Saxon, to whom the remark was addressed. " Autres pays, autres moeurs." Despite divergent views on the Terpsichorean art, John Bull, Marianne and Jacques Bonhomme seemed to enjoy the evening in no small measure.
Sunday, July 23rd, was a welcome "jour de repos." The morning of Monday, July. 24th, was spent in Brighton, and the afternoon in watching the Annual Swimming Sports.
Tuesday, July 25th, was devoted to a full day's motor-coach trip East Sussex, visiting Bodiam, Bcttle and Herstmonceux. During the morning of Wednesday, July 26th, the Headmaster was able to allow our visitors to see something of the majesty of English law, by arranging for them to be present at a session of the local Assizes. A comment overheard, is perhaps worthy of repetition-" On n'a pas envie de rigoler avec le juge britannique." In the afternoon, attention was turned from Law to Industry, when a number of the French boys visited the Phoenix Iron Works, thanks to the kind permission of the Management. On the last day of Term, Thursday, July 27th, several of the French guests attended the End-of-Term Service at St. John's Church, Southover, thus participating in another characteristic function of English school life. The afternoon was left free for private shopping and personal tastes. Since "toute chose a sa fin," Friday, July 28th, saw us bidding.another au revoir" to our " camarades francais" at the end of their fourth visit to our School and 'Town. We subsequently learned that, on this occasion, Father Neptune treated the travellers with much more consideration, and that in the early hours of Saturday, July 29th, " nous sommes tous rentres sains et saufs, fatigues, mais tres contents de notres sejour."
In conclusion, it is worthy of comment, that this visit was entirely an inter-school function. The French boys lived, worked, played and journeyed with us. They saw us as we are. Nor was this collaboration merely between the boys. On most mornings, the French pupils assembled in the School Library, where members of our own School Staff gave simple talks in English on subjects bearing on English life and civilisation as seen in Sussex. Monsieur Piole went into our class-rooms and gave French lessons to our boys. As intended, the visit was primarily educational.
Another link in our Anglo-French relationships has been forged. May the chain uniting our two Schools, Towns and Countries, continue to lengthen with ever-increasing strength, for, in the words of the great French airman, Saint-Exupery, "le plus beau metier des hommes, c 'est d'unir les hommes."


Yates,Sweatman,Smith, Riddles and Field THIS year's School camp, attended by over 60 boys, was held at Lincombe Farm, 2½ miles from Ilfracombe. The main party of campers, under Messrs. Barton and Herbert, arrived at the camp site on the evening of Thursday, July 28th, to find tents pitched and everything ready for them thanks to the hard work of Mr. Hall's advance party. The camp site was on the slopes of a wooded valley leading down to Lee Bay, which was surrounded by tall and rugged granite cliffs. From the site a good view could be obtained over a broad expanse of sea to Lundy Island, whose white cliffs could be easily distinguished on fine days.

A normal day in camp started at 6.30 a.m., when the " dooty tent " either aroused, or was aroused by, the master on duty. The rest of the camp made its sleepy way to the washing place between 7.15 and 8 a.m., although some campers preferred to remain in their beds until the deep-throated cry of " Come and get it " announced that breakfast was ready. After a meal of perhaps corn flakes, bacon, and bread and marmalade, it was time for each camper to scrape his four potatoes for dinner - sad to say, a not very popular task. Then kits had to be laid outside for inspection at 10 o'clock, after which all but the duty tent were free until dinner. Some went into Ilfracombe for tennis or other recreations; some walked down a hill of 1 in 5 gradient to the pretty, straggling village of Lee, and to Lee Bay; and some chose to stay in camp. Dinner was served with varying promptitude at 1 o'clock; at this time of day the camp mineral shop was very popular. After this meal, a long afternoon was before those who wanted to go out of camp, and there was often a bathing party on the excellent beach at Sandy Cove, usually lasting all afternoon. Tea-supper was at 6.30, and this was the hour at which campers enjoyed such delicacies as lettuce, cheese, and bread and jam. Most of the campers spent the rest of the evening in their tents, before retiring to their hard, but not always uncomfortable, beds at about 10 o'clock.

The weather during most of the camp was not very good; one whole day was spent in the tents, with rain and wind heating down outside. But fortunately there was no rain for the coach trip across Exmoor, which was one of the most enjoyable days of the camp. Two coachloads of campers set off at 10 a.m., and on the outward journey they saw some of the more isolated parts of Exmoor, where there was sometimes not a sign of human habitation, except a horse and cart trudging wearily up a hill. Passing within sight of Dunkery Beacon, the coaches went on to Dunster, a beautiful old village with an ancient castle, church, and yarn market. A sandwich lunch was eaten at Minehead, after which the coaches slowly made the climb up Porlock Hill and down Countisbury Hill, on the way to Lynmouth. Here some Exmoor wild ponies were seen, whilst beyond Lynmouth a stop was made at the heautiful National Trust Property of Watersmeet. From there we returned to camp, having seen some of the glories of North Devon.

On the last morning all rose at half-past five, and, having packed their kit, ate their breakfast an hour later. Tents, too, were then packed, and the campers departed from the site at half-past eight, full of happy memories of camp life.

Thus ended a very enjoyable camp, and the thanks of the campers are due to the four members of the Staff, Messrs. Barton, Herbert, Glyn Davies and Hall, who gave so much of their time and energy to make it successful.


IN August ten members of our School went to the Flatford Mill Field Centre on a Fresh-water Biology course. Flatford Mill, made famous by Constable, is under the auspices of the National Trust and the Council for the Promotion of Field Studies. It is situated on the River Stour, and is surrounded by many diverse habitats, which makes it ideal for field studies. We arrived in the late afternoon, after a most tedious journey, and were met by rain, the Secretary of the Centre, and tea.

We soon learnt that it was the custom to use Christian names, and to take turns at washing up and sandwich spreading. This last duty was performed in the early hours of the morning, but it was almost a pleasure to spread such imaginative fillings as date and orange, apple and marmalade, marmite and peanut butter. Having been shown our dormitories, we explored the Centre, and located what modern conveniences existed. We discovered that Willy Lott's Cottage, just opposite the Mill, was the girls' dormitory and parallel to the Mill, but separated by the road and a large lawn, was the Valley Farm, a half-timbered old Manor House. The brick Mill House was the quarters of the Warden (Dr. E. A. R. Ennion), and in the Mill itself was the refectory, dormitories, two laboratories, and a very comprehensive library.

For the course we were divided into teams of 4-6 composed of both boys and girls (if one may term women teachers "girls "). The people on the course were a mixed batch. There were Biology teachers, from various parts of the country, even one from Jersey, student teachers from Winchester, University students, and Sixth-formers, male and female, from Wisbech, Croydon and Blackpool, and yet we very soon became a group of old friends, or so it seemed.

We spent most of our week in the field studying fresh-water plant and animal life in different environments, such as a stream, a pond, stagnant and running waters, brackish water and an estuary. The technical details would bore the non-biologist, but even he would welcome the opportunity to roam the country paddling in the mud with a fishing net, test-tubes and pie-dishes, and to enjoy again a childish delight. One of our party was so enthusiastic that he was seen more often swimming than paddling, but it was largely due to his efforts that the school earned and kept a reputation for producing those rarities that everyone wanted to see, but could not find. His crowning achievement was the capture of a water stick-insect about three inches long, so perfect a specimen having never been seen by anyone at the Centre.

In the evenings we identified specimens in the laboratories, made permanent records, and discussed our day's findings. It is thrilling to know that some day the experts may find our small contribution to the records at the centre of value in the final integration. In fact one water-weed (Zannichellia palustris) was discovered, which had never previously been recorded in the area.

The last day we organised our own expeditions, and in the evening each team gave a short talk on its day's work. It is here that the work ended, and the play began. In traditional fashion the party ran amuck, leaving a very few beds intact. Two pedagogues were even observed sucking condensed milk through pieces of glass tubing. Ragging and joyful celebration continued till the early hours of the morning - in the later hours of which we bid our fond farewells, and returned once more to civilisation.

All agreed that the course had been most valuable, not only from the knowledge gained, but also because we had an opportunity to observe and understand differing approaches to various aspects of Biology, and to compare them with our own. We all echo the sentiments of the member who said that we would like to go again.


AFTER welcoming three freshmen this year, Burt, Hersee, and Winchester, we Old Lewesians at Oxford are now fourteen in number; we indulge, with varying degrees of success, in a wide field of activities ranging from sport to spiritualism.

Tony Burgess (Hertford) is now happily married and living at Yarnton, a village some miles from Oxford where, surrounded with historic documents brought home from Italy during the summer vacation, he is studying steadfastly for " schools ". He sometimes makes the long journey to the University, not only for academic reasons, but also to play his part in the O.U. Territorial Army Corps, and to deliver orations at his college Debating Society.

Of the same Older Lewesian vintage is Caton, now studying at St. Stephen's House for the General Ordination Examination by which he will enter into Anglican Orders. Although married, he still finds time to help with the St. Stephen's House pantomime !

Peter Williams (married) and Satchler are both at St. Catherine's Society and both find themselves very busy with " schools " work. Last summer, however Peter made " modest performances ", as he calls them, on the cricket pitch and tennis court, and even now is playing rugger quite regularly. Satchler claims to have successfully rendered bankrupt the O.U.Society for Psychical Research; he emphasizes that the bankruptcy applies only to the financial, not the spiritual aspect of this organization.

Bob Ford (Teddy Hall) has just gone (i.e. the end of Michaelmas Term), having completed a term's teaching practice at St Edward's School, Oxford. He is taking up a temporary teaching post in Suffolk this January.

I suppose the grandfather of Old Lewesians at Oxford must be P. J. Cronin, who has come from Bristol to Balliol, where he is reading English and Philosophy and carrying out research into Shakespearean imagery and diction. He has also taken up rowing again after eight years' break : in the Summer Eights he stroked the Balliol 1st VIII, which afterwards went to Henley for the first time since 1939.

Of the younger generation, two are at St. Edmund Hall : Burden, who spends much of his spare time trying to squeeze money out of people for the International Student Service ; and Burt, who divides his time between reading for English Prelims. and supporting the Methodist Church.

Two more are at Magdalen: Searchfield, now in his third year, has been keeping up his energetic musical activities. Last May he gave one of the same series of four Bach recitals as that in which Edmund Rubbra was to have taken part; he has played in several college concerts given by Magdalen Musical Society, of which he is now President. Winchestar, working for History Prelims., is playing regularly for Magdalen's 1st XV.

John Hersee is at Keble, taking a mild interest in University and College Dramatics and perforce a much keener one in the Maths. Mods. syllabus. At St. Catherine's Society, with Williams and Satchler, is Bob Treadaway : he appears to be leading a very active life as a member of six different clubs. He has changed his sport from rugger to hockey, plays regularly for St. Catherine's 2nd XI and irregularly for the 1st. He is on the committee of the Debating Society and is Secretary of the Bridge Club. What the other three clubs are remain a mystery !

Colin Oxley, at University College, spends his meagre spare time declaring that his college is the oldest of all (circa 800 A.D.; see an ancient document of King Alfred's reign). He also represents his college in a society called " Crime - a Challenge " : it is not clear in which half of this organization he actively participates.

December, 1950.


(1867 - 1951)

We have learnt with deep regret of the passing of our Governor, Mr. Edgar Povey.

No school, more particularly a young one like ours, could have had a better friend. Before he had been elected to the governing body, he had presented and endowed his " Integrity and Honour " Trophy. He followed this up with his House Work Shield and then, when we commenced to buiid up a fund to help boys leaving school in pursuit of their chosen careers he made us an anonymous gift of £500. He subscribed to our swimming bath but the final token of his liberality is a generous provision in his will for our School Chapel. Yet even this record does not complete the account of his many benefactions. Many young fellows, both inside and outside the School, have received financial help, often anonymously, at his hands.

But Mr. Povey gave more than his money, he gave himself. He was proud to be a governor and to serve with men like Charles Ellis, Sir George Boughey, Sir Amherst Selby-Bigge, Major Innes, and Colonel Powell Edwardes, to name only some of those who have passed on or who have retired through advancing years. He took a most active part in the Old Boys Association and was always present at their functions, including the Saturday night social evenings we held at School in the early days. As first President of the Association he was an almost automatic choice.

Mr. Povey was true to the Victorian era in which he was born and moulded. He possessed the great Victorian virtues of frugality industry and a strong religious faith. A bachelor, he lived alone and performed all his household tasks himself. He was orderly and exact in everything he did and followed a course which most people would have regarded as Spartan. A non-smoker, a total abstainer, he never allowed himself a coal fire in the coldest weather. The only concession he made to external severity was a small oil stove. Yet one never suspected him of being mean. He denied himself, he gave to others.

His strongest principles are indicated in the trophies he gave us - a belief in work and character. He was always eager to help young people at the bottom of the ladder. But he believed such help should be earned. He could at times be almost severe in his judgments. But he was not a severe man. His generous heart, his strong affection for all young people, and his great interest in all their activities - games as well as work - refute such a description.

Above all he was a deeply religious man. His Bible was always close at hand and when we commenced our Monday afternoon services at Southover Church he was always present to encourage us. Only failing health compelled him to cease his attendance. It was most fitting that at his funeral in the same church, the School was called upon to provide the musical part of the service. We felt it a privilege to do so, knowing how much he would have valued this last small tribute.

" And Enoch walked with God: and he was not: for God took him."

We have lost a very dear friend whose memory we shall always cherish.


                               £ s. d                                 £ s. d
Mrs. Fryatt                    2  2 0   Michael Pound                 3  3 0
(further donation)
David Plowman (leaving gift)   1  0 0   Roger Bray                    1  1 0
G. Luck (leaving gift)         1  0 0   Chapel Box (Roger Bray)          7 6
E. L. Cook (O.L.) (blazer)     2  0 0   M. V. Wells (O.L.)            1  0 0
J. Craig (leaving gift)        1 10 0   Stewart Symons (leaving gift) 2  2 0
John Woolmore (leaving gift)   2  0 0   J. J. Fryatt                  1  1 0
Chapel Boxes (outstanding)     2  8 10  C. Beale                      1  0 0
Spring Term Collections .      8  3 10  C. Beale (Chapel Box) ..                                6 5
Mrs. Rogers .                  1  0 0   Michael Butchers (O.L.)      1 12 10
W.I. .....                       10 6            (More halfpennies) 
S W. Bennett, Esq.....         5  5 0   B. J. Clarke (leaving gift)   1  1 0
Parents' Day (June 17th)      27 13 5   H. J. Philps                  1  1 0
K. Yates (leaving gift)       10 10 0   Peter Bridgman (O.L.)         2  2 0
P. Still (leaving gift)         1 1 0   P. J. Funnell (O.L ).          1 1 0
                                                (further gift)
Chapel Box (Mrs. Divall)          7 8   H J. Warr (O.L.)              5  5 0
Chapel Box (Speech Day)        1 13 7   W. Manton (O.L.)              5  0 0
Chapel Box (Mrs. Pullin)          2 9   H. M. Hunt (leaving gift)     1  1 0
F. C. J. Fowler (leaving gift)   10 0   Mrs. M. Wheeler                 10 0
J. R. Keeley                     10 0   Robin Allen (O.L.)              10 0
P. C. Keeley                     10 0   Carol Service                  4 5 2½
                                           (half Collection)
George Smith                    2 0 0   Carol Singing                   11 0
                                           (Avey & Stenning)
J. Dennett                      1 0 0   Carol Singing                    7 1   
                                             (Parris Bros.& D Lee)
E. R. Farmer                    1 0 0   Chapel Boxes                70  0  7½
- Prett                         1 1 0   Form Collections             4 15 10
Mr. Price                       2 2 0   Sundries                     0 12  8
A. C. Ticehurst                 2 2 0   Transfer per Governors     123  1  5   
Form Collections,              7 10 8      
Summer Term      
Geoffrey Barford and,          1 17 6      
Brian Simmonds Form IIa      
K. J. Funnell (leaving gift)    1 0 0                       Total £327 15 4
John Burfoot                    5 5 0      

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