Girls Blazer Badge Boys Blazer Badge

"The Barbican"

No. 27 - December 1951

The Original Barbican cover This issue of the Barbican covers two years - 1950 and 1951. These were difficult years. The Korean War had started, the Cold War was at its height and post-war austerity was still with us. Rationing of food was still in force and there were shortages of everything, particularly housing. Many families were still living in make-shift accommodation such as patched-up war-damaged houses in the big cities and towns. Many children and their parents were living in with their grand-parents. To live in your own house and not have to share bathroom and kitchen was a privilege indeed.

Yet NRB had hopes that he could obtain a permit (building materials were in very short supply) to build the Chapel and start the building work soon. In retrospect that seems quite extraordinary. Was he so out of touch with the privation endured by the homeless? He must, surely, have realised that houses had priority and a permit to build a chapel was most unlikely for several years. Perhaps he felt that it was necessary to express such false optimism to keep up the momentum of the fund raising. Many years were to pass before a start could be made. During that time inflation began to eat into the value of the funds already gathered. There was a danger that there would never be enough money for the project.

Extracts from the Barbican



The Magazine Of
The Lewes County School
For Boys

December 1951

SCHOOL LIST, 1950-51

School Captain: T. B. Woods
Vice-Captain: R. R. Wells

School Captain: R. R. Wells
Vice-Captain: C. G. Andrews

LEWES - - J. A. Phillips, J. K. Bird, R. C. Field, P. N. Ray.
MARTLETS - - R. J. Humphry, C. S. Message, C. G. Andrews, F. E. Wood.
SEAHAVEN - - T. B. Woods, D. W. Sandles, A. Purbrook.
UCKFIELD - - R. R. Wells, M. V. Hobden, K. Hook.

Form Captains:
VI MODERN, D. J. Carpenter; VI SCIENCE, E. O. Wood; VIG, P. Bishop; VB, J. Barber; VJ, P. Blunt; Remove A, B. Dailey; Remove B, J. Bailey; Remove J, W. Niner; IVA, D. Clay; IVB, N. J. Barnes; IVJ, B. Langford; IIIA, G. Barford; IIIB, B. Izzard; IIIJ, M. Tweed; IIA, J. Lefeaux; IIB, A. Stapley; JTS I, J. Fuller; JTS II, R. Robeson.

Editors of the Magazine:
R. C. Field, C. G. Andrews, J. Abbo.

SCHOOL LIST, 1951-52

School Captain: C. G. Andrews
Vice-Captain: R. J. Humphry

LEWES - - J. K. Bird, D. J. Carpenter.
MARTLETS - - R. J. Humphry, C. G. Andrews, F. E. Wood, L. B. Tarlo, B. Hill, I. Hill.
SEAHAVEN - - D. W. Sandles, E. O. Wood, C. C. Perry, D. Blaber, J. T. Hopkins, N. E. Osborn.
UCKFIELD - - R. R. Wells (Prefect emeritus), P. Bishop.

Form Captains:
VI MODERN, J. Creasey; VI SCIENCE, L. Ellicott; VIG, D. W. Smith; VA, W. T. Hale; VJ, R. C. Thorne; Remove A, T. E. Powell; Remove B, R. Hoadley; Remove J, D. J. L. Worsfield; IVA, G. D. Barford; IVB, J. R. Almond; IVJ, W. T. Tillston; IIIA; J. Lefeaux; IIIB, A. R. Stapley; IIIJ, D. Taylor; IIA, P. T. G. Fellows; IIB, H. A. Beard; JTS I, J. Giles; JTS II; M. Fuller.

Editors of the Magazine:
C. G. Andrews, D. J. Carpenter.


THROUGHOUT the School year, from the first day to the last, we look forward, planning and discussing what we are going to say and do. Here, in the Barbican we pause awhile and look back.

Our knowledge of the past is due to the patient recording of the historian; our remembrance of the recent is due to the harassed scribblings of contemporary editors. And for this reason we have the School magazine, to clutch at the many threads of school life as they are whisked away into the obscurity of the past, interweaving to form the School's history. History has been made: Our link with Blois has now been the subject for discussion both in the newspapers and on the radio. History is about to be made: Subject to anything unforeseen happening, building for our School Chapel should commence early in 1952. All this is, or will be recorded within the pages of your School Magazine

As you look back, through these pages, at the history that has been made, let your minds run upon the history that is yet to be shaped in the days to come.

Unfortunately our range has, as last year, mainly to be confined to the purely corporate efforts of the School as a whole.It is hoped that this measure will only be temporary.
C.G.A., D.J.C.


AS parents know, we are celebrating the twenty-first year since the foundation of the School in 1930. Speech Day in July was the initial event, but we plan to conclude with a Twenty-first Birthday Fete in November, 1952. We hope to be able to count on the support of everyone, past and present, connected with the School.

So far the anniversary year has gone well. Since Speech Day, we have had two major scholastic successes. Richard Field gained a State Scholarship in the July examinations and is now at Oxford. In December E. O. Wood was awarded an Exhibition in Natural Science at Keble College and will go to Oxford next October.

The Autumn Term has been marked by the outstanding success of all our Rugger teams. It terminated with a most enjoyable carol service in Southover Church. We apologise to parents and friends. Our seating arrangements went wrong. We will do better next year. The very generous collection for the Chapel Fund amounted to £l6 17s 3d. Thank you.

We have said Goodbye to Mrs. Hazel Archard, to Mr. Ollerenshaw and to Mr. Sharples. We wish them success and happiness in their new spheres of work.

We welcome Mr. K Hills, B.A. (Cantab), an Old Boy, Mr. P. Gem, B.A. (Oxon) and Mr. H. D. Philps, M.A. (Cantab), who has returned to teach at the School after a year in France. May their stay with us be fruitful and happy

Congratulations to Mr. Glyn Davies and Mr. Hills on playing Rugger for Sussex during the Term, and to R. J Humphry, B. and I. Hill and P. Bishop on being selected for the Sussex Public School Trials. In addition D. J. Burgess played for East Sussex v. West Sussex in an Under 16 Public Schools game.

We have to thank Mr. and Mrs C. Blunden, who have presented to the School a handsome Junior Games Cup as a memento of the membership of the School of Douglas Blunden, a former School Captain, who afterwards graduated at Magdalen College, Oxford.

Other events of note are chronicled separately in the pages that follow. As we write, we await the outcome of our application to "those in authority over us" for a permit to commence building our Memorial Chapel. Let us hope that when our next magazine appears work will be in progress.



House Masters - - Messrs. Larwill, Webb, Eastman, Glyn-Davies, Sharples.
House Captain - - J. A. Phillips.
House Prefects - - J. K. Bird, P. N. Ray, R. C. Field.

House Masters - - Messrs. Larwill, Webb, Eastman, Glyn-Davies, Philps, Hills.
House Captain - - J. K. Bird.
House Prefect - - D. J. Carpenter.

THE House was far from successful this year, but this was by no means an all-important fact. It is true we came last at athletics, third at cross-country, second at swimming and second and third respectively in the work and games shields, but although the House did not succeed in winning any trophy, its members rarely failed to pull their weight

But before House members start to congratulate themselves, they must be reminded of one lamentable failure. It must have been disappointing to those who did so well to win the swimming sports to see the actual cup lost, due to the lack of House spirit of those boys who did not bother to gain any standard points. We had fewer of these points than Seahaven, who, on aggregate, won thc cup.

At rugby, the seniors drew one match and lost two, but it was good to see the determination with which its members tackled sometimes overwhehning odds.

Of the Juniors we have reason to be proud. Here was a combination which gave three first-class displays, and played with an ability and enthusiasm pleasing to watch from the touchline.

The Senior Cricket Team was, in a way, disappointing. It certainly had its share of talent, and won the first two matches with ease. In the last match, however, it inexplicably failed, badly. The Juniors, apparently weak on paper, showed unexpected success to win one match and lose two.

There is little to say of the cross-country and athletics. Apart from several good individual performances, our competitors were (not, however, from the want of trying) badly placed.

The Work Shield was, sad to say, forfeited to Uckfield. See that it doesn't happen again, Lewes - for anyone, be he good at games or not, can gain points for the House.

That, therefore, is the record of our success and failure. Of our success we can be proud, and we can improve on our failures next year.

We were fortunate this Term in securing as a new House Master Mr. K. A. Hills, a former Lewes House and School captain, and we all hope that his stay will be a happy one. Incidentally, he is the first Old Boy to become a permanent member of the Staff. Well done, Lewes!

Thursday, July 19th, 1951


The Platform COULD we have had a more perfect day or a more distinguished gathering for a twenty-first birthday celebration? The sun shone. Our chairman, Sir Reginald Spence, was supported by an almost full body of Governors. Our former Chairman, Sir George Boughey, with Lady Boughey, were on the platform, paying us a return visit to see how we were progressing. Distinguished platform guests also included Viscount Gage, who performed the opening ceremony in 1930, and, in addition, there were present the daughter of the most famous Prime Minister for 150 years, Mrs. Christopher Soames, who distributed the prizes, and the Prefect of Loir-et-Cher, M. Holveck, in full uniform, with Madame Holveck. Has a French Prefect ever attended a Speech Day at an English school before? After the Speech Day ceremony a pleasing and successful innovation was tea out of doors in the West Quadrangle, instead of in the confined space of the gymnasium. The Sports which followed were as efficiently run as usual. To emphasise the day as a special occasion Cedric Andrews ran the mile on the difficult School track in the record time of 4 min. 29 secs. As we went home, tired but happy, we felt that the birthday had been fittingly celebrated.


Oxford: R. C. Field (Distinction in English), K. J. Funnell, C. H. Losasso, B. G. Michell, R. R. Wells.
London: R. N. Allfrey, W. A. Amos, D. W. T. Clay, R. J. Fletcher, J. J. Fryatt, C. R. Hayles, M. V. Hobden, P. L. Still, S. D. Symons, A. J. Tompsett, J. C. Wickens, T. B. Woods, K. J. Yates.

D. R. Burdett, M. J. Vise, C. S. Oxley, G. A. Carter, J. Wigmore, R. C. Russell, T. P. Clifton, M. J. Wood, S. J Setford, D. J. Craig, R. J H Woollard, F. E. Sexton, D. A. Dennett, A. P. Wright, D. W. Sinden, T. J. Dennett, K. R. Beard, D. J. Starling, M. Ellicott, F. W. Boot, J. Burfoot, R. W. Fulker, J. W. Combs, C. G. E. Jenner, P. G. Hall, J. C. Creasey, S. B Kirwan, G. W. Harris, C. D. Foord, E. R. Miller, H. T. Hayward, R. J. Foord, J Pickett, M. B. Hobbs, G. P. M. Fryatt, D. A. Rogers, D. F. Hunt, R. H. Fuller, B. G Woollard, J. Leppard, M. A. Geraghty, J. Abbo, C. A. Pearson, R. G. Griffiths, P. E. Best, M. L. Pound, I. P. Harris, C. J. Dolloway, G. A. Purbrook, G. R. Holman, B. S Hoadley, S. R. Seager, R. M. Knutsen, J. G. May, D. R. Shearman, Q. F. S. Lonmon, J. H. Muir, A. E. Ticehurst, G. H. Malley.

K. R. Davey, Q. F. S. Lonmon, G. H. Malley, L. Saunders, I. P. Harris.

D. W. Clay - - Ministry of Agriculture Senior Scholarship, Nottingham University
R. C. Field - - Exhibition in Modern Languages, St. Catherine's Society, Oxford
C. Howells - - Exhibition in Modern History, Merton College, Oxford.
R. N. Allfrey - - Liverpool University (School of Architecture).
R. J. Carmichael - - London Hospital.
C. R. Hayles - - University College, Southampton.
M. V. Hobden - - Keble College, Oxford.
B. McHugh - - Imperial College of Science, London University.
C S Message - - University of Nottingham.
D. E. Pincott - - University of Bristol.
R. R. Wells - - University College, Exeter.
B. T. Woods - - Merton College, Oxford.

J. K. Bird, L. A. Ellicott, R. R. Gates, J. T. Hopkins, J. S. Nicholson, J. A. Phillips, G. H. Sweetman, J. Wigmore, P. Wilson, A. P. Wright.

H. T. Hayward, G. Harris.

THE "EDGAR POVEY" TROPHY - - R. R. Wells, B. T. Woods
THE "JARVIS" PRIZE (Presented by S. G. Henderson, O.L.) - - C. G. Andrews
THE "CHRISTIE" PRIZE FOR MUSIC (Seniors) - - T. A. L. James
THE "GLASS" PRIZE FOR MUSIC (Juniors) - - L. Ellicott
THE "LEWES R.F.C." PRIZE - - R. Humphry

VI - - R. Field, C. Hayles, J. Riddles.
VIG - - H. P. Bishop, L. Garner, R. Scott.
VB - - P. Dutson, J. Barber.
VJ - - G. Ellis.
R.A. - - E. Lavender.
R.B. - - P. Carpenter, A. Webb.
R.J. - - B. Beetensen.
IVA - - A. Reynolds, C. Davey.
IVB - - D. Britton.
IVJ - - B. Langford.
IIIA - - K. Geering, G. Barford, J. Davey.
IIIB - - J. Almond, J. L. Bibb.
IIIJ - - D. E. Prodger.
IIA - - M. Card, J. Lohoar.
IIB - - J. Hollands, A. Stapley.
TECHNICAL SECTION - - M. Bignall, D. Beard, B. Miles, F. Sinnock.
SERVICE PRIZES - - J. Bird, R. H. Fuller, H. T. Hayward, D. Cramp, H. Swaffer, E. Taylor, P. Hubbard, A. White, P. Ray, B. Austen, B. M. Egan, D. Tisdall.

Povey Work Shield - - - - - - Lewes
Bradshaw Games Shield - - - - - - Seahaven
Henderson-Oliver Cross-Country Cup - - - - - - Martlets
Wilfred Thompson Athletic Cup - - - - - - Seahaven Innes
Swimming Cup - - - - - - Seahaven
Sinfield Swimming Cup - - - - - - K. R. Beard
Hoare Cup for Uckfield House - - - - - - P. Bishop


SEPTEMBER 1951, saw the beginning of an experiment in the matter of school societies. It has been decided by these bodies to amalgamate and make a school society which should have both a main body representative of almost the whole school, and a sixth form section. The results hoped for are that large audiences will attend worthwhile meetings, that larger numbers will encourage more ambitious projects, and that opportunity will be given to most boys in the School to enjoy belonging to a society which will have all the advantages of the former Vth Form, Science, and Sixth Form societies.

The society was inaugurated early in the Term and the main experimental guiding rules adopted are:
1. Membership is open, by invitation, to boys from the Third Forms upwards on payment of an annual subscription of one shilling.
2. Names for membership from each Form are scrutinised by a committee consisting of the Form Master and two other members of Staff, before being submitted to the main committee of the society.
3. The Sixth Form Section of the society meets alternately with the main society on Friday evenings.
4. Each Form elects a representative and from each group of parallel form representatives a committee - man is chosen.
The Sixth Form committee serves en bloc on the main committee.
It is seen therefore that the society is widely representative of the School and yet is a select body, membership of which is a privilege and an honour.

Five meetings of the main society have been held and well attended by audiences of from 150 to 180. Details of these meetings are given later.

Whilst there is no doubt that so far the new venture is a success, it is necessary to remember that it is still an experiment and will be what the members make it.

Through their representatives and committee-men, members have the chance to state their wishes and record their praise or displeasure.

It is hoped that these opportunities will be used to the full, but where possible criticism to be helpful should be constructive.

Chairman : Mr Hoggins.
Secretaries: Messrs. Andrews and Humphry.
Treasurer: Mr Euston.
Committee: Messrs. H. D. Philps, F. E. Wood, E. O, Wood, S. Parris, H. Abbo, P. Carpenter, C. Davey, Appleby, Butler, Reynolds.
Form Representatives: 3j, Butler, D.; 3b, Coomber; 3a, Lohoar; 4j, Thompson; 4b, Etheridge; 4a, Appleby, R.; Rem. J, Worsfield; Rem. B, Baker; Rem. A, Davey; 5j, Drummond; 5b, Carpenter, P.; 6g, Abbo, H.; Mod. 6th, Wood; Sc. 6th, Parris.


OCTOBER 5th. The inaugural meeting of the School Society took the form of a film show in which a sound version of Ponting's original record of Scott's Antarctic Expedition was presented. This proved to be an extremely entertaining evening as the photography in the film was so brilliant. The conditions which the whole of the Expedition had to face were particularly well shown, especially the awe-inspiring scenery and the animal life.

OCTOBER l9th. This meeting took the form of a General Election, and five parties were represented. The speeches were very good, and each candidate put forward his case with unaccustomed clarity. As usual, there was keen rivalry between the three main parties, and the final result was : Conservatives 58 (votes); Liberals 45; Labour 30.

NOVEMBER 9th. For this meeting Det.-Supt. Manby and Det.-Constable Angell very kindly came along and gave a talk on "Science in the Aid of Crime Detection." There were also lantern slides illustrating how certain criminals had given themselves away, and by the end of the evening the Society was completely convinced that "Crime does not pay."

NOVEMBER 23rd. This was the more serious meeting of the Autumn Session, and a Formal Debate was held on the motion that : "This House deplores the present popularity of passive entertainment." On the whole it was a very successful meeting, as it gave everybody in the Society a chance to take an active part in the proceedings. When the two main speakers For and Against the motion had finished the rest of the Assembly had their turn and there was much heated discussion on both sides. The motion was defeated by 19 votes to 37.

DECEMBER 7th. A lecture was held on "Modern Explosives of the Last War - How we made them," by Mr. M. H. Pratt, M.Sc., and "How we used them," by Major R. B. H. Page, B.Sc., M.B.E.

Although Mr. Pratt gave an extremely interesting talk on the work done in an explosive factory, it must be admitted that the Society was particularly intrigued by Mr. Page's amazing escapades. All were agreed that it was a thoroughly enjoyable evening and an ideal way to finish the Autumn Term Session.


The Sixth Form Society now continues as a section of the School Society, holding its own meetings on alternate weeks. Before reporting on the events of the past Term, brief reference must be made to the Society's activities in the Spring, when Mr Webb acted as Chairman, with J. K. Bird as Secretary and P. N Ray as Treasurer The outstanding event was the visit of Major Tufton Beamish, M.P., who talked to the Society on the working of Parliament. It was the first time we had been honoured by the presence of our M.P. Another enjoyable evening was provided by an Old Boy, Mr. K. Stone, who gave a witty and amusing talk on life in the Army.

The meetings of the Society during the past Term (Michaelmas, 1951) have been most successful. Mr. Philps has acted as Chairman, with S. Parris as Secretary and F. E. Wood as Treasurer. Attendances have been good, but more speakers would be welcome. On September 25th Snap Debates were held, when the Decadence of Man since the Cave Era, the Abolition of Guy Fawkes' Day, Modern Art and the Rights of Man were all discussed. The Society supported Mr. Hoggins declaration that "The decay of mankind began the day women were taught to read."

On October 12th a "Brains Trust" was formed by Messrs. Euston, Pett and Mould. Subjects discussed were Friendship with Franco, Occult Factors in any explanation of Life, Swear Words and The American Tie. The pundits having delivered their verdicts, subjects were in turn thrown open to general discussion.

A joint meeting with the Girls' County Grammar School on October 26th decided, by one vote, that "Moral and not material advance is the basic requirement of all civilisation." The meeting on November l6th was entitled "In my opinion". Spiritualism, Professional Boxing, Armistice Sunday and Corporal Punishment were among the subjects discussed. Mr. Fermor condemned the aeroplane, while Mr Tarlo expressed his opinion on Nothing. He was well received.

The fifth meeting of the Term on November 30th was devoted to a discussion between Mr Hoggins and Mr. Auld, who respectively gave the views of the Scientist and the Humorist [?Humanist] on ultimate reality. The Society heard a gripping discussion in which the protaganists were prevented from coming to blows by the moderation of their views. The Science Sixth agreed with Mr. Hoggins' statement that beyond the School Certificate Stage, Science and Common Sense have little in common.

On the last meeting of the Term, December 14th, it had been arranged to play gramophone records. Much time was spent instead on combating repeated failures in the School lighting system. But "a good time was had by all."


Chairman : Mr. A. J. Hall. Secretary: Mr. E. O. Wood. Treasurer: Mr. C. R. Hayles.

The session started moderately well, with a film show, which was attended by an audience of about thirty members of the Society. Apart from the "Black Magic"evening, however, attendance figures were low throughout the remainder of the winter. The second meeting consisted of a Staff Brains Trust, and this was followed by a very interesting lecture on the Lloyd Barrage by Mr. Sharples, who is something of an authority on India. Both proved very entertaining evenings, and deserved more support than was forthcoming. A fifty-strong audience watched with great enthusiasm Mr. Gourlay's demonstration of various "Black Magic" experiments, and the session was concluded by a talk on British Bats by Mr. Ansell.
E. O.W.


THIS society originated in the mind of Mr. Ollerenshaw, in the Easter Term of 1951. Its membership is restricted to about 50 enthusiastic historians between the Third Forms and the Removes, and the normal termly programme consists of a talk by an outside speaker, a members' evening on which individual members of the Society talk on their favourite topics, and a visit to some place of historical interest.

We have been very fortunate in our outside speakers as Mr. Bridgeman has given us a most interesting talk on the Historical Interest of Lewes, whilst Mr. Hugh Ross-Williamsan gave us a fascinating preview of his book, "The Gunpowder Plot." Topics at members' evenings have ranged from witchcraft in the reign of Elizabeth to the character of King John and have usually proved of general interest, although I regret that in one case the minutes record : "After Mr. Blank's talk, those who were interested stayed and took down a diagram of the battle, and the others went home."

Most enjoyable expeditions were made to Portsmouth to see H.M.S. Victory, to Hampton Court and to Porchester Castle.


THIS year we counted ourselves fortunate in securing the co-operation of our sister school - the County Grammar School for Girls. All who saw the play considered that this union of forces had a happy outcome, and from the boys' angle we are grateful to Miss Moss, the Staff and the Girls who made this joint effort possible.

We are indebted, too, to Mr. Eric Emery, the County Drama Adviser, who, at a very busy time, came to one of the performances and wrote the following criticism for the School Magazine:-

"The Rivals" is a period piece in its manners and the relationships of its characters and demands, therefore, 'period style.' The critic then must approach an amateur performance with some misgivings, realizing, too, if the actors are young, that they will have seen few if any, examples of players on whom they can model their own 'creations.' This is not a question of mere imitation which, of course, can be the 'death' of good acting.

It was the great merit of this production that it had achieved so much of this primary requirement. The simple and most pleasant scenery - cleverly designed and well carried out - was a valuable contribution, and the slight but eflective changes were mercifully quick and provided all that seemed necessary to show change of locale. The 'gold' background did perhaps take too much light, detracting from the comparative clarity of faces. The few 'choice' pieces of furniture - just enough - would surely be envied by any producer.

In the production of a 'manner' of speech, whether it be foreign, dialect or the convention applied to another century, there is always a danger that the method of speaking and the new ' tune' involved may seriously interfere with the context and make the meaning hard for the audience to grasp. The compromise here was generally very satisfactory. There was much of the accepted 'period' delivery, yet the context with good emphasis generally, came through and I rate highly the extent of this achievement with a young cast.

The pace was a little slow at first and, as often happens with this style, occasionally too measured. There was, too, a certain stiffness of immaturity and nervousness at the beginning, but by the second half, movement and speech were remarkably 'freer' and most members of the cast did much more justice to their natural abilities and the producer's work.

The stage arrangement allowed full scope for movement, which seemed free and natural, with good relative positioning of characters and obvious attention to grouping. There was perhaps a little too much use of the seat up stage in the centre, and the 'conglomeration' of the last scene seems a producer's problem that I have not seen satisfactorily solved. The positions of the characters in the mock-proposal scene, which can go astray, seemed particularly happy. Occasional masking, probably accidental, could have been avoided with this amount of playing space.

The incidental music was most pleasing and, happily, an integral part of the production. There was a notable excellence of concentration in the individual performances, not always a strong point with young players, and a real attempt at characterisation, though the problems presented are, it must be realised, not all equally easy.

Bob Acres, though perhaps among the easier parts, was a great success with a full and humorous understanding of his part, well conveyed to the audience without succumbing to the danger always present in this part of 'overdoing.'

David is a small part, often comparatively negligible, but this delightful little character study brought fresh life to the stage on his every appearance. Just a slight tendency to 'shuffle' too much.

Mrs. Malaprop is a very tricky part and the 'derangements' of speech are so often either overplayed and soon become boring to the audience, or are insufficiently stressed with loss of essential characterisation. For a young actress this was an excellent attempt both in speech and character with points well made, and I felt would have been very effective indeed if she could have been made to look older. Why, indeed, should the men reject the offer of such charm? She should beware of excessive head movement.

Lucy had a very good sense of character with a right admixture of sauciness, but also must 'take care of her head.'

Lydia has the constant danger of being excessively 'Languish,' and, considering the difficulty of making much of this part except through personality, did very well indeed with a good sense of period speech and improvement in correct emphasis after the first act.

Julia presents similar difficulties with fewer chances, and, like Lydia, brought considerable charm to the playing. Speech was good, but needed more variety in her 'big' scene with Faulkland, where her run off stage was not very convincing.

Sir Antony is a tough proposition for a young man and this good attempt lacked, not unreasonably, the weight it should carry in the balance of the play. He had improved immensely by the second half, but ripeness, richness and enjoyment of 'her eyes-her lips' are perhaps too much to expect. Did the producer underestimate the effect on the audience of the constant banging of his stick?

Captain Absolute was a straightforward, pleasant portrayal which might have had more humour in the 'official' proposal.

Sir Lucius was flat and needed more life, a not infrequent failing in this potentially rich part.

Faulkland is always a problem, which there is more than one way of tackling. A good attempt here did not really succeed in creating a character and there was lack of humour in the scene with Julia. The constantly clenched hands did not help.

Fag created a definite character, well in period and Thomas and the Boy made their small but adequate contributions.

Even to attempt "The Rivals" with a School cast is a hazardous undertaking and the producer must be congratulated on getting the greatest possible effect, if one rightly estimates his human material. The 'jaded' critic who has seen several plays a week throughout the winter may well approach such a performance with a heavy heart. "The Rivals" should be a delightful experience but is alas, not always so. To one 'jaded' critic, on this occasion, it was most definitely a real enjoyment.


IN contrast with visits of previous years, the keynote of this year's programme was simplicity. It was stated that 'The object this year was to acquaint the boys with normal life in a French school and in a French home, and to establish friendly contacts between French and English families.'

As a result, the English boys assembled each morning at the Lycee to attend either a special lecture by one of the masters of the Lycee or one of the normal classes. Mr. Auld conducted lessons with classes of the French boys.

The party arrived at Blois at 12.30 a.m on April 6th, 1951, after an almost perfect journey. On the afternoon of the same day, the party was entertained to tea by the Headmaster of the Lycee, Monsieur Broussaudier, after which a visit was paid to the menagerie of the Amar Brothers' Circus which was just starting out from Blois on its summer tour. Some of the party went to the circus itself later in the evening and saw a fine show, marred only by an accident to the human cannon-ball, who was very nearly killed as a result of missing the safety-net.

On the afternoon of Saturday the 7th, the party was shown some of the highspots of the town by the History Master of the Lycee, Monsieur Buisse, who has a vast knowledge of the history of Blois.

On Monday morning, the party went on a conducted tour of the Blois chocolate factory, and saw the numerous processes which go into the making of high-quality chocolate and sweets, and, incidentally, tasted samples of the same!

The next day, the potteries of Monsieur Balon were visited, and the party saw how a lump of clay is turned into a valuable piece of pottery.

Wednesday evening, April 11th, at the Lycee was the occasion of what a French boy, writing to his English friend, described as 'a representation theatrical.' This began with three much-appreciated songs; sung by junior boys of the Lycee. Then followed two plays, synopses of which (in English) were thoughtfully provided for every boy. But, despite this aid, the world premiere of Monsieur Piole's French version of Christopher Fry's play, 'A Phoenix Too Frequent,' was tough meat for both French and English. The next play, 'Les Sonderling,' by Robert Merle, was more easily understood, and the actors did their best with a rather uninspired play.

The next day there was a visit to Chambord, perhaps the most magnificent of all the chateaux of the Loire Valley, and also to the pheasantry in the heart of the Forest of Russy.

On Friday, April l3th, the football match between the Staff and boys of the Lycee was played in torrential rain. This was more than the Staff could put up with and the boys won by 3-2.

On Saturday night was the annual ball at the Chateau de Blois. This started at 9.30 p.m. and went on (it is believed) till 6.0 a.m. on Sunday morning.

Sunday was left free to sleep off the effects of the ball and to prepare for the return to England.

The party left Blois at 4.25 a.m. on the morning of April l6th and after an uneventful journey the ' Arromanches ' docked at Newhaven at 4.25 p.m., exactly twelve hours after leaving Blois.

It can certainly be said that the object of the journey was accomplished and certainly all the boys semed to enjoy their stay in France very much.

Finally, a word of thanks to our hosts at Blois and to Messrs. Auld, Gourlay and Turl, for so successfully organising the visit.


THE fifth return visit of our friends from Blois was made at the end of the summer term. A programme of activities similar to that of previous years had been arranged. It included talks to the French boys by members of the Staff, while M. Piole gave French lessons to our Forms. Visits were made to the Regency Exhibition at Brightcn, where our guests were entertained to tea by the Mayor of Brighton; to Portsmouth and Chichester and to the South Bank Exhibition. The French party attended the Speech Day Ceremony, while, of course, there was the "Grand Ball" in the Town Hall, without which no visit would be complete.

We should like to thank the many parents, Old Boys and friends who attended, providing thereby the financial resources with which to entertain our guests. Meanwhile a Civic party from Blois, with Blois Rotarians, had also arrived and were carrying through a programme of their own. Altogether, a very happy and successful visit.


ABOUT 30 members of the School were lucky enough to camp at Chamonix, the famous holiday resort, high in the French Alps.

We started away on the morning boat to Dieppe on August lst. Then followed a seemingly endless journey. From Dieppe we travelled to Paris in the boat train and from Paris we caught an east-bound Express, which took us through the night across France. Most of this 12-hour ride was spent in attempting to sleep in crowded, stuffy compartments.

In the morning the train arrived at St. Gervais, where we changed and caught a little electric train, which trundled us up steep gradients towards Chamonix. We soon had our first great thrill, when, turning a corner, we saw ahead of us the majestic peaks of the Mont Blanc range, glistening in the sun.

At Chamonix we adventurers were whisked away in a bus to the camping site - a field lying between a pine wood and an ice-cold mountain stream steaming in the hot sun. By now most of us were feeling extremely tired, so, after a very acceptable meal in Chamonix, we thankfully got to bed - some of us in a barn, some in a chalet and other adventurous souls in the woods. The French railways had failed us and the tents had not yet arrived.

The tents, however, came the next morning and then ill-fate began to take a hand.. As soon as the tents were pitched clouds loomed up and it started to pour with rain as only it can rain in the mountains. Not content with that, the tents started leaking and some of us had to move into a barn, which was to accommodate us for the rest of the camp.

The following day we spent watching the rain pouring down outside, but Sunday heralded the return of our fortunes and was bright and sunny. Soon the adventurers transformed that "corner of a foreign field" into a little bit of England. A large notice below a Union Jack proclaimed "Cremerie Anglaise," "Danger de Manger," to the amazement of passersby. One French boy even took the notice literally and arrived with a bucket demanding half a litre of milk. He was astonished at the peals of laughter which greeted him.

As the camp settled down one could begin to appreciate Chamonix and the delightful scenery around it. The rest of our stay therefore was spent in endeavouring to explore what we saw around us.

One day we climbed up to the end of the Glacier de Bosson below Mont Blanc and visited the impressive ice caves. The blue transparent walls of these caves reflected the light of oil lamps set in niches to make it appear like a hall of mirrors. The weather continued to be kind to us and several walks were enjoyed, one to a spot overlooking the Mer de Glace, and another up a stream running off this glacier. Those interested in the flora or fauna of the area had plenty of scope and walks were at no time dull, and often strenuous.

One day Geneva was visited. What seemed most impressive was the contrast between Chamonix and this Swiss city. Chamonix, with its gay, carefree people and its cafe-lined streets. Geneva and its efficient transport, its clean, well-laid-out streets and its sober, hard-working citizens. Several notable places, such as the old League of Nations building and the present U.N.O. Headquarters were visited here.

Those boys whose ambition it was to gather snowballs in mid-summer had their ambition granted when they were carried by cable-car to a peak called Le Brevent. Here it was like winter and, shivering in our summerwear, we quickly descended.

After such trips as these the appetites of most of us took a lot of satisfying, but the food proved admirable It was cooked in the chalet on primuses by parties of boys who worked in daily shifts under a master and prefect, and, as far as is known, there was only one failure, when a cook (no names mentioned) transformed some rice into a gluey mass, which only just resembled porridge.

All good camps come to an end, however. The last day at Chamonix was spent in the hurried purchase of souvenirs. In the evening the adventurers in a very contented mood sat round the camp fire singing and watching the rose-tinted mountain tops turn to grey.

The following morning was spent in packing up, and farewells were said to the friends we had made, especially to Monsieur and Madame Drevet, of whose generosity it is hard to write. To them we are indebted for lending us their barn and chalet and helping us in so many ways. May we meet them again sometime. Also we thank our old friend Monsieur Confet for allowing us to camp on his land.

The day after our tired adventurers clambered out of the boat at Newhaven after a never-to-be-forgotten experience.

To Mr. Herbert, Mr. Woodings and MR. Glyn Davies go our thanks for the hard work they put in to make the camp worth while and their helpfulness when everything seemed against us.


THIS year two short residential courses in elementary surveying have been held at the County Youth Centre, Stafford House. A subsidiary object of the courses was to produce outline maps of areas suitable for subsequent field studies by senior biology pupils.

Two groups, each of fifteen boys from J.T.S.2, took part in the scheme, which was directed by Mr. Herbert. A deciduous wood and a small pond were surveyed, both by compass traverse; the work was carried out by teams of three or four, each member being responsible for his own field-book entries. This rather slow process ensured that each boy had ample practice in using the limited number of compasses available.

That such a course was an enjoyable experience is obvious to those who know Stafford House, its delightful grounds, its spacious accommodation, and not least, its good food; that it was also a worthwhile experiment is shown by the maps produced from our field-book entries. Above all, the members of each group gained valuable experience in living and working as a team, practising in the field the lessons of blackboard and notebook.

Our thanks are due to the Warden of Stafford. House for meeting all our needs and to Mr. Herbert for conducting the party.


WHEN asked for news of his activities for the "Oxford Letter," the O.L generally says that he is working hard, which is a very good thing, of course, but most of us find time besides for one or two "extras," either on the playing field, at Society meetings - or both. All the Third Year O.L.s here are preparing for Finals next June - to this end Derek Burden spent part of the last vac. at a French Railway Station to improve his knowledge of the language.

Colin Oxley appears to be living a very doubtful life, for he threatens me with the law of libel if I say too much! He can now tell you where to find any book in any Oxford library.

Bob Treadaway is President of St. Catherines' Debating Society. Apart from this, he represents St. Catts. at Bridge and in both first and second Hockey XIs.

Gerald Burt, in his second year, has become Secretary of the University S.C.M. (Student Christian Movement) and is also writing sermons: these are for an exam. which he has to take as a Candidate for the Methodist Ministry.

Ian Winchester has won one of the Magdalen College Underhill History Prizes and also plays regularly for Magdalen First XV.

John Hersee keeps a Secretarial eye on the affairs of the Keble College Music Society, and a committeeman's eye on those of the Dramatic Society.

There are three "fresh" O.L.s this year. Richard Field at St. Catts. is already playing chess for that society and otherwise leading a blameless life , as also is Chris. Howells at Merton.

At Merton, too, is John Woolmore, who got a Fresher's Trial for the University Rugger Club, but had 'flu at the time. We hope he will be more fortunate next time.
Coll. Keblense. SCRIBA.

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