Girls Blazer Badge Boys Blazer Badge

"The Barbican"

No. 28 - 1953

The Original Barbican cover Hopes are lifted, prematurely, that the Chapel would soon be started. Architecural plans and a model had been completed and hopes were high. However it was a false dawn. It would be many years coming, yet. By then the design would be a little less ambitious, as can be seen later.

Gilbert Harding, a popular outspoken TV personality, who was not afraid to ruffle a few feathers among the Establishment, opened the School Fete, drawing in a massive crowd who swelled the coffers to the tune of £540, which in today's money would be nearly £15,000.

The story was told by NRB that this quantity of cash was totally unexpected and it only began to sink in on the Saturday evening. The banks were shut and the school did not have a safe big enough to hold it. In the event it was all gathered and counted in the caretaker, Mr Parkinson's, front room. When it was realised how much there was it was decided to mount a full-time guard over it until the banks opened on the Monday lest it attract the attention of the Lewes criminal under-world!

Incidently one does wonder how Mr Harding's remarks - "If we examine our fellow-men who live in this world that we inhabit and think that because perhaps their noses are shaped differently from ours, their skins are of a different colour, or the creed they have faith in is different, and think that because of that we are better than them, then we share the ignorance that is all around us" - went down with those on the platform not renowned for the breadth of their minds. In the light of the end result no doubt his words were soon forgiven and forgotten. Didn't every true Briton know, that those with straight noses, white skins, and Anglican faith were worth a dozen of the rest? Of course, old boy!

Extracts from the Barbican



The Magazine Of
The Lewes County School
For Boys

December 1953


School Captain: C. C. Perry.
Vice-Captain: H. P. Bishop.

LEWES - - S. Parris, B. K. Geraghty, C. Dolloway.
MARTLETS - - D. P. Croft, P. Hubbard.
SEAHAVEN - - C. C. Perry, D. Blaber, G. Lower, D. Burgess.
UCKFIELD - - H. P. Bishop, I. C. Bell, M. D. Cooper, J. H. Fermor, B. L. Honess, G. P. Tilly.

Form Captains: VI MODERN, J. Creasey; VI SCIENCE, B. Hamblin; TRANSITUS, K. R. Noel; Vb, K. Hoadley; Vj, M. J. Parsons; Remove A, R. Appleby; Remove B, J. Almond; Remove J, W. Tilstone; IVa, A. M. Roberts; IVb, R. T. Robinson; IVj, P. G. Mead; IIIa, J Coote; IIIb, D. Reed,IIIj, P. Larkin IIe, D. J. Parris; IId, K. Angood; IIh, D. Williams; JTS1 I. J. Giles.

Editors of the Magazine: M. D. Cooper and B. K. Geraghty.


TO the predecessors of this "Barbican" we as editors venture to add this, the twenty-eighth. One tends to become saturated with the ideas of other editors and finds it difficult to think on original lines; but we feel that the time of writing an Editorial is a halt in History. The immediate present is forgotten and minds are turned back into the mist of the past, gradually thickening until even the highlights of the year are enveloped. But the "Barbican" comes as the wind to clear the mist and so reveals again the activities and achievements of a year that has gone before.

We place the School Magazine before you as a record of last year. Many of the events are a joy to recall but others . . . . ?

Now that the past is satisfactorily recollected and put into print we can attempt to pierce the veil of the future. Many contemplate skating on the new "field" while others look forward to the start of the fishing season! It should, however, make a good cricket ground in the summer.

An Early Model of Proposed Chapel Money continues to pour into the coffers of the Chapel Fund so a start will surely be made on the building operations soon. After a display of plans and a scale model, the Chapel is more of a reality now, rather than a glimmering hope.

Once again we are unable to allow scope and space for budding poets or essayists, but we hope this will be remedied before very long.

Let us all work hard now to put the School on an even higher plane than it has been in the past and to see our country regain the supremacy it has undoubtedly lost We may not all become Prime Ministers, yet we are links in a mighty chain which must not break.
M.D.C. and B.K.G.

"The Marvellous History of St Bernard"

Scene from school play

In the photo, Jerome Abbo (St Bernard) holds centre stage. The devils (from R to L) are John Davey (Gluttony), Richard Evans (Envy), John Drake (Pride) and Guy Foote (Murder). Satan is John Bailey. Among the others on stage are Michael Moore, Laurence Taylor, M G Siggs and Peter Britton.


Young Farmers Team - Winners of the Croft Cup

First of all take note of our Young Farmers in this photo. To many in the school, the Young Farmers' Club is a minor activity. To win the "Quiz" competition for clubs in East Sussex against competitors up to twenty-five years of age is a major achievement in this particular sphere. The team deserves its place of honour.

Highlights of the year? Mental pictures that still vividly linger are first the quadrangle on a perfect July night, coloured lights playing on the fountain the subdued murmur of groups seated at small tables in the moonlight and the strains of a band playing for the Blois dance in the Assembly Hall; second the School Play, the prostrate demons on a darkened stage the Saints serenely still in a brilliant and colourful "heaven," and the celestial music of Faure in the background; the packed mass of faces on Speech Day; Southover Church full to overflowing, the warm light inside on a dismal December afternoon with boys' and parents' voices joined in the Christmas Carols that take us back to our youth; the crack of the starting pistol on a sunny July day with the excited ring of spectators in the background - sports day; fifteen sweating, panting "old men" waiting for the final whistle on a March afternoon -the Staff Rugger match against the School; a blue spring sky, fleecy clouds, a roped approach avenue and mud-bespattered figures following each other to the tape which marked the end of the cross-country race; a fresh summer morning, green mown grass eleven figures in white, the peace of an empty field broken by the crack of bat meeting ball - , the Bec match; masses of people in the quadrangles, masses in the corridors, masses of humanity everywhere - the Fete.

But these are personal impressions. To some the past year would mean spring in the Loire Valley - our annual visit to Blois; or dazzling sunlight on snow-capped Alps - our camp at Chamonix. Enough has been said to indicate a busy year, made possible by hard work on the part of the staff and the constant and never failing support of governors, parents and friends.

Factual records? Amidst a welter of activities and events it will suffice to mention two. Fourteen University places from a school of two grammar streams is something ve have a right to feel gratified about. Clive Perry, the School Captain, played for Sussex at Rugger in the County Championship. Few boys achieve this while at school.

One final comment. Times are difficult. Money is scarce. We felt gratified but humble at the result of the fete. Times change, but Sussex boys - and their parents - are still the salt of the earth.

P.S. Congratulations to Cedric Andrews, last year's School Captain, on running for Oxford Freshmen against Cambridge in the mile and on beating the three "Tab" representatives.

Wednesday, October 1st, 1952


SPACE and the cost of printing forbids a full report of this annual function. Suffice to say that general comments from those present indicated that we had held another successful Speech Day and that the speeches were up to their customary high standard. We are deeply indebted to Sir Frederick and Lady Bourne for filling the principal roles, to Sir Reginald Spence, our chairman and to the Governors for finding time amidst their many activities to be present and to the parents and friends who likewise filled the hall to overflowing.

Behind the scenes there is a lot of work and anxiety in organising a Speech Day. While we can command such support we feel more than adequately rewarded. In the extract from the programme printed below we should explain that there is no minimum pass level in the new General Certificate. It is a "subject" examination. Only the names of boys who passed in five or more subjects are included.



Worthy of Commendation at
Scholarship or Advanced Level
J. K. Bird, D. M. James, D. R. Burdett, C. J. Dolloway, J. C. Robson,
R. J. Humphry, L. A. Ellicott, T. R. Seager, N. E Osborn, E. I. Hill,
L. B. Tarlo, D. W. Sandles, T. B. Hill, P. Wilson, E. O. Wood,
J. T. Hopkins, C. G. Andrews, F. E. Wood.

At Ordinary Level
H. Abbo, A. Pilbeam, M. D. Cooper, J. H. Price, R. R. Scott, F. C. Cousins,
R. E. Pullin, R. E. Bassil, R. Dunstall, K. H. Richardson, P. F. Carpenter,
B. K. Geraghty, M. G. Siggs, R G. Durrant, G. E. Haffenden, D. W. Smith,
N. H. Funnell, P. Hubbard, T. M. Smith, L. Gander, E. Lavender, A. F. Tompsett,
P. L. Hine, H. A. Lee, D. J. Wheeler, G. B. Page, B. E. Payne, A. R. White,
C. R. Painter, D. A. Peters, R. S. Clipson, G. P. Tilly,
J. J. Cornford, B. J. Crouch, E. G. Wright.

Executive: D. J. Carpenter - - - - Clerical: K. H. Richardson


R. N. Allfrey - - Scholarship in Architecture, Liverpool University.
C. G. Andrews - - State Scholarship in English and History, Merton College, Oxford.
E. I. Hill - - Exhibition in Engineering, Bristol University.
E. O. Wood - - Exhibition in Natural Science, Keble College, Oxford State Scholarship.
F. E. Wood - - Exhibition in Modern Languages, Southampton University.


L. A. Ellicott - - Southampton University.
T. B. Hill - - Imperial College, London University.
J. T. Hopkins - - Queen Mary College, London University.
R J. Humphry - - Merton College, Oxford.
D. M. James - - Southampton University.
T. A. L. James - - Royal Free Hospital, London.
C. H. Losasso - - Reading University.
N.E. Osborn - - School of Economics, London University.
L. B Tarlo - - Sheffield University.
R. R. Wells - - Lincoln College, Oxford.


J. K. Bird, J. C. Robson, P. Wilson


THE "JARVIS" PRIZE (Presented by S. G. Henderson, O.L.) - - J. K. Bird, F. E. Wood
THE "LEWES R.F.C." PRIZE - - H. P. Bishop

IIB - - D. A. Smith
IIA - - R. J. Fleet
III J - - N. T. Pilbeam
III B - - J. D. White
IIIA - - M. I. Card, B. D. Waterman, D. G. Shrubb
T1 - - J. F. Giles, R. S. R. Davey
IVJ - - J. E. Kitchener
IVB - - H. T. Brett, P. E. Mann
IVA - - K. E. Geering, G. D. Barford, R. Appleby
T2 - - M. A. Bignell, M. Fuller
R.J - - D. L. Worsfield
R.B - - K. Hoadley, D. Britton
R.A - - P. E. Britton, K. R. Noel
VJ - - J. J. Cornford, B. J. Crouch
VB - - G. P. Tilly, P. L. Hine
VIG - - E. Lavender, G. E. Haffenden, J. H. Price
VIB - - R. R. Scott
VIA - - E. I. Hill, T. B. Hill, D. M. James, L. B. Tarlo, P. Wilson

J. T. Hopkins, C. C. Perry, R. J.Humphry, A. J Shrapnel, N. E Osborn,
D. A. Reynolds, P. E. Ellis, D. P. McLaughlin, M. V. Wilson, I. M. Wesson.


Povey Work Shield - - - Lewes
Bradshaw Games Shield - - - Seahaven
Henderson-Oliver Cross-Country Cup - - - Seahaven
Wilfred Thompson Athletic Cup - - - Seahaven
Innes Swimming Cup - - - Seahaven
Blunden Games Cup (Juniors) - - - Martlets
Sinfield Swimming Cup - - - T. B. Hill
Hoare Cup - - - H. P. Bishop


IN many ways we can look back on 1951-52 as a very successful year. Firstly we have increased our strength to nearly 60 for the first time for several years and the keenness shown by some forms in the School is very pleasing. Secondly, our results in the Certificate A exams. are surely the best we have ever recorded. Two boards were held during the year at which a total of 26 Cadets passed Part I and 18 passed Part II. This is a very good result. Let us see if we can do as well, if not better, this year.

During the Easter term the company enjoyed a day of glorious sunshine on the range at Steyning. Fieldcraft exercises were carried out and some 400 rounds were blazed off into the hillside with varying degrees of success.

Sgt. Cousins and U/O Hubbard attended a Signals course during the Easter holiday, and returned complete with their signalman badges and a bill for "mugs, china, soldier's drinking - - 1." As a result of this course the magic formula "Hullo all stations Peter," can now be heard issuing from the Hut at odd times during the day.

The Royal Tournament was visited again and, as usual, was thoroughly enjoyed.

Annual Inspection in July saw a return visit of Brigadier Daniell, and if we pat ourselves on the back when we read his report I think we may be fully justified in so doing.

The term was brought to a close with the hotly contested Battle of Caburn, in which the summit of Caburn was successfully defended by U/O Andrews against the equally successful attack of U/O Osborne, or so it would appear from the claims of the rival forces.

Our Old Boys' contingent at Sandhurst has been reduced to nil with the success of P. L. Still and M. M. Smith in the latest passing-out list. We congratulate them on their achievement.

These notes would not be complete without some mention of Capt. Davies who is spending a long leave in the United States. He has written to say how much he is enjoying his stay and he sends his good wishes to all members of the company. We look forward to seeing him again in a year's time: meanwhile let us all do our best to maintain the high level of efficiency which he has come to expect from us.
A. J. HALL, Lt.


MANY parents and old scouts have often heard that the school troop was planning to build its own headquarters. In spite of the fact that dances have been held at intervals and that the Bob-a-Job returns showed that the Group finances were improving every year, few expected to see the hut erected. However, in January, 1952, the concrete floor was laid and the corrugated iron exterior assembled and it can hardly be more appropriate that in the same academic year record receipts of over fifty pounds from two dances and a sum exceeding twenty pounds from Bob-a-Job Week, have gladdened the heart of the treasurer of a most hardworking and well-meaning Group Committee.

At the moment the hut is not ready for weekly meetings The walls have been lined with hardboard and the ceiling is partially lined; electricity is still to be connected. The most pleasing feature is that the scouts in the troop have been able to help materialiy in the decorating and were responsible, of course, for the Bob-a-Job earnings and, with their parents, for much of the profit from the dances.

In many ways the year has been a successful one. The troop has been brought back into prominence in local scouting by victories in both the inter-troop competitions - swimming and camping. The composite patrol which was entered for the county camping competition was satisfactorily, if not highly, placed.

The summer camp was held at Greenwood, Heathfield, by kind permission of Mr. G. D. O. Coates. The site was ideally situated and had many advantages which were much appreciated. Unfortunately the weather proved unkind and several nasty accidents occurred; the latter were promptly dealt with by Graham Tilly who has proved himself an extremely efficient Troop Leader throughout the year. There seems to be no reason for this crop of injuries following three accident-free camps.

Badge work has steadily progressed. Outstanding in this aspect of the training has been Ian Wesson's qualification to wear the Scout Cord. Three scouts hold the First Class Badge and nine others the Second Class. lt was unfortunate that the new school year was started without Norman Funnell and other stalwarts who had done a great deal for the troop during a difficult period. However, the remaining senior scouts are encouraging the younger members in the right approach to scouting and have done much to ease the life of the scoutmaster; but for several years the troop has lacked an A.S.M. We are very pleased therefore to welcome Mr. Richards, who has agreed to hold a warrant. He has been a scout and has already shown that he will be an enormaus asset and has been well worth waiting for.


Young Farmers Team - Winners of the Croft Cup LIKE most Sussex Young Farmers' Clubs we were not sorry to see the end of the 1951/52 season. The most attractive features of the Club's programme depend on unrestricted movement of livestock and free access to farms, so that widespread outbreaks of foot-and-mouth disease, the worst since before the war, played havoc with events which we have come to regard as highlights of the Club's year. Cancel the County Federation Rally and the walk over the de la Warr estate at Buckhurst; rob the Tunbridge Wells Show of its cattle, sheep, and pigs; deny us access to the School of Agriculture; and we are left with a programme which, at any rate on the practical side, is far too meagre for complacency.

It is all the more pleasant then, to report that at the time of writing, on the eve of the Smithfield Show, the Club is stronger than ever, with over 30 subscribing members. The first session of practical instruction in farm crafts has already been held at Plumpton; the Smithfield Show visit is almost upon us; best of all we have won the Croft Cup, for the County Agricultural Quiz, in competition with "open" clubs throughout the County. Ahead of us lie the Rally, the County Show, and two more sessions at Plumpton; we may perhaps be forgiven if we look forward to these events, and to the remainder of the present season, with some confidence.


Chairman: Mr. Hoggins.
Secretaries: H. Abbo and H. P. Bishop.
Treasurer: Mr. Euston.


JANUARY 25th. The first meeting of the term took the form of a film entitled "A Matter of Life and Death." It was an excellent film, and held the interest of the large gathering throughout the evening. February 8th. This meeting took the form of a discussion on "What Youth expects of Democracy and what Democracy expects of Youth". The main theme of this discussion seemed to be that if a youth had to fight for democracy at the age of eighteen why should he not be allowed to vote at that age. Not many agreed with this, and a fierce discussion continued to the end of the evening:

February 2lst. For the third meeting of the term Mr. White introduced and gave a running commentary on a "Film of the Colour Reactions of Insects." The film was mostly about bees and butterflies, showing how they could be taught to associate certain colours with each of their various habits.
April 4th. For this meeting, Mr. G. H. Davies of "The London Illustrated News," gave a very interesting talk on "Interplanetary Travel." The talk was well illustrated by photos and a scale model of the Rocket Ship of the future. By the end of the evening, many of the audience were wondering if they themselves would ever use this method of transportation.
May 2nd. At the last meeting of the term, Mr. G. Austin gave a talk on "Elgar." Mr. Austin told the Society of Elgar's life and character, as well as his works. The whole talk was enhanced by the speaker's own acquaintance with the composer which gave a personal touch to his treatment of the subject.

Chairman: Mr. Hoggins.
Secretaries: I. Bell and S. Parris.
Treasurer: Mr. Euston.
Committee: Childs (IIIrds), Butler (IVths), Thompson (Removes). Baker (Vths), Giles (J.T.S.).

At a committee and form representatives meeting, it was decided that the present Chairman and Treasurer should remain in office until the end of the calendar year. Nominations were then put forward for the 1953 sessions. The officers elected were: Chairman: Mr. Euston. Treasurer: Mr. Hills.


September 26th. The first meeting of the Autumn session took the form of a film in colour, of Shaw's play "Caesar and Cleopatra," which included many famous stars in its cast. There was a good attendance, and from the applause at the end it had obviously been enjoyed.

October 10. The title of this meeting was a "Symposium" in which a talk was given by each of three masters on their past and present experiences. Mr. Pett spoke on "Convoying in Northern waters during the war", Mr. Mould on "His experiences as a P.O.W." and finally Mr. Brairton, our American visitor, on "First Impressions of Britain."

October 24th. There was a poor attendance on this occasion when the programme was a Formal Debate. The motion before the society was that "The Happy Man is the Educated Man." The house was amazed at the number and variety of definitions put forward, regarding "happiness" and "education". The motion was lost by 28 votes to 20.

November 7th. For this meeting, we were privileged to have E. W. Swanton of B.B.C. and newspaper fame who came along and gave a short introductory talk about the film of the last M.C.C tour of Australia entitled "Elusive Victory." After the film had been shown Mr. Swanton was asked many questions about the past, present, and future of cricket Everyone enjoyed the evening and we are very indebted to Mr. Richard Boughey for arranging the visit.

December 5th. For this, the last meeting of the Autumn session there was a lecture on Astronomy, given by Dr. Wilkins of the Royal Observatory at Herstmonceaux. Dr. Wilkins illustrated his talk with some lantern slides portraying views of the stars and planets seen through some of the largest telescopes in the world. When Dr Wilkins had finished his talk he consented to answer any questions. He endured the barrage despite the efforts of one or two widely-read young boys to baffle him. Thus ended an interesting and enjoyable evening and a very successful session.


Chairman: Mr. Mould. Secretary: R. R. Wells. Treasurer: H. P. Bishop.

THE Michaelmas Term commenced with a Coger Evening which was followed by a Social Evening with the Girls School. Mr. Gillam then gave a lecture on Art. A Formal Debate preceded a very successful evening entitled "I remember."

The attendance at some of these meetings left something to be desired and the number of members who took an active part was small.

Chairman: Mr. Gem. Secretary: H. P. Bishop. Treasurer: I. Bell.

Despite the loss of many of its experienced members, the Society has enjoyed a very successful term. The number of members who got on to their feet was most inspiring. Once again we were indebted to Mr. Mould for his originality. His suggestion "If I had my way" was a great success. Snap Debates and a Record Evening were well attended, as was the Brains Trust.

Mr. Brairton, our American guest, attended the majority of the meetings as did several members of the Staff.



ABOUT £540 was raised for the fund to provide a MemorIal Chapel for Lewes County Grammar School for Boys by a fete and fair held at the school on Saturday afternoon and evening, when, it is estimated, nearly 3,000 people attended.

This sum brings the fund, which was launched 10 years ago, to £9,250, leaving £5,750 to be raised to attain the target figure of £15,000, which is the estimated cost of the chapel after allowing for a saving of some £10,000 on the building cost by work which will be put in by the boys of the school themselves.

When the fete was opened by Gilbert Harding, of B.B.C. fame [ a popular TV personality well-known for his outspoken views], the "quad" where the brief opening ceremony was held, the corridors around it, and every vantage point which commanded a view were crowded to capacity by parents, relatives, friends of the school, Old Boys and pupils.

The Headmaster (Mr. N. R. Bradshaw), introducing Mr. Harding, and thanking him for coming, remarked jocularly that they had just lunched together, and he had found that Mr. Harding was quite tame.

Mr. Harding, who had a tremendous reception, confessed at once that he was somewhat at a loss to know what to say. He felt more at home in a studio with only a few people present, than being looked at by a very large crowd. After relating some amusing anecdotes that drew a good laugh, he turned in more serious vein to wish the fete every success. It was a remarkably fine idea to want to build a chapel, specially after two wars in which so many things had been destroyed. He recalled that after the 1914-18-war much was heard about his country being the spiritual home of the four freedoms.

Of all the freedoms, the most important was freedom from ignorance. From this, and from the follies that arose from it the schools could relieve us; it was their aim.

"If we examine our fellow-men who live in this world that we inhabit and think that because perhaps their noses are shaped differently from ours, their skins are of a different colour, or the creed they have faith in is different, and think that because of that we are better than them, then we share the ignorance that is all around us."

"But if we can build a chapel here and when we are in it can sing 'All people that on earth do dwell,' and really mean what we sing, then we shall have contributed something to the freedom from ignorance."


As soon as the formal opening ceremony was over, the crowd surged into the assembly hall where the stalls exhibited an alluring display of bargains of every kind for sale, thanks largely to the co-operation of parents and friends of the school who had contributed generously to their contents. The boys, too, had played their part, for many articles made in the school workshop were to be seen on the craftwork stall.

Sideshows and competitions held in the classroams provided "all the fun of the fair" and soon livened up as the crowds emerged from the hall to explore all the many attractions that were offered.

Bowling for a pig, a guinea-pig derby, throwing a ball in a bucket, candle lighting, fortune telling and a spinning jenny were but a few of the side-shows, while on the school field a rifle range, kicking the rugger ball, and topping the topper were in full swing.

In the gymnasmm a cinema performance, given with the school projector, drew crowded houses throughout the afternoon.

Yet another attraction, a rugby match between the school fifteen and Skinner's School lst XV from Tunbridge Wells drew a crowd of about 500 spectators to the playing field, while many more watched the game from classroom windows. A win for the home side by 14 pts. to nil was a popular victory. After tea, the unsold articles from the stalls were auctioned by Mr. I. Wycherley. The gymnasium, no longer a gymnasium, was used for a whist drive conducted by Mr. F W. Fuller, of Uckfield. A notable day concluded with a dance in the assembly hall which was attended by over 250 people, who enjoyed a full programme to the music of Roy Robinson's Sextet, a Brighton band. Mr. W. M. Gourlay was M.C.

Over £100 was taken at the gate by the sale of tickets and programsnes, £113 by competitions and side-shows, over £200 at the stalls, £30 at the dance, £15 at the whist drive, £16 at the cinema and £11 by the barrel-organ.

This outstanding successful effort was organised by a committee of parents and staff, with the assistance of about 200 boys of the school, and was the outcome of months of careful planning.

Many parents and pupils assisted the staff in running the stalls aud sideshows, and in other ways. The boys played a great part in selling tickets in advance. As co-operative effort by headmaster, staff, pupils and parents, it was a model example of self-help.

With acknowledgements to the "SUSSEX EXPRESS & COUNTY HERALD".


THE Lewes contingent numbered six in a biology class of thirteen at Juniper Hall, Dorking, during the summer holidays. The advertised programme for the week was entitled "A course for Sixth Formers " and its general nature allowed a variety of enjoyable subjects to be undertaken.

Each day we walked (usually in the rain) from five to eight miles; for in this comparatively short radius from Juniper Hall are many varied examples of ecological balances.

During the evenings we were encouraged in doing any biological hobbies or interests we had. These seemed to range from ants and badgers in some cases, to table tennis in others.

The week quickly slipped by and the inevitable last morning came too soon accompanied by discordant noises from owners of stray garments. Farewells said, we left for home after a very enjoyable and industrious week.


December, 1952;
To the Editor, The "Barbican."

Dear Sir,

The Old Lewesians at Oxford continue to flourish, both in numbers and achievements. There are fourteen O.L.'s up here at the moment, and a glance at their activities shows that they take part in almost every sphere of undergraduate life.

Derek Burden, Bob Treadaway and Colin Oxley are to be congratulated on getting Seconds in Finals last June; all three are now busying themselves studying for a Dip. Ed. at the Department of Education. Derek Burden is now Publicity Secretary of the Oxford S.C.M. (Student Christian Movement); he started out with the intention of revolutionising its methods of advertisement, but unfortunately thc committee was too conservative. Colin Oxley at Univ. sums up his activities as "pursuing general cultural interests" - a phrase whose meaning even your correspondent would not venture to penetrate. Bob Treadaway still claims to be a member of six societies, still plays hockey and bridge for St. Cath's - and is, in fact, still the same as ever.

At Magdalen Ian Winchester's chief preoccupation is of necessity Schools next summer, as also that of Gerald Burt (Teddy Hall), who has recently been accepted for the Methodist Ministry. John Hersee courageously refuses to become a hermit to his work; besides playing in the College Rugger XV and being Vice-President of the Keble College Musical Society, he appeared in an extremely unorthodox production of "Julius Caesar," by the Experimental Theatre Club.

Christopher Howells and John Woolmore at Merton, are both in their second year now. Chris Howells has become Secretary ot the Oxford University History Society, whilst John Woolmore divides his time between playing for the college Rugger XV, fixing up next year's cricket matches as college secretary and winning prizes in "collections" (College Examinations). Richard Field (St. Cath's) represents his college on two organisatians known rather cryptically as O.I.C. and W.U.S. (Oxford International Committee and World University Service).

There are four freshmen this year. At Keble, Stewart Symons finds that Maths. Mods. take up too much of his time after two years in the army, to permit of rowing; Eddie Wood (also at Keble) appears to be the only O.L. rowing at the moment and finds it a "sedentary occupation"! John Humphry played in the Freshmen's Rugger Trial at the beginning of the term; he is in both the Merton College Rugger XV and in the Soccer XI. Cedric Andrews (Merton), is very active as a runner; he took part in the Freshmen's sports against Cambridge, when he helped Oxford take the first three places in the Mile. He is also cross-country running for the Tortoises and flying in the University Air Squadron.

Mention must finally be made of the "Father" of the Oxford O.L.'s - Satchler, who is tutoring at St. Cath's and at the same time reading for a D.Phil. in Nuclear Physics.

A diversity of achievements indeed!
Societas Sanctae Catherinae Oxon.


President: The Headmaster.
Chairman: Mr. Webb.
Secretary: K. R. Noel.
Committee: D. A. Morgan, K. E. Geering, T. E. Powell.

THE Society began the year with 53 members under the Chairmanship of Mr. Webb. Twice the Society has visited places of historic interest. In November, it went up to London to see over the Tower and in May to St. Albans to view the cathedral and Roman city of Verulamium.

In the Winter term, three indoor meetings have been held. Five members contributed to a Symposium on Tudor England, Mr. Webb and Mr. Gem spoke on the battle of Trafalgar, and Mr. Hills talked on the history of Lewes Bonfire Night.

A guest speaker, Mr. Beckett of Guildford gave a talk on England from 1851-1951 entitled, "From the Crystal Palace to the Skylon". At the final meeting Mr. Gem spoke on the Aztecs and illustrated his talk with colourful plates shown by the Epidiascope.

Mr. Hills was elected Chairman and Appleby (Remove A), Secretary for the new year, 1952-53.

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