Girls Blazer Badge Boys Blazer Badge

"The Barbican"

No. 36 - 1961

This Year's Barbican cover This year's Barbican contains accounts of the dedication of the newly constructed Chapel dedicated to the Old Boys who lost their life in the War. It is the culmination of Mr Bradshaw's time as headmaster and he now retires after thirty years in post. LCGS is largely his own creation. The School has done exceptionally well -- can this continue indefinitely?

Mr Bradshaw was brought up in the days before the First World War so his outlook was very much coloured by the mores of Victoria, tinged with the gaiety of the Edwardian years and soured by the trauma of the Great War, with the tragic loss of so many of his young friends. To most boys he seemed dour, strict and authoritarian. There were occasions when he would relax and play the genial host with older boys, but generally speaking he was feared. He was, literally and metaphorically, a headmaster of the old school.

With the passing of Mr Bradshaw there is a definite sense of unease. Thirty years is an exceptionally long time for a headmaster to be in charge of one school. Change is likely. The post-war years are over, the economic recovery is underway and the "never had it so good" years are about to unfold. The emerging mood is to disregard established methods and allow individuals to "do their own thing". But there are some, older and wiser, who hang back. There would be a rear-guard action by the die-hards, determined to preserve the status quo in education.

There is a new headmaster, Mr. Fanner. Clearly there is some angst about the new head and his lady. Is he going to fit in? What is his view of the future direction of the school? Will he continue to run the school in the Bradshaw style? For the last thirty years it has been in a post-Edwardian time-warp and has done so very well. Can it continue indefinitely or is the school to be exposed as a living fossil unable to survive in a rapidly changing world ?

A few brave post-Bradshavian revolutionaries in the school are, now that the "Old Man" has gone, willing to put their heads above the parapet and take a few pot shots at the established form. Hence the scrapping of the traditional Barbican cover and a few dissenting views about the chapel but on the whole the contents are much the same as before. Uncertainty there may be but this is no time to rock the boat too hard. There is a head of steam in the boiler-room and some trepidation on the bridge, but the new captain soon reveals his plan . . . continue as before but with, perhaps, a little less emphasis on Elitism, Oxbridge, Rugger and the Chapel; minor concessions to the growing voices of dissent.

Extracts from the Barbican



The Magazine Of
The Lewes County School
For Boys


SCHOOL LIST, 1960-61

School Captain: P. B. Sutherland
Senior Prefect: J. R. Sandercock

N. G. Shephard, J. F. Gilbert, M. P. Sadler, J. R. S. Whittle.
P. B. Sutherland, M. D. Burley, R. Goodyear, A. W. F. Lewis, N. R. Thorp,
R. I. A. Swann, R. Reeves, G. Badger, M. P. Price, J. Greenland.
D. J. Charman, M. F. Carder, M. A. Coe, J. A. Facey, A. R. Mylett, P. Herman.
A. Senior, M. G. Ash, G. D. Burges, A. Gibson, B. J. Knight, J. R. Sandercock.

Form Captains:
Transitus, R. Gorringe; 5B, A. Muddle; 5C, B. Lewis;
Rem.A, T. Watmore; Rem.B, D. Hobden; Rem.C, J. Donaldson;
4A, T. Martin; 4B, M. Short; 4C, R. Campbell; 4C, T. Kernahan;
3A, P. Muddell; 3B, S. White; 3C, J. Sutherland;
2A, J. Franklin; 2B, C. Brown; 2C, D. Tandy.


OUR Thirty-sixth number of The Barbican is a landmark in several ways. . . . . .

July, 1960, saw the retirement of Mr. N. R. Bradshaw. Elsewhere in this issue tribute is paid to the superb achievement of his life work these over thirty years, from the time when the School started in 1930 with a mere 140 pupils. Today the School, vastly extended, houses 600 boys, is known - and not as a name only - at most af the major universities, and has old boys in virtually every profession and walk of life. Nor have all its extensions been provided by the State. The beautiful School Chapel, now in daily use, was achieved by a twenty-year private effort whose general and unflagging organiser was Mr. Bradshaw. It was fitting that its dedication should take place in his last term as Headmaster.

Mr. J. L. Fanner, our new Headmaster, entered upon his duties in September, 1960. To him and his wife . . . we extend a hearty welcome. . . Mr. Fanner had scarcely had time to find his way about his new school when he was faced with his first shock - an Amazonian invasion extending over the second half of the autumn term. We think our ark sustained its double complement without sinking too low in the water. In fact, with minor adjusttnents, we all got on tolerably well together. We thank the Girls' Grammar School for their cooperation in a difficult situation and wish them well for the spring term, back in their own buildings.

[These cryptic references to water, Amazons, Ark and double complement relate to a serious flood that happened in early November 1960 at Lewes that flooded the Girls Grammar School, situated on low ground in Southover. They had to find other accommodation until the waters receded and the damage could be repaired. A large number of the girls were given temporary accommodation in the already overcrowded Boys Grammar School. A foretaste of things to come! I am indebted to Phil Ray for clearing up these puzzling references. - Webmaster]

"The Taming of the Shrew"

It is a pleasant thought that our school play in March, "The Taming of the Shrew" is to be a joint venture [with the Girls Grammar School].

[This production of "The Taming of the Shrew" was never reported in the
subsequent Barbican but this tattered program with a cast list did survive.]



NATURALLY the outstanding event of the past year has been the retirement of Mr. Bradshaw, to whom tribute is paid elsewhere in this issue; and next the dedication and bringing into regular use of the Chapel, together with its organ, of which fuller accounts are also given on later pages. During the last few weeks the organ pipes have been re-gilded, making them blend discreetly with the colour scheme of the whole Chapel, and two small bay trees have been placed in the Sanctuary; we owe both these improvements to the unerring taste af Lady Maufe.

Academic success has came in welcome plenty. Last spring two Open Exhibitions in Natural Science were awarded to boys in the School: C. Deverell (Lincoln College, Oxford) and L. A. A. Warnes (Selwyn College, Cambridge), while places were granted to M. J. B. Allen (Wadham College, Oxford), P. Gamby (Jesus College, Oxford), J. Moon (Brasenose College, Oxford), G. M. Newman (St. Catharines College, Cambridge) and M. R. Walton (Lincoln College, Oxford).

In the summer G.C.E. examination, State Scholarships were won by M. A. Coe, P. J. Q. English, J. R. Sandercock, P. B. Sutherland, R. I. A. Swann and J. R. Whittle, while in the December College Scholarship examinations both Coe and Sandercock gained Postmastershsps at Merton College, Oxford. A. Gibson has gained a place at Magdalen College, Oxford, Swann at Caius College, Cambridge, and Whittle at Churchill College, Cambridge, where he will have the distinction of being one of the first undergraduates at this newly-founded college.

The School First XV has had a good season in spite of the appalling conditions, and there are also some promising players in the younger teams. The cricket was fairly successful, but we hope shortly to see some improvements to the pitch which should enable us to reach a more polished standard of play.

Among the activities of the Old Boys of the School, we note with special pleasure the award af a Harmsworth Scholarship at the Middle Temple to C. W. F. Newman, and also Nicky Silk's several appearances in the Oxford rugger team. We are also most grateful to Ronald Smith for the piano recital he gave to the School last July, of whioh an appreciation as printed below.

In the summer we bade farewell to several members of the staff - Messrs Hall, Matthews, Perkins and Stevens; we wish them success in their new spheres of activity.

We welcomed to the staff in September Mr J. S. Davey, an Old Boy of the School, and Messrs J. Rowell, A.Summerfield and P. J. Taylor. We hope that all of them will enjoy being here.

We must also thank cordially two Old Boys, Gamby and Walton, who have been filling temporary vacancies on the staff during the last twelve months. Their help has been most welcome.

We hope that readers approve of our change of cover, which we feel should be welcome after so many years of uniformity; we hope to portray some facet of School life in each number. The photograph on the cover was taken and kindly supplied by Mr. E. A. Meyer.


The New School Chapel 1960

[ News Report - - - - - House of God]

UNDOUBTEDLY the most significant event of last year was the dedication of the School Chapel by the Bishop of Chichester, the Right Reverend Dr. Roger Wilson. It was the climax not only of years of patient and untiring work, but also of the Headmastership of the man who had the vision and who inspired the work of all connected with the Chapel, Mr. N. R. Bradshaw.

A dismal windy day did not prevent those eager to witness the ceremony from attending; about 1,500 were present. The 350 seats in Chapel were reserved largely for relatives of those whose names are inscribed on the roll of honour in the portico, and to whom the Chapel is a memorial. The remainder heard the service relayed in the School halls.

The service began as the Bishop was received outside the west door by the Chairman of the Govenors, Lt.-Col. H. W. Styles. In response to Col. Styles' request that he should dedicate the Chapel, the Bishap knocked three times at the door and was admitted by the School Captain, N. Silk. As he entered the building the choir sang "Hail Thee Festival Day".

The service was simple in form, yet deeply moving. It was both an act of dedication and of commemoration of those who had given their lives in the Second World War. After the anthem, "Come Holy Ghost our souls inspire", in which a junior boy, H.P. Gilbert, sang solo, the congregation knelt while the Bishop pronounced the words of dedication and faith. The Chairman of the Lewes Council of Churches, the Rev. H. A. Gibson, led in further prayers before the Bishop gave his address. Immediately after this, Mr Bradshaw led the Act of Commemoration, during which the names of the fallen were read by four junior boys, T. Pope, T. Martin, M. Ternouth and D. Greenland.

Mr Bradshaw Then followed what was for many the most moving part of the service, a reading of John Bunyan's account of the passing of Mr. Valiant-for-Truth. Mr. Bradshaw then spoke briefly of the nature and purpose of the Chapel. "Two thousand years ago," he said, "a sacrifice was made on Calvary, without counting the cost. Ever since, the memory of that sacrifice has rested in the hearts of men. Many a boy in the quietude of this Chapel will achieve an awareness of Christ and will learn the great lesson of giving which ensures, for those who practise it, that all the trumpets will sound on the other side."

During the final hymn a collection was taken by the craftsman who had been working with such great care during the building. The service concluded with prayers by the Archdeacon, Canon D. H. Boath.

Now the Chapel is becoming an integral part of School life. Juniors and seniors alternate in having morning prayers there, and each week both halves of the School attend a service at which a number af local clergy have already preached. In addition, on three evenings a week a form of evening prayers is said. At least, that is what has been planned, but unfortunately in the Christmas term, 1960, the first full term in which the Chapel has been in use, circumstances have forced us to modify the plan. In the first instance the building was not in use while workmen were installing the organ. This was a most generous gift from Cuddesdon College and, after renovation, we now possess a very fine instrument for accompanyang the singing. Later, the necessity of sharing the School buildings with the Girls' Grammar School compelled us to modify our plans.

This account will not be complete without mention of one feature which might, perhaps, have been missed by many who have visited the Chapel. In the chancel there is a prayer desk which is a memorial to Mr. Parkinson, who served the School loyally for many years.

It is impossible to gauge the effect of a building of this stature, and it is far too early to say what the Chapel will achieve in the life of the School. It was created from a vision of what Christian education ought to be. It is intended as a focal point of all the activity of the School, but it is the hope of all who are, and have been, associated with the building, that thc fulfilment of the vision will be seen in the future generations of boys who will daily enter the Chapel.


BUILT by that great master, William Hill, in 1874, for the Chapel of the Theological College at Cuddesdon, the fine organ which has been installed in the School Chapel was the gift, in 1954, of Edward Knapp-Fisher, then Principal of Cuddesdon College, now Bishop of Pretoria.

The removal from Cuddesdon, storage in Lewes, and rebuilding in the gallery of the Chapel has been carried out by the Lewes firm of William Hill and Son, Norman and Beard Ltd., at a cost of just over £2,000. So fine were the materia1s and craftsmanship that went into the original building that this firm has guaranteed the instrument as for a new organ, and recommended that it be insured for £10,000.

There have been some modifications to the specification. Two new ranks, the twelfth and fifteenth have replaced the "Cremona" and "Harmonic Flute" on the great organ, and the pedal bourdon has been extended to 8 ft. pitch to replace the pedal octave coupler. The console is entirely new, and the trackers have been replaced by exhaust-pneumatic action.

The open diapason on the Great Organ has the pure clear tone on a light wind pressure for which Hill was famous, and the 8 ft. flute (Claribel) has a most beautiful quality, combining effectively with the two new ranks. A stop on the Swell Organ of historic interest is the keraulophon, a soft tone between string and horn quality, found only on a few organs built in the latter half of the last century. The Swell Oboe has a smooth and gentle tone.

The case is of oak decorated in late Victorian style in blue and gold, the front panels carrying pictures of angels, diverse in musical talent.

At the inaugural recital on Speech Day, Mr. George Austin, who played the organ at Cuddesdon and on whose recommendation the decision to accept it for the School was made, ably demonstrated the wisdom of that decision. We are indeed fortunate to possess an instrument so admirably suited to the size of the building and effective both for accompanying services and for recitals.


Open Diapason 8 ft.
Dulciana 8 ft.
Claribel 8 ft.
Principal 4 ft.
Twelfth 2 ft 8in.
Fifteenth 2 ft.

Lieblich Bourdon 16 ft.
Open Diapason 8 ft.
Lieblich Gedacht 8 ft.
Keraulophon 8 ft.
Lieblich Flute 4 ft.
Piccolo 2 ft.
Oboe 8 ft.

Bourdon 16 ft.
Flute 8 ft.

Swell to Great
Great to Pedal
Swell to Pedal
Swell Octave
Swell Sub-Octave
Swell Union Off

3 Adjustable Thumb Pistons to Swell
3 Thumb Pistons to Great
3 Toe Pistons to Swell
3 Toe Pistons to Great and Pedal
Reversible Thumb and Toe Pistons for
Swell to Great and Great to Pedal Couplers
Balanced Crescendo Pedal to Swell Organ


Mr. BRADSHAW retired as Headmaster of the School at the end of the summer term. The following presentations were made.

On Saturday, 9th July, at 7.30 p.m., a meeting of Old Boys was held at the School. I. Wycherley introduced E. C. C. Wynter who, after a most happy speech, presented to the Headmaster, on behalf of about 600 former pupils, a cheque for £350, expressing the hope that it would be used to provide a holiday for Mr. and Mrs. Bradshaw. Other gifts were an inscribed silver salver and a paper-weight bearing an engraving of the School Chapel. The Headmaster replied in suitable characteristic vein, after which the formal meeting closed. Many Old Lewesians then took the opportunity of visiting the recently completed School Chapel. The evening provided a welcome opportunity for a "get-together" and an exchange of reminiscences of school days.

At a gathering of Governors, Parents and friends at 2.30 p.m. on Saturday, July l6th, Colonel Styles, on behalf of the Governors, presented to Mr. Bradshaw a handsome bookcase. On behalf of the Parents, Mr. Hurst presented the Headmaster with a gold watch and a cheque. After the Headmaster had thanked those present, tea was served and the new buildings and School Chapel were visited.

Members of the Staff met privately on Friday evening, July 22nd, to present Mr. Bradshaw with an engraved sherry decanter and glasses and a silver dish inscribed with their signatures. Later, two long-playing records of the Dedication Service in the School Chapel were also given.

On the last day of term the School Captain, N. Silk, presented a radio set and a portable typewriter to the Headmaster on behalf of the School. Silk spoke with admirable ease and appropriateness and the Headmaster suitably replied. The ceremony ended with the School watching, from inside the new School Hall, the spectacle of the retiring Headmaster jocularly performing the ritual of the "Burning of the Canes" on a bonfire lighted on the adjoining ground.


IN July, 1960, Mr. Bradshaw retired as Headmaster of the School.

Such is the bald statement which for many marks the end of an epoch in the School's history. It was the close of the School's period under the guidance of its first Headmaster and as such held added significance.

It is difficult to speak of Mr. Bradshaw's leadership of the School during the last thirty years without appearing fulsome, so successfully and varied have been the activities initiated by him and carried through often in the face of difficulties which would have overwhelmed a man of less inspiration and tenacity of purpose.

The School Chapel, the swimming bath, the achievements of its past and present pupils, the esteem in which it is held locally and much farther afield all point to the success which has attended Mr. Bradshaw's efforts to build a fine school and give it a fitting reputation. But it was not just to give thanks far well-organised school days that Old Boys returned again and again to visit the School and its Headmaster. Nor was there any insincerity in the farewell speeches of pupils, former pupils, parents, governors and members of staff at the various functions which marked the presentations to Mr. Bradshaw at the end of the summer term in 1960.

No! These visits and these speeches were eloquent of the fact that throughout his term of office together with a respect for his devotion to duty, Mr. Bradshaw has inspired amongst all who knew him a deep affection and a realisation of his essential humanity.

He was ever approachable and generous to a degree. He gave freely of himself, his time and his health, at what cost to the latter, few can really appreciate.

The concern consequent upon his recent illness and the widely expressed relief at his speedy and magnificent recovery were evidence of how deep is this affection in which he is held and not only by those immediately connected with the School. The recent presentation to him of the Freedom of the Borough of Lewes has given great pleasure to his friends as being a testimony in a most gracious and fitting manner to the valuable work he has done:

Mr. Bradshaw has built well in many ways, but there is no monument that will be treasured more than that which he has raised in the hearts of men who were boys at Lewes County Grammar School - the memory of one who aimed high, saw the goal clearly, was never daunted in his unswerving efforts to achieve it and could inspire in others the same zeal and the same principles he himself held so dear. We know that his unflagging devotion to the School and selfless concern for its welfare will not end with the termination of his official connection with it, and as we are sure he thinks frequently of the School and us so do we of him and wish him many well-earned years of happy retirement with all the fervour at our command.



ON Wednesday, November 2nd, before a distinguished gathering of Governors, members af the Education Committee Parents and Friends of the School, the Annual Speeeh Day and distribution of prizes took place in the new Assembly Hall. The principal speaker was Mr. John Christie of Glyndebourne, and the prizes were distributed by Mrs. J. L. Fanner, wife of the [ new ] Headmaster. The function in fact served as a formal-and perhaps formidable - means of introducing Mr. and Mrs. Fanner to the parents of the School.

The proceedings commenced with a tribute paid by the Chairman to the fine achievements of the late Headmaster, Mr. N. R. Bradshaw. Then followed the Headmaster's report on the work of the School during the past year, after which Mr. Christie recalled, with accompanying gesture and movement - albeit dangerously near the front of the stage - the liveliness and misadventures of his own schooldays. The ceremony concluded with the serving of tea in the dining hall.


M. A. Coe, P. J. Q. English, J. R. Sandercock, P. B. Sutherland, R. I. A. Swann, J. R. S. Whittle.


(Subject names denote Distinctions)
C. H. Armstrong, M. C. Ash, K. G. Baker, C. M. Britchfield, G. D. Burges, C. Cann, I. F. Carder (History); R. Cheesman, A. G. Chidgey, M. A. Coe (Physics, Chemistry, Biology); G. R Crouch, P. J. Q. English (Applied Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry); R. Flowers, P. Gamby (Pure Maths, Physics), R. Gant, A. Gibson (English), J. F. Gilbert, A. J. Hammond, D. G. Helsdon, K. Henfrey, D. G. Jones, A.W. F. Lewis, J. Moon (Chemistry); R. N. Moon, A. R. Mylett, G. M Newman, A. R. W. Perry, I. G. Pickup, J. D. Roberts, J. R. Sandercock (Applied Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry); J. A. Senior, N. G. Shephard, R. I. A Swann (Biology); P. B. Sutherland (French); M. A. Thomas, M. W. Thompson, K. Tucknott, J. C. Type, M. Wa1ton, J. R. S. Whittle (Physics, Chemistry, Biology); C. Yarrow (Biology).

G. L. Burton, D. J. Cox, R. Greatorix, D. Jackson, B. M. B. Kirby, J. H. Rodgers, M. Waight, B. J. Baker, T. R. Bleach, A. Breese, C. Colyer, D. W. Cottingham, D. M. Field, R. D. Izzard, R. J. Izzard, G. Kershaw, A. W. Macadie, C. S. Moss, A. J. Nunn, F. T Pitt, H. M Rix, R. Robinson, C. J. White, M. G. White, M. S. Wild, I. R. Willis, M Alcock, M. R. Baker, J. M. Beal, M. I. Blunden, E. F. Cann, J. Carpenter, P. J. Clark, J. Crawford, W. Cutlack, E. Dixon, T. R. Drake, D. G. English, C. C. Gearing, P. C. Gi1es, J. E. Grinsted, R. S. Hazell, C. D. Hoggins, R. C. Mockett, B. V. Page, R. B Russell, R. L. Smith, M. A. Soffe, J. M. Stevens, J. B. Wheeler, P. J. Whitfield, C. F. Wilkinson, A. Woodward.


M. J. B. Allen - - State Scholarship (1959), Wadham College, Oxford (English).
K. G. Baker - - University College, London (Physics).
C. Chatfield - - Open Exhibition, Imperial College of Science, London (Natural Science).
A. G. Chidgey - - Reading (General Honours).
G. R. Crouch - - King's College, Newcastle, University of Durham.
C. Deverell - - Open Exhibition, Lincoln College, Oxford (Natural Science).
P. Gamby - - Jesus College, Oxford (Natural Science).
K. Henfrey - - University of Leeds (Engineering).
D. J. Hunt - - College of Estate Management, London University.
D. G. Jones - - King's Co1lege, University of London (Theology).
J. Moon - - Brasenose College, Oxford (Natural Science).
R. N. Moon - - Manchester University (Engineering).
G. M. Newman - - St. Catherine's College, Cambridge (Law).
A. M. I. Paris - - London Hospital.
A. R. W. Perry - - Bristol University (Chemistry).
J. D. Roberts - - Wye College, University of London (Agriculture).
N. Silk - - Trevelyan Scholarship, Merton College, Oxford (Medicine).
H. G. Thompson - - Exhibition in English, Magdalen College, Oxford.
M. R. Walton - - Lincoln College, Oxford (English).
L. A. A. Warnes - - Open Exhibition, Selwyn College, Cambridge.
W. Williams - - University College, London University (Geography).
C. Yarrow - - University of North Wales (Forestry).

W.M.Permain, D.G.Price, R.L.Smith

R. C. Adams - - Class I, part 1 of Mechanical Sciences, Tripos, Cambridge.
D. Shrubb - - Class I, part 1 of Mechanical Sciences, Tripos, Cambridge.
G. A. Brooker - - Class I, Final Honours School of Physics, Oxford.
D. L. Morgan - - History Research Scholarship, Magdalen College, Oxford.
M V. Hobden - - Doctor of Philosophy, Keble College, Oxford.
G. P. Tilly - - Doctor of Philosophy, Imperial College of Science, London.
C. W. F. Newman - - Harmsworth Scholarship, Middle Temple.
Capt. E. L. Cook DSC, R.N. - - Chief of Staff to Commander-in-Chief, Far East.
Capt. P. D. E. Galer - - Royal Tank Regiment: to Staff College.


THE " LEWES R.F.C." PRIZE - - A. Lewis
THE "HOARE" CUP (Uckfield House) - - G. Crouch
SERVICE PRIZES - - R. Cheesman, M. A. Coe, A. Gibson, R. Swann, N. Thorp.

VI.A.Mod. - - M. F. Carder, A. Gibson, P. B. Sutherland.
VI.B.Mod. - - J. J. Greenland, M. P Sadler.
VI.A.Sci. - - M. A. Coe, P. J. Q. English, J. Sandercock, J. R. Whittle.
VI.B.Sci. - - N. A. Hodges, J. M. Price.
VI.E. - - M. W. Thompson.
VI.C. - - J. E. Turner
TRANSITUS - - J. M. Beal, P. J. Clark, E. G. Dixon, J. E. Grinsted,
C. Hoggins, P. J. Whitfield.
V.B. - - G. Kershaw, R. Robinson.
V.G. - - D. Jackson, B. M B Kirby.
REM.A - - A. J. Braid, M. F. Fuller.
REM.B - - D. Kemp.
REM.G - - E. Grinsted.
IV.A - - J. Etherton, R Hampton.
IV.B - - D. Blackwell, T. Stephens.
V.G - - D. Harrison, R. J. Pople.
III.A - - J. S. Capon, D. J. Greenland, N. J. Russell.
III.B - - C. J. Steel, A. J. Voyce.
III.C - - R. Couser.
III.G - - T. J. Cutlack, P. Davis.
II.A - - H. P. Gilbert.
II.B - - V. Newman.
II.G - - D. Jeans.


Povey Work Shield - - - Seahaven
Bradshaw Games Shield - - - Martlets and Uckfield
Henderson-Oliver Cross-Country Cup - - - Martlets
Wilfred Thompson Athletic Cup - - - Martlets
Innes Swimming Cup - - - Lewes
Blunden Junior Games Cup - - - Martlets
Sinfield Swimming Cup - - - N.Silk and P.Herman


The Union Society,
Cambridge: December, 1960.
In our last year we paid tribute to Mr. Bradshaw; on this occasion we have the opportunity of congratulating his successor, Mr. Fanner, on his appointment.

A great deal has happened at the School since we last wrote. When we visited the School to bid farewell to Mr. Bradshaw last summer many of us were astonished to find ourselves getting lost in what should still have been familiar surroundings. New buildings had sprung up in the quadrangles, spilled into the tarmac playground and flooded across the lst XV pitch. Presiding over the ravages of this inundation was the new School Chapel, the final result of an effort that has been vigorously pursued for as long as we could remember. Lewes school-boys had certainly never had it so good, we thought, but wondered how many of them would agree.

This year in Cambridge we welcomed Peter Randall at St. John's, and Lionel Warnes at Selwyn, freshmen who are both working hard and joining in society life. Also hard workers are the trio of Engineers : David Shrubb, chemical, and Richard Adams and David Lee, mechanical. All three attained firsts in their exams last year.

Readers may have heard of the traffic congestion in our ancient streets, and partly to blame are Peter Britton with a lively M.G. sports car, Jimmy Lohoar - also a car owner - and Stephen Fleet and Diarmid Maclaughlin, both of whom prefer two wheels. Peter Britton recently became an A.R.C.O. and can occasionally be heard on :the St. John's organ. His main study of Modern Languages will be equipping him for a career as a schoolmaster. Also doing languages is John Wilkinson at Fitzwilliam, with "digs" near Cherry Hinton He still turns out for "Fitzbilly" at rugger.

Perhaps the most "intellectual" of the Old Lewesians is bearded Paul Wright - most entertaining of hosts - with rooms in Trinity's new Angel Court. Visitors are invariably regaled with wines and records from his large stock. In the meantime, Paul is working for Physics Finals next May.

Second year men one don't often see are Robin Fleet, a chemist with rooms in the crumbling Second Court of St. John's, and John Drake, a humanist at Caius.

Taking stock of the diverse field of activities in which O.L. s here are now to be found, it is pleasing to reflect how far the School's influence has spread, though the absence of Blues still mystifies us. It is especially gratifying to hear that there will be an O.L. amongst the first undergraduates to see Churchill College through its finest hour. Clearly, the School has established a strong Cambridge tradition and (to revert to our metaphor of last year) with the old walls of Lewes now occupied by a new tenant, we are pleased to note that the fortress on the Fens continues to be manned at full strength with recruits from headquarters.
A faithful scribe,

Sorry, no Oxford letter to hand at time of going to press. - Ed.


By Ronald Smith

ON the occasion in July, when the Parents and Governors presented their farewell tributes and gifts to Mr. N. R. Bradshaw, a pianoforte recital was given by Ronald Smith, an Old Boy who has achieved distinction as a front rank concert pianist.

Ronald (Pop) Smith chose a delightful programme with something to suit most tastes. The charming Mozart Rondo was beautifully phrased, the Beethoven Moonlight Sonata finely majestic, Chopin glittered, while Balakirev and Liszt revealed the lyrical flexibility of his playing. The School piano responded bravely to the demands made upon it in Falla's Ritual Fire Dance, which terrific finale was most warmly received by an enthusiastic audience.

Rondo in A Minor. K.511 - - - - - - - - - Mozart
Sonata C# Minor ("Moonlight") - - - Beethoven
Fantasie Impromptu - - - - - - - - - - - - - Chopin
Scherzetto - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ronald Smith
Melodie Espagnole - - - - - - - - - - - - Balakirev
Au bord di'une Source - - - - - - - - - - - - - Liszt
On hearing an old Musical Box - - - - - Severac
The Ritual Fire Dance - - - - - - - - - - - - - Falla


(With apologies to William Shakespeare and the kitchen staff)

Six times the swishing cane hath stung
And only once the bell hath rung.
Round about the cooker go,
In the mangled rulers throw.

Here's a sock ! No need to hide
Galumptious mud from field outside.
Set-squares, paper, all the lot,
Go thou in the pretty pot.

Double, Double, toil and trouble;
Fire burn! and couldron bubble!

Old French verbs - and Latin, too;
Maths protractor that's quite new;
"Geogo" atlas minus cover
With a shower of chalk dust smother.
Bootlace dipped in old school ink;
Add some "blotto" - watch them sink.
Old tough rubbers - throw them in
With rubbish rescued from the bin.

Double, Double, toil and trouble;
Fire burn! and couldron bubble!

Litmus paper, red and blue,
Iron filings go in, too.
Pencil shavings swept from floor,
Orange peel and apple core;
Wastepaper basket emptied out,
Half a pen - or just about;
Greasy dishcloths torn in rags,
Rugger boots and ends of fags;
Half-done graphs and history dates
With mouldy leavings off the plates.

Double; Double, toil and trouble,
Fire burn! and cauldron bubble!

Impositions! Bad reports!
Mystic brews from lab retorts!
Marble chips - they all go in
With bubble gum that sticks to chin;
Here's the stuff to make you simmer,
Look what we've got - SCHOOL DINNER!

David Hughes, Remove A, Uckfield House.


EARLY, he arrives at school, brushed and washed ready to work. His hair is short, for there is no need to hide a clean neck. Neatly he carries a satchel over one shoulder and walks briskly to get to each period on time. Unruffled, his manner is precise and correct. He has read the School Rules. Unnoticed and unnoticeable his presence is assumed. With W. E. Johns still under his arm he creates an impression of innocent insignificance. He is beginning to read D. H. Lawrence.
He is a Second Former.

Late, he lolls into routine dogged by the possibility of study. His hair is long. His mother's old bag serves as a satchel and he has to be found before his "lectures" can commence. Bent under the intellectual load of the day, his manner is profound and worldly. Rules are not meant for him. Noticed and to be noticed his presence is a contribution. With Marx and Engels under his arm, he creates an impression. He is beginning to read D. H. Lawrence.
He is a Sixth Former.
M. P. Sadler.


On 9th November of this fatal year,
When we returned to school,
It was to find that our classrooms and grounds
Were under feminine rule.

They covered our desks with blobs of ink,
And even pinched our hooks,
And some, I'm horrified to say,
Left notes tucked in our books.

This school was once a sanctuary
From all their girlish chatter,
But now they over-run the place,
A chap can't help but natter.

A. Drinnan, 3b, Martlets.


"WHAT is the most wonderful thing Man has ever invented?" asked Eager-to-learn.

"That is a very difficult question," said the Philosopher, who in his young days had been called Seeker-after-Truth. "Let me think before I answer your question." And while the Philosopher pondered, Eager-to-learn wondered as well. His mind was filled with innumerable marvels from the world of science: adding machines, ballistic missiles, cars, diptheria vaccines, extracting metals from the earth's crust, forging the metal into many varied shapes, and so on, through the alphabet, until he realised that the whole problem was far too deep for him and, he imagined, for the Philosopher as well, since he was staring into space as if he sought some divine inspiration on the matter. Eager-to-learn returned to his work, which was not so entertaining as counting the furrows on his Master's face, as he wrestled with the problem, but was there to be done all the same. So Eager-to-learn left the Philosopher to dream and began his previous night's French.

Five minutes before the end of the period, the Philosopher quietly announced: " I have thought about your question. At first I thought that the realm of science would supply my need, but its diversity and complexity seemed to indicate that, while the total effect was very great indeed, each individual invention contributes a mere trifle to the total. Similarly with the Arts, for they, too, are legion."

"Does that mean that you cannot answer my question?" ventured Eager-to-learn.
"On the contrary," replied the Philosopher, "I can. If you will bear with me a little longer, I will explain. It struck me that everything I thought of was really a product of some other invention. What I was searching for was something so simple that without it, all today's marvels could not be what they are. I also wondered about the Arts, if there also I could trace literature, painting, music and its preservation, and other of its noble facets, right back to their origin and find something basic, common to both, and this I felt would be the answer to your question."

The bell rang. "But, Sir," said Eager-to-learn, "what was it?" edging nearer to the door every second.
The Philosopher, in the quietest of undertones, simply said to the boy, by then opening the door, "I will show you one." He groped in his pocket for a moment and then flourished triumphantly at his departing pupil a sheet of paper and a pencil.
M. F. Fuller, Trans., Lewes.

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