Girls Blazer Badge Boys Blazer Badge

"The Barbican"

No. 38 - 1963

This Year's Barbican cover Life goes on much as before. The school grows in size; the out-of-school activities widen; the numbers going on to universities swell. The School is doing well. Floreat Lewesia ad infinitum? But there are a few changes. One notes with wry amusement that the numbering of the forms has been changed. Boys begin in one of the three forms, Form IA, IB1 and IB2. This renumbering allows for the abolition of the Remove forms - a hangover from an old public school tradition.

In the old days at school the word "Remove" was synonymous with "Trouble". It was seen as inevitable that the worst behaviour was to be found in the Remove and especially Remove B. To boys in the lower school the bullies of Remove B were the most feared. To those in the upper school they were seen as pathetic trouble-makers going through a mid-school crisis. It had become a tradition, so it seemed, one that the boys felt obliged to honour, that this was the year to act out the loutish behaviour that nature had intended for boys at the age of fifteen. Was this renaming a brainwave designed to break this tradition at a stroke? Did it achieve that objective one wonders?

Meanwhile the chapel and its place in the school is still a subject of debate.Various strategems are tried to get more boys involved and interested. Try as they may it would seem, as A.J.B. puts it, that "many . . . persist in regarding it with lethargic scepticism".

Extracts from the Barbican



The Magazine Of
The Lewes County School
For Boys


SCHOOL LIST, 1962-63

School Captain: J. M. Beal
Head Prefect: P. J. Whitfield

C. English, D. Hunt, D. Highwood, A. Braid, A. Morris, T. Christopher, C. M. Webb.
T. R. Drake, J. E. Grinsted, R. Phillips.
T. Beal, P. J. Whitfield, B. Hughes,I. Anderson, R. Evans, T. Parker, R. Gregory.
T. R. Bleach, G. Carey, D. Allvey, B. Wood, R. Bevan.

Form Captains:
5A, A. Stewart; 5B, C. Tomsett; 5C, J. Cottingham; 5G, R. Ross;
4A, M. Young; 4B, P. Morgan; 4C, J. Curry;
3A, M. Relf; 3B, K. Munn; 3C, S. Brett;
2A, C. Beal; 2B, R. Precey; 2C, J. Potts;
1A, A. Neighbour; 1BI, A. Sandells; IBII, D. Bolton.


RESPONSE to appeals for magazine contributions has been far more gratifying this time. Space has (I hope) been found for just over twenty pieces of original work. Another fifteen have been awarded "commended" house points. Total number of contributions sent in (excluding all official reports) was eighty.

It will, I think, be seen that the literary quality of accepted contributions has improved, more so, perhaps, in verse than in prose; but I still feel that not enough serious effort is made to learn "hints of the proper craft: tricks of the tool's true play". To my mind, this can only be done by a proper study of the mechanics and architecture of good prose and verse. If the young writer has originality, it will be aided immeasurably, not stunted, by sitting for a while at the feet of the true craftsman. Too many today, assured of their own uniqueness, rush into every form of art - into music, painting, sculpture, writing, and foist upon us the amorphous or cacophonous monstrosities which we are dared to find lacking the vital fire. So often they lack qualities far more humble: form, logic, and sense; without which a wild imagination beats the air.

In many ways 1962 has been a pretty fair year. We did not perhaps specially distinguish ourselves in the last year of State Scholarships, but in academic work and in the manifold activities recorded in the following pages, the School gives evidence of continuing and abounding vitality.


THE School has lost several members of the Governing Body during the last few months; we record with sorrow the deaths of Mr. W. R. P. Ridgway and the Rev. Canon H. M. Harries, of whom more is written on another page. Mr. J. F. Bishop and Mr. C. H. Lockitt have resigned from the Governing Body, Mr. Lockitt on the occasion of his removal to Worthing; both have have been associated with the School for many years, Mr. Bishop as a parent before becoming a governor, and have given us the benefit of their experience and wisdom on many occasions. Mr Lockitt, himself an ex-headmaster, was an indefatigable governor, and has hardly missed a single meeting, even those called at short notice, in all his years of office; many members of staff will recall his acute and pertinacious questioning of the candidates on "short lists". 'We wish them all health and happiness, and assure them of the welcome they will always find in the School.

To replace them we are glad to welcome Professor Asa Briggs, Alderman Miss Ann Dumbrell, Mr. R. H. Lohoar and Mr. S. F. Mackinney. Mr. Lahoar's son, J. Lohoar, was head of School in 1957, and he himself has been a friend and helper of the School for many years. Professor Briggs is no stranger to us since last Speech Day; we are happy to form this link with the new University of Sussex, and honoured to have as a governor one internationally famous in the worlds of scholarship and education. Miss Dumbrell's nominations as our governor and as Mayor of Lewes take effect almost simultaneously; we congratulate her, and hope that neither duty will take too much of her time from the other.

The staff also bears a new look, almost one-fifth of the number having changed within the last twelve months. Messrs P. Jackson, B. A. Pratt, J. Rowell, D. J. Small, A. Summerfield and D. Davies have left us to take up a various array of teaching posts in other schools, and we welcome instead Messrs M. B. Holman, A. M. Hughes, E. M. Keen, P. A. McCourt, C. E. P. Simpson, K. C. Venables and D. G. R. Walker. Most of these are at the beginning of their career; Mr. Simpson already has behind him a lifetime of service in the Royal Navy, in which he achieved a distinguished war record and the rank of Commander. We are also fortunate to have the help of a well-known commercial artist, Mr. Peter Probyn, in expanding the work of the Art Department.

Congratulations to various members of the School on their achievements: T. Drake, J. Grinsted and P. J. Whitfield on State Scholarships; M. P. Sadler on winning one of the five L'Alliance Francaise Essay prizes (nine days in Paris), out of nearly one thousand competitors; T. Drake on being selected for the England Schoolboys' Rugby Football team which played similar teams from Wales and France last Easter; M. J. Meardon on being selected for the Sussex team at the All England Schools Athletic Championships for 1962.

The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh visited Lewes briefly on the l6th July, 1962, the first Royal visit to the town for over 130 years; the School lined part of the route taken by Her Majesty on leaving the Town Hall for Newhaven.

On 24th November, the second Fete in aid af the School swimming pool fund was held at the School. In spite of forbiddingly cold and wet weather conditions, a huge crowd of parents and supporters of the School turned up. They swept the hall of its bargains in a short time, patronized the numerous sideshows and displays run by the members of forms in their form rooms, and refreshed themselves at the rival booths selling tea and hot dogs respectively, to such effect that a net profit for the fund of almost £600 was raised: an even greater sum than last year's magnificent total. Happy is the school that can evoke such massive efforts for its causes. A further note on the work on the pool appears in this number. During the year various sections of the School have heard visiting speakers, including Mr. A. A. Wise on "India Today", enlivened by his own fiIms, and Miss Beryl Northcott on "The Common Market", a summary af masterly lucidity: The sixth form were able to hear and question Canon L. John Collins, the Chairman of C.N.D., on the aims of his movement, after he had preached in chapel on 29th October, and on another occasion to hear a. stimulating account of scientific method from Professor R. J. Blin-Stoyle, Professor of Physics at the University of Sussex: There has also been a series of lectures on the prospects in different careers, which during the year covered the Army, the Church, the Law, the Steel Industry, Chartered Surveying and Engineering. It is hoped to repeat a similar series at intervals of two years, so that all members of the fifth and sixth forms can form a general picture af the openings available to them.

Most of the senior school will remember the period before the completion of the School chapel, when the School attended a weekly service in Southover Parish Church. They will, therefore, learn with regret of the retirement of the Rector, the Rev. Douglas Matthews. We are most grateful for his cooperation over many years in making this service possible, and wish both the Rector and Mrs. Matthews many happy years of retirement in Hailsham.

On 24th October the School participated in a performance of a medieval morality play, "Noyes Fludde", set to music by Benjamin Britten. This was a large-scale venture organised by Mr. F. E. Tandy, involving all the Secondary Schools of East Sussex in two separate productions, one at Hove Parish Church in which we participated, and one in Bexhill Parish Church. The School provided two of the soloists, Humphrey Gilbert and Christopher Lisk, who sang the parts of Japhet and Shem, Clifford Lauer, who played prima in the piano duet, John Gorrett and Andrew Sutherland in the orchestra, and a large number of animals in the chorus. Each animal made his own head-dress, under :the direction of Mr. Toy; our own contributions were highly decorative, the giraffes in particular being so successful that they were requisitioned to perform in the Bexhill performance also. The production was a memorable visual and musical experience for all who participated, whether as performers or members of the congregations.

The School enjoyed a Piano recital by Miss Mitzi Lawton on the l2th October; we have also recently sent parties to a performance of "Swan Lake" by the Royal Ballet at Brightan and to an instructive orchestral concert conducted by Mr. Archie Camden, which was arranged by the Education Authority at Lewes Secondary School. A final cultural note: on the last day of the Autumn term the School was entertained by a vintage British film, "Whisky Galore".

In addition to the achievements of old Lewesians listed in the Speech Day programme, we congratulate S. G. Fleet (1952-55) on being elected to a Fellowship at Fitzwilliam House, Cambridge, and thus becoming the first O.L. Fellow at any Oxford or Cambridge College; B. S. Greenfield (1950-58) on graduating from Leeds University with honours in Russian and German; J. R. Sandercock (1953-61) on his membership of the first Oxford University Basketball team to whom Half Blues have been awarded for their match against Cambridge; and D. F. R. Wicks (1936-41) on being invited to sing a principal part in the current Covent Garden production of "Die Meistersinger", and to take part in the forthcoming Glyndebourne season.


THE annual Speech Day and Distribution of Prizes took place in the School Hall on Friday, l6th November. Our guest speaker was Professor Asa Briggs, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of Sussex University. In a lively and witty address, the Professor sought, as presumably an historian should, to shed light on our present educational problems by seeking illumination from the past. He quoted from Roger Ascham (or was it Thomas Fuller?) a delightfully down-to-earth diviation of boys into their four eternal categories: clever-industrious; clever-lazy; dull-industrious; and dull-lazy, and that pedagogue's terse and salty comments on each type. What emerged, when the Professor had done, was that, howsoever the world wags, human nature remains much the same and demands roughly the same basic treatment, if the spirit is to do anything with us.

Mrs. Briggs charmingJy gave away the prizes and endured all the handshaking; and the formal part of the ceremony closed with an outstandingly successful vote of thanks - witty, well-timed and apt - by John Beal, the School Captain.


T. R. Drake - J. E. Grinsted - P. J. Whitfield


(Subject names denote Distinction)
M J Alcock, R. Daniel, D. G. N. English, T. A. Facey, C. C. Gearing, J. E. Grinsted (Chemistry and Biology), C. D. Hoggins (Physics), D. Jackson (Physics), M W. Jones, G. Kershaw, J. R. Lea, A. W. MacAdie, J E Turner, M. C. E. Waight, C. J. White, M. G. White, P J. Whitfield (Biology), A. M. Woodward (Biology), F. G. Howard, B. K. Fears, J. E. Taylor, B. J. Baker, A. J. Breese, D. W Cottingham, R. H Phillips, D. A. Stenning, M. R. Baker, J. M. Beal, T R. Bleach, E. F. Cann, G. Champaklal, P. J. Clark (English Literature), T. R. Drake (English Literature and History), D. E. Hurst (English Literature), H. M. Rix, J. C. White, J. C. Hide.

A. J. Barford, R. C. Booth, B. J. Clifton, D. E. Colbourne, T. G. Coleman, I. A. Drummond, J. E. Etherton, D. A. Everest, T. W. Greenfield, P. F. Haden, H. J. Hampton, M. Herbert, C. J. Hodges, D. R. Hughes, J. F. Iles, W. E. Jones, C. A. Lauer, J. A. Livingston, R. McHugh, D. R. McLean, R. D. Meyer, T. Moon, P. Mullin, P. J. Murphy, M. G Nash, J. R. A. Noakes, B. D. Phillips, K. C. Sharp, W. H. Southerden, P. R. Waight, J. M. Watmore, J. R. Wilson, R H. Woodroffe, P. R. Ansell, D. J. Blackwell, R. S. Bliss, T. Borroughs, J. E. Cloke, R. P. Curry, G. P. Gladden, H. J. Green, P. Hall, P. R. Hill, J. E. Hunt, J. G. Langston, K. J. Lawson, A. R. Morris, T. D. Neill, I. D. Page, R. M. Parker, P. A. Reeves, N. R. Richards, N. Richardson, M. J. Robards, S. R. R. Smith, T. A. Stephens, N. B. Stickells, D. G. Swan, A. R. Wilkinson, C. J. Yarrow, H. J. Masters, J. A. Barnard, P. Cantell, I. D. Coates, R. D. Hames, D. W. Harrison, R. Peasgood, R. J. Pople, M. H. Shopland, G. P. Smith, M. J. Stepney, R. S. Trask, N. O. Williams.


J. J. Greenland - - Scholarship on Modern Languages, Brasenose College, Oxford.
M. P. Sadler - - Demyship in Modern Subjects, Magdalen College, Oxford.
M. J. Alcock - - University of Reading (Agriculture).
M. D. Burley - - London School of Economics, University of London.
D. J. Charman - - St. Edmund's Hall, Oxford (Geography).
E. Daniel - - University of Leicester (General Science).
E G Dixon (1955-1960) - - London School of Economics, University of London.
N. R. Hodges - - Westminster Hospital Medical School, University of London.
C. D. Hoggins - - University of Nottingham (Mechanical Engineering).
D. E. Hurst - - University of Southampton (Economics).
D. Jackson - - Queen Mary College, University of London (Physics).
G. Kershaw - - Queen Mary College, University of London (Mechanical Engineering).
A. J. Kyrke (1957-59) - - University College, University of London (History).
B. J. Knight - - University of Reading (German).
J. M. Price - - Imperial College of Science, University of London (Physics).
J. Punter - - University of Edinburgh (Engineers).
R. Reeves - - Imperial College of Science, University of London (Physics).
N. R Thorp - - St. Edmund Hall, Oxford (Modern Languages).
C. J. White - - Sir John Cass College, University of London (Chemistry).
J. C. White - - London College of Estate Management, University of London.
M. G. White - - University of Leicester (Biology).
M. Wild - - Goldsmith's College School of Art, University of London.
A. M. Woodward - - University of Southampton (Zoology).

B. K. Fears - - Loughborough College of Technology.
J. R. Lea - - Loughborough College of Technology.
J. E. Turner - - Northern Polytechnic.

A. J. Breese - - - Loughborough Training College.
M. C. E. Waight - Loughborough Training College.
D. M. Tredrea - - Winchester Training College.

N. O. Williams - C. J. Yarrow


W. G. Haggar (1935-40). Awarded M.B.E. in the Birthday Honours List, June, 1962.
D. W. Shrubb (1950-58). lst Class in Part II of the Mechanical Sciences Tripos, Cambridge.
J. R. Sandercock (1954-60). lst Class in Honour Moderations in Natural Science; Oxford.
J. R S. Whittle (1953-61). lst Class in Preliminary Examinations and Exhibition in Natural Science, Churchill College, Cambridge.
P. J. Q. English (1953-61). lst Class in Preliminary Examination in Natural Science, Cambridge.
B. S. Greenfield (1950-57). Honours in Russian and German, University of Leeds.
N. Silk (1952-60). Selected for O.U.R.F.C. Team versus Cambridge, 1961.


School Prizes
LEWES R.F.C. PRIzE - - T. R. Drake
SERVICE PRIZES - - P. J. Whitfield, T. A. Facey, P. L.Muddell
THE "HOARE" CUP (Uckfield House) - - B. J. Knight

VI3 Mod. - - J. J. Greenland.
VI.A Sci. - - T. R. Drake.
VI.A Sci. - - Grinsted, P. J. Whitfield.
VI B Mod. - - A. Braid, G. Carey.
VI.B Sci. - - T. Christopher, F. Gard, M. Fuller, J. E. Hunt.
VI.C - - D. P. Allvey.
V.A Mod. - - B. Phillips, R. Hampton.
V.A Sci. - - J. Iles, M. Nash.
V.B - - D. Blackwell, G. B. Gladden.
V.C - - R. J. Pople, N. O. Williams,
IV.A - - R. C. Billingham, B. K. Russell.
IV.B - - A. Hughes, R. C. Hunt,
IV.C - - M G. Williams.
IV.G - - M. W. Drakeford.
III.A - - . R. J. Devenish, D. Jeans.
III.B - - M. Gurr.
III.C - - G. Hunt, K. Hunt.
II.A - - P. R. Best, P. Miles.
II.B - - R. K. Bristow.
II.C - - W. Bartholomew.
I.A - - W. B. Gillett.
I.B.1 - - H. J. Waters.
I.B.2 - - P. A. Jones.

Povey Work Shield - - Lewes House
Bradshaw Games Shield - - Seahaven
Henderson-Oliver Cross-Country Cup - - Lewes House
Wilfrid Thompson Athletic Cup - - Seahaven House
Innes Swimming Cup - - Lewes House
Blunden Junior Games Cup - - Martlets House
Champaklal Tennis Cup (A new award) - - Seahaven House
Sinfield Swimming Cup - - I. Drummond


AFTER a lapse of several years, the Old Lewesian Association has once more become active. Many Old Lewesians have expressed their regret that this vital link between the School and its old members had ceased to exist, and the enjoyment felt by all who attended the presentation to Mr. Bradshaw on his retirement was great enough to justify an attempt at starting afresh.

A special general meeting was held at the School on the 28th July, 1962, which about a hundred Old Lewesians from all parts of the country attended. The Association was re-formed with an annual subscription of five shillings (or £1 for five years), and the following committee members were elected :-

I. Wycherley, Green Bank, Rotten Row, Lewes.
K. Geering, 1 de Montford Road, Lewes.
V. H. Maywood, 26 Nevill Road, Lewes.
J. L. Fanner (Headmaster), R. S. Green, R. E. Brickell, J. R. Sandercock,
C. M. Britchfield, R. H. Fuller, C. R. Kelley, J. W. Hersee, S. G. Fleet.

After the business proceedings were over, refreshments were served in the hall and many old friendships were revived and new ones made, while O.L.s who had not visited the School for several years were able to see the chapel, the progress made on the swimming pool, and the other recent additions to the School buildings.

It was decided to hold two functions a year, a winter dinner at London and a summer meeting at the School.

The dinner was held on 9th February at "The Victoria", opposite Victoria Station, where over fifty O.L.s whose leaving dates ranged from 1934 to 1962, enjoyed a convivial evening. Mr. Bradshaw and Mr. Jarvis attended as guests of the Association, and the School was represented by the Headmaster and Mr. Tayler; illness unfortunately kept away Col Styles, the Chairman of the Governors, as well as Mr. Hoggins and Mr. Gourlay. The organizer of the feast, R. S. Green (1930-34), proposed the toast of "Absent Friends", and Squadron-Leader E. S. Gates, D.F.C. (1933-40) proposed "The School", to which the Headmaster replied. Mr Bradshaw, in reminiscent vein, proposed "The Old Lewesians Association", on behalf of which the Chairman replied. A pleasant series of conversations followed, and all present hoped that this would be the first of many such annual gatherings.

Provisional arrangements for the Autumn meeting are that it will be held at the School towards the end of September, commencing with a service in the chapel, followed by the Annual General Meeting, refreshments and informal talk. It is hoped to arrange a rugger match against the School in the afternoon.

The difficulties of maintaining an active Old Lewesian Association are great.; the majority of Old Boys leave the district, and most of them are now scattered widely over the country and abroad; while the nucleus, who live in or near Lewes and provide the mainspring of the activities of such an Association, is small in .number. It is all the more important therefore that all Old Boys should join the Association and should make every effort to come to at least one meeting a year; only in this way can such an Association flourish.


WORK on the swimming pool renovations is now almost complete and the necessary money has almost all been raised; the final account from the contractor is not yet to hand, but will probably amount to a few hundred pounds. As may be seen from the balance sheet below, we would have been in difficult straits to meet the accounts in time had it not been for a most generous interest-free loan of £500 from a friend of the School who prefers to remain anonymous; his generosity has insured that all accounts can be met immediately with a small reserve for the necessary extra expenditure. The loan can then be paid off in the course of the next eighteen months or two years by further efforts from the School.

The largest single contribution to the Fund is the grant from the East Sussex County Council, which just covers (as it is designed to do) the purchase and installation of the chlorination and filter plant necessary to conform with modern standards of hygiene. Almost equally large, however, is the sum raised by the School's own efforts, principally from the last two magnificently successful Christmas fetes. Donations by parents, Old Lewesians, and other friends and well-wishers of the School, amount to a valuable total; many parents carried out ingenious money-raising schemes which are too numerous to record in full, but the School is deeply indebted to them for the devotion they have shown in its interests.

The School itself is engaged on raising the remainder of the money by voluntary weekly contributions from individual boys; with an all-round response, this method will rapidly close the account.

The filtration plant was provided by Messrs T. W. Barfoot Ltd. of Seaford, a name well known to the School throughout successive generations, the building work was carried out by the Ringmer Building Works, and the designer and supervisor of the whole work was Mr. David Ashdown, B.Arch., R.I.B.A. In addition to the plant, it includes the provision of washing, lavatory and first aid facilities, a covered changing room and the re-paving of the whole surround of the pool.

The grass bank has been turfed and the south side closed in with a close-boarded fence by the County Architect, and it is hoped to complete the renovations by the planting of some shrubs during the spring.


"DON'T pick on me; I don't cause any, trouble in chapel. I don't take any part, but you can't grumble at that." This is a ridiculous and selfish attitude. Worship is a corporate act and if some boys refuse to participate they are depriving others of the chance to worship in any full sense, not to mention those few who deliberately whisper and cause a disturbance so that others find it difficult to concentrate. Completely self-centred, they have not even the sense to see whether there might not be something in the claims of Christ which would affect themselves. The hymns are sung with little feeling by a large proportion; too few listen to the prayers and make them their own; the Lord s Prayer is whispered apologetically or mumbled meaninglessly, and the preacher or reader rarely has the full attention of all the congregation. These remarks are aimed primarily at the seniors, but not exclusively so. How can anyone benefit from the chapel if he puts nothing into it?

This year constant attempts have been made to vary, inspire and invigorate the services as much as possible. Let me express right away our gratitude and indebtedness to Mr. Gem, who is now supervising chapel arrangements with the Headmaster, and who has brought a new spirit into chapel affairs and is trying to make Christianity applicable to this generation and the needs of the contemporary situation. The form of afternoon service has sometimes been altered and various experiments have been tried. One afternoon the Headmaster and Mr. Gem read extracts from the "Screwtape Letters", another was devoted to hearing about the cogent and dynamic force which has often been the outcome of religious experience. Besides hearing the Headmaster and a number of the masters, we have benefited from the intellectual arguments of three Cuddesdon College ordinands, the definite views of Canon Collins of St. Paul's; the experience of the Headmaster of Harrow and four school chaplains, the views of a Quaker and a Unitarian, and another stirring address from the Rev: Donald Carpenter. The Rev. David Stevens was warmly welcomed back to preach to the juniors.

The Parents' Carol Service, a service after Speech Day and one before the "Soiree Francaise" have made the chapel available to people outside the School. A collection held for the "Save the Children" Fund raised £31.

The chapel is being used more and more, and some members of the School are now taking more of a leading role, including playing the organ. Four prefects, G. J. Carey, R. J. Gregory, D. P. Highwood and A. J Braid, have been made Prefects of Chapel, to help in its organisation and discipline and to take the lead in activities in which boys participate. The Morning Service, short and direct, usually given by the Headmaster and Mr. Gem, is, on Fridays, left to a member of the Sixth Form. .On Thursday evenings for a few minutes after school, a regrettably small number meet together for prayer in a very calm and conducive atmosphere which I hope more people will come to enjoy. These prayers are usually led by members of the School. During Christian Unity Week, lunch time services were held in the chapel every day and led by G. J. Carey. Indefatigable where chapel is concerned Carey has taken on himself much of the long and often tedious work behind the scenes such as keeping the records and writing notices; he it is who organises those who take the service; he has given the juniors a sermon and is the guiding spirit in much that is done. On Tuesday at lunch time the Bible is studied in the vestry under the direction of Mr. Pope and Mr. Hughes.

The chapel is in fact quite alive, but in what state of health? That depends on the School, many of whom persist in regarding it with lethargic scepticism. My prayer is that the School will use the chapel, and every other means, to explore this Christianity, for it may give their lives a new meaning and purpose, may show them the truth, may fill the gap and make them complete, fulfilled men.


WHILST discussing some aspects of religion in a Sixth form debate last term, I put forward a theory of man eventually struggling through ignorance to perfection and, on reaching his goal, becoming God himself. I was told in a hushed voice that it was arrogant to suppose that we should ever be able to attain perfection without the help of God. I disagree. How much more arrogant it is to suppose that merely by continually offering prayers to a God and by obeying the laws of society, we will, at the end of our lives, be spirited away to a happy, perfect mode of being. May we be so arrogant as to suppose that out of all the faiths on this earth, Christianity is the final word? May we dare to suggest that out of all the solar systems in our galaxy, and out of all the galaxies in the universe, our way of life is the be-all and end-all, and that by whimpering humbly on our knees for forgiveness for our sins and for assistance from God, we are fulfilling a divine will?

The feeling of security attained through belief in an Altnighty Power is a false one, and a hindnance to progress. Which is the nobler action; to convert other nations with a view to more happy people in heaven, or to convert other nations with a view to a Millenium on this earth, a well-ruled, realistic society, controlled BY MAN FOR MAN? Surely the solution is to delete God as an Almighty, controlling power, and substitute God as a representation of Man as he will eventually became. For only by hacking away the delusions of an after life of bliss can we awake to the reality of the hard struggle ahead. Slowly, inexorably slowly, Mankind is uniting; a good example of this is the vast reduction in the numbers of the tribes in Europe to form into nations, nations which are now uniting further into larger, more viable units.

The first step is completed when our world becames one nation, one ideal. Then comes the thrust outward, the gradual absorption of our system of worlds, thence spreading outwards through the universe; and when at last the limits are reached, there lies our Heaven, and God is the Spirit of Man.

This, however, lies a very, very long way ahead indeed. It took the dinosaur 20,000,000 years to discover that they could not adapt themselves to this world, let alone to the universe, and we have only been in existence 500,000 years. But the challenge is there; it could, and in my humble opinion will be, accepted by homo sapiens, and we must not let a fear of reality drive us into the security of an all-powerful image. For as surely as the sun god ceased to exist for our ancestors when they came to understand its place and function, so our God will cease to exist when we become perfect.
P. WAIGHT, VI.B.MOD. (Seahaven).


AS has been the case on the railways themselves, the last year has seen many changes in the way the Club is run. This was inevitable because of its experimental nature, but after trying several systems the present one seems to work very well.

By the beginning of 1962 the Club had been organised into two sections, each section meeting on alternate Tuesdays. Carey (6A) was in charge of the "live" railway section, while I (Fuller) became responsible for the model railway section. During the Easter term the real. railway section heard about the railways seen an the previous year's German trip, were given valuable hints on railway photography by our President, Mr. Ives, saw membeis' colour slides and photographs, and films loaned by the Bluebell Railway. A joint effort was the successful railway quiz, run on a house basis and won by Uckfield, and both sections saw British Transport Commission films and filmstrips. The model railway section held a modelling competition (railway models made by members), put questions to a model railway "Brains Trust", heard about "Basic Station Layout Design" and listened to a sequence of ten-minute talks.

Following on from the experiences of this term it was decided to discontinue the separate sections and to form once more as one complete unit. Under this new arrangement, Carey assumed responsibility for outings, Seagrave (6A) became notice-board editor, and I took over the Chairmanship of the Club.

During the holidays and in the Summer Term, several outings were organised, including trips to Brighton Motive Power Depot, London (for the "Modern Railway Exhibition"), Bournemouth, and Lancing Carriage Works and Eastleigh Locomative Works and Motive Power Depot. At the time of writing a trip to Three Bridges Depot is in the offing and a day's outing to Swindon is being planned far Easter, 1963.

In the Autumn Term we had a full programme of meetings which included a photo competition judged by Mr. Ives and followed by a showing of some more of his large photorgraphic collection, another railway quiz and an evening entitled "A Selection of Slides", taken and shown by Seagrave. Several talks were given of which the most prominent was one by Mr. Mitchener, the Stationmaster at Crowborough and Jarvis Braok, whose subject was the development and working of signalling. Various members contributed talks on places of railway interest which they had recently visited, including Oxford, South Devon, the Romney, Hythe and Dymchurch Railway and the Model Railway Hobby Show, 1962.

The model railway enthusiasts again came into their own on the day of the School Sale (November 24th) when four working railway layouts, an operating model car layout, a railway slide show, and appropriate sound effects transformed Room 21 into a miniature Clapham Junction. By the end af the afternoon 343 people had visited us and our net receipts were £9 3s. 7d.

We ended the term with three talks under the title "Oddities and Anecdotes", which were concerned with the lighter, more humorous side of railway operation. We, too will have our own anecdotes about the Club's activities, for there can be no doubt that during the year we have made mistakes; but it is equally true that we have been successful in most things and have established ourselves well and truly. You will notice that I keep on referring to "we"; this is deliberate, for the Club could not exist without the efforts of all its members, spearheaded by the driving force of the committee, Coombs (6A), Seagrave, Carey, Moon 5A), Robbins (5C) and myself. With their backing and with more help from the younger members I am convinced that we can achieve what is our next object, to double our membership.


THE Senior Science Club, senior now meaning 4th forms upwards, had another interesting year of meetings under the Chairmanship of Mr. Hoggins. Talks by members of the School, both boys and masters, constituted the main portian of the year's programme, these including: "The Internal Combustion Engine", given by Kershaw; "A Symposium on Insects", compiled by MacHugh and several co-workers; "The Work of the Patents Office", by Mr. Robinson; "Penicillin", by Mr. Hughes; "The Piltdown Forgery", by Messrs Davey and Hoggins.

A visit was made to the automatic telephone exchange in Lewes, and the remaining meetings were taken up with films : "Transistors", "The Rival World", "Hydrocarbon Story", and "Colour Today".

December 1962

THIS substitute for the annual House Plays earns unstinted praise. The organisers (hard to put a finger on them but it seems likely that Messrs Beal and Hughes were the chief perpetrators) deserve the heartiest congratulations of the School on their outstanding production: lively, tempo never slacking, stimulating, and at times downright funny, it was genuine entertainment. And oh, isn't it pleasant to be entertained at the end of a long, long term? No morals needed to be pointed, no tender consciences pricked, no one need feel stunned by the condition of the producers or authors; just old-fashioned (but eternally new) fun.

It's hard to remember detail as one sketch succeeded another rapidly and with sufficient contrast to its predecessor to keep the excitement going at a high level. It seems invidious, too, to pick out any particular sketch for special mention, but the School will certainly remember that superb caricature by Drake of an imaginary preacher: a bit coarse but a wonderful parody." This superb Assembly Hall - I mean it quite sincerely - will long be remembered."

The "Don Tyrell Girls" gave us an excellent foretaste of what was to come: high kicking strapping young maidens they were, too ! Then the industrial dispute sketch followed: Dords of Fagenham, I think it was, very well done ."Waiting under a lamp-post" was first-rate; Waight has been the fetching young lady so often and successfully he's almost type-cast! The "Brookland Brothers", miming to a record was very well applauded and deserved it: Hughes and Parker did a difficult job here very amusingly. Beal's "solo" followed, including his western saloon fight with an imaginary opponent : very difficuly to do this effectively but it came off. That old favourite " The ghosties to the woman. said" wound up the first half of the programme and was good, though I thought the final shriek could have been louder.

During and after the interval we had Curry, Hill and Perry on electric guitars, plus Curry junior on the drums (well, one drum, anyhow); first-rate they were, too! In "In Town Tonight" Bleach excelled as the pop-singer. Hughes was a very convincing Hans Hass (pity he'd lost Lottie!); Parker was an amusing Liverpudlian comic, and Beal conducted a very funny interview with two disgruntled Aussie cricketers (Parker and Hughes). A skit on "Biggles" followed, made, for my part, by Hughes's interjections from the wings. Bignall "pulled" himself successfully and entertainingly round the traverse curtain. Then Hitler (Bleach) and Chamberlain (Hughes) met at the Berghof : very good material this was, but as there was no dialogue perhaps it went on a little too long. Hughes and Morling led the "Glass of Water" sketch and its inevitable but humorous ending was well timed. The proceedings ended with a fine burlesque on a "Speech Day" - at an entirely fictional school, of course! Written by Drake it was the most ambitious and longest of the sketches, and excellent fun it was! The "headmaster" (Anderson) read his report (very pithy) in the face of constant interruption from a disreputable and obstreperous "governor" (Parker). Bleach showed his virtuosity (I wonder why he never volunteers for the School play!) by appearing as the guest speaker - "Field-Marshal Montmorency, of Colamine' , and he was quite first-class. Nice to see the two "guest stars" , Sadler and Pearmain treading the boards where they have won such glory. All in all a jolly good show - "and I mean it-quite sincerely!"

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